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  一、And 并列关系

  (and)in addition/and/similarly/likewise/as well as/besides/furthermore/also/moreover/too/not only ... but/even/besides this/that

  二、Sequence 顺序 (then)


  first/initially/second etc./to begin with/then/next/earlier/later/following this/that/afterwards

  三、Consequence 结果 (so)


  as a result/thus/so/therefore/consequently/it follows that/thereby/eventually/in that case/admittedly

  四、Contrast 转折 (but )


  however/on the other hand/despite/in spite of/though/although/but/on the contrary/otherwise/yet/instead of/rather/whereas/nonetheless/in contrast

  1. for one thing, for another, above all things;

  2. to begin/start with, next/besides/moreover, last/finally;

  3. in the first place, in the second, in the third, (and) best of/worst of all; 4. one of these, another,(there is) still another(reason/factor);

  1. 首先;其次;重要的是;

  2. 首先;然后/此外/而且;后;

  3. ,首先;第二;第三;好的是/糟糕的是;

  4. 其中一个;另一个;还有一个(原因/因素);

  五、Certainty 确定 (of course)


  obviously/certainly/plainly/of course/undoubtedly

  六、Condition 条件/ 因为 (if )


  if/unless/whether/provided that/Given that /for/so that/whether/depending on

  七、Time 时间 (when)

  before/since/as/until/meanwhile/at the moment/when/whenever/as soon as/just as

  八、Summary 总结 (in a word)


  in conclusion/in summary/lastly/finally/to sum up/to conclude/to recapitulate 重述/in short/in a word

  九、Example 举例 (for example)

  for example/for instance/just as/in particular/such as/namely 也就是

  十、Reason 原因 (because)

  since/as/so/because (of)/due to/owing to/the reason why/in other words/leads to/cause


  1. but, but on the contrary, but on the other hand, but then;

  2. by contrast, in contrast, in contrast with/to, as a contrast to, as opposed to;

  3. by contraries, on the contrary, to the contrary, contrary to (A), opposite to, in opposition to;

  4. whereas, while, while on the other hand, while on the whole, yet, however;

  5. (as) compared with/to, by comparison, in comparison with, by comparison to

  6. First..., Next..., Last...;

  7. In the first / early / initial / infant period / stage / phase(或In its infancy)..., In the second / middle / adult / ripe period / stage / phase..., In the third / last / closing / later / concluding period...;

  8. One step (way/course/approach/secret/trick)..., Another step..., Still another step...;

  9. The first measure/step/move..., Next to it comes..., And the last/final/the most important measure...;

  10. The direct experience/lesson/factor/way(或One lesson)... The indirect experience/lesson/factor/way(或The other lesson)...


  1. 但是;但相反地;但另一方面;但是接下去;

  2. 通过对比;经过对比;经与…对比;作为与…的对比;作为…的对照;

  3. 相反;相反;相反;与A相反;与…相反;与…相反;

  4. 然而;然而;然而另一方面;然而整体而言;然而;然而;

  5. 跟…相比

  6. 首先…;其次…;后…;

  7. 在个/早期/开始/婴儿时期/阶段;在第二个/中间/成人/成熟时期/阶段;在第三个/后/结束/后面的阶段;

  8. 一个措施/方法/做法/秘密/计策是…;另一个措施是…;还有一个措施是…;

  9. 个措施是…;接着是…;后一个/重要的措施是…;

  10. 直接经验/教训/因素/途径是(一个教训是)…;间接经验/教训/因素/途径是(另一个教训是)… 雅思写作对比转折句型

  1. But the obvious (fatal/serious) flaw (defect/drawback) in their argument (attitude/idea/view/action/behavior) is that.../But the basic (main/great/key/ big) problem with their argument (...) is that...

  e.g. ...that they are ignorant of (blind to) a bare fact: Social changes have attached new meanings and values to the division between good and bad.

  2. But if...it is (not) easy (difficult/hard) to see (find/discover) that ... e.g. But if they adjust their frame of mind a little in the other direction , it is not hard for them to find that life is just as promising as before.

  3. Too much emphasis (attention/stress/concern/significance) placed on (given to/focused on/attached to/paid to) the negative (sunny/gloomy/bright) side of the issue, however, may...(如mislead/confuse/cloud/bias/disturb our judgment of it.)A

  e.g. ..., however, may mislead us to form a pessimistic estimate of current situations.或..., however, may stop us from rendering (passing/forming/having) a fair (correct/clear/infallible/wise) judgment on it.

  4. But in most cases/from the point of view of justice (objectivity)/as a matter of fact/in a very true sense, their (public/general) satisfaction

  (dissatisfaction/disillusionment/concern) with...(或their criticism of.../their argument for/against.../their objection to.../their approval for...)can not.../is..., for...

  e.g. But in an impartial sense, the public dissatisfaction can not hold every water, for our society is still abundant in goodness and beauty.

  5. As a result of..., however, things would/are bound to...

  e.g. As a result of such an utter indifference to vicious behavior, however , things would be past saving/mending/all the hope.


  1. 但他们辩论/态度/观点/看法/行为中的明显/致命的/严重的缺点/缺陷是…;他们辩论的基本/大/主要问题在于…


  2. 但如果…很(不)容易/难发现…


  3. 然而,对问题负面/正面/阴暗面给予/集中/附加了太多的强调/注意/关注会…(如误导/混淆/掩盖/歪曲/干扰我们对它的判断)


  4. 但大多数情况下/从公正(客观)的角度来看/实际上/真正意义上,他们/公众/对…的满意/不满/幻灭/关注(或:他们对…的批评/他们对…辩解(辩驳)/他们对…的反对/他们对…的支持)不能…/是…,因为…


  5. 然而,作为…的结果,事情会注定…



  For the sake of…因为……的缘故In terms of…在……方面Likewise, / similarly / by the same token 同理In spite of…虽然,尽管As well as…以及(=and)Regardless of…不管(people are born equal regardless of race and color)As a result 结果In addition (to) 除……之外Like / unlike…像……一样In regards to…就……来咖啡,麦卡龙,咖啡馆,茶杯,茶点,饮料,读书,饮料,小吃,蒙大纳,弯曲的树,通心粉,耶稣典型例句1) These children are often spoilt, not in terms of love and attention because working parents do not have time for this, but in more material ways.2) Others think the true function of a university should be to give access to knowledge for its own sake, regardless of whether the course is useful to employers.3) Today, many elderly people prefer to live in the countryside for the sake of their health.范文例句精选

  1) For the sake of human beings’ health, we need to balance our diet so that it contains both meat and vegetables. (2016/3/12)为了人类的健康,我们需要平衡饮食结构,既要有肉类也要有蔬菜。2) Yet, rather than a simply personal issue, food is always also a social issue in terms of its production, distribution and consumption. (2017/9/21)然而,食品不仅仅是一个简单的个人问题,它在生产、分配和消费方面也往往是一个社会问题。3) Yet one issue is still in debate: to whom should the money of charity organisations go, exclusively to people who live in the same country as the organisations, or to all people regardless of where they live? (2016/8/20)然而,有一个问题仍在争论中:慈善组织的钱到底该用在谁身上,应该用于与机构同一国家的人呢,还是用于所有人,不管他们生活在哪?4) Unlike many worried parents who prefer to educate their kids at home, I believe school is the best place for kids' education. (2017/4/26)与那些忧心忡忡宁愿在家教育孩子的父母不同,我相信学校才是教育孩子的最佳地方。5) In conclusion, teenagers’ ability to tell right from wrong is important to themselves as well as the entire society.(2018/7/28)总之,青少年辨别是非的能力对他们自己和整个社会都很重要。

  必备雅思写作连接词分享 起承转合一气呵成


  First/firstly/first of all/ to begin with/to start with/ in the first place,

  First and foremost;For one thing(… for another);On the one hand(…on the other)


  Second/secondly;Third/thirdly;Besides/in addition/ in addition to…;Furthermore/what is more/moreover;Namely/ in other words;In the same way/similarly/likewise;Afterwards/ after that/ after a while;Consequently/as a consequence/as a result


  But/yet;However/Nonetheless/Nevertheless;On the contrary/conversely;Though/although/even though/even if;Unlike…. ,A…;Different from… , A….;In fact/ as a matter of fact,


  Finally/eventually/in the final analysis;In conclusion/to conclude;In short/In brief;In summary/ to sum up/in sum;As I have said/as has been noted;Given the fact that…., we can come to the conclusion that…


  In some countries, many more people are choosing to live alone nowadays than in the past. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?





  In recent years it has become far more normal for people to live alone,particularly in large cities in the developed world.

  (句型结构:It adj. for sb. to do sth. 后置状语补充,注意完成时has become;注意particularly的用法,举特例方便直接,类似especially但语气更强; in the developed world比in developed countries更地道;far more修饰normal代入感强)


  In my opinion, this trend could have both positive and negative consequences in equal measure.

  (句型结构:简单句 后置状语;虚拟语气could have;consequences高分词;in equal measure高分搭配)

  Main Paragraphs 1


  The rise in one-person households can be seen as positive for both personal and broader economic reasons.

  (句型结构:被动 后置状语并列;主语the rise in one-person households替换more people choose to live alone,地道高分搭配准确;seen as语法得分点;personal & broader economic词汇得分点)


  On an individual level, people who choose to live alone may become more independent and self-reliant than those who live with family members.

  (句型结构:前置状语 主语who从句 谓语比较级 宾语who从句,高分复合句;self-reliant高分词,展示词汇量)

  3)举例论证 线性推理展开:独居年轻人需要学做饭,做家务,付账单,管账等重要的生活技能;这样的人增加了就是种正面的发展

  A young adult who lives alone, for example, will need to learn to cook, clean, pay bills and manage his or her budget, all of which are valuable life skills; an increase in the number of such individuals can certainly be seen as a positive development.

  (句型结构:主语从句 插入语 不定式并列 宾语all of which从句;简单分句 被动;valuable得分词;an increase语法得分点;such individuals指代准确,语法和词汇得分点)


  From an economic perspective, the trend towards living alone will result ingreater demand for housing.

  (句型结构:前置状语 后置定语 简单句;trend towards living搭配准确,词汇和语法得分点;result in学术搭配,词汇得分点;demand for housing词汇得分点)

  5) 举例说明展开:这样会让建筑公司,房产中介和其它依赖业主购买产品的公司获益。

  This is likely to benefit the construction industry, estate agents and a whole host of other companies that rely on homeowners to buy their products or services.

  (句型结构:简单句 宾语并列 宾语that从句;likely to benefit学术搭配,词汇得分点;construction industry & estate agents展示词汇量;rely on homeowners词汇得分点)

  Main Paragraph 2


  However, the personal and economic arguments given above can be considered from the opposite angle.

  (句型结构:转折 简单句被动;given above非谓语修饰,语法得分点;be considered from学术搭配,词汇语法得分点;the opposite angle词汇得分点)


  Firstly, rather than the positive feeling of increased independence, people who live alone may experience feelings of loneliness, isolation and worry.

  (句型结构:前置状语 主语从句 宾语并列;rather than无痕迹对比,语法和CC得分点;loneliness & isolation高分词)

  3)举例对比 论证展开:他们错过了家人或室友提供的对话和支持,还要承担过重的家庭账单和职责;这样来说,这个趋势就是负面的

  They miss out on the emotional support and daily conversation that family or flatmates can provide, and they must bear the weight of all household bills and responsibilities; in this sense, perhaps the trend towards living alone is a negative one.

  (句型结构:简单句并列 宾语从句 简单分句;miss out on地道搭配;emotional support, daily conversation & flatmates词汇加分点;bear the weight of高分搭配,词汇得分点;a negative one指代准确避免重复,语法得分点)


  Secondly, from the financial point of view, a rise in demand for housing is likely to push up property prices and rents.

  (句式结构:前置状语 简单句;the financial point of view替换an economic perspective;likely to push up学术搭配;property prices & rents词汇得分点)

  5)对比论证 说明展开:虽然让企业获益,但大众包括独居的人都要面临更高的居住成本

  While this may benefit some businesses, the general population, including those who live alone, will be faced with rising living costs.

  (句式结构:让步句 插入语补充 被动;be faced with地道搭配;rising living costs词汇得分点)



  In conclusion, the increase in one-person households will have both beneficial and detrimental effects on individuals and on the economy.

  (句式结构:总结 简单句 宾补;detrimental不利的,高分词,beneficial & detrimental替换positive & negative;两个on介词短语并列,语法得分点)


  TR: 两面观点完整回答问题,分论点详实有深度,首尾段观点总结到位,9分

  CC: 全篇结构清晰,整齐,行文连接通顺,易于理解,没有明显模板痕迹,9分

  LR: 词汇非常多样,同义替换到位,搭配地道准确,9分

  GA: 句型多变,复合句实用灵活,没有语法错误,9分

  (13 sentences, 306 words, band 9)



