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描写保护树木英语作文附中文 1

In a long time ago, there was a beautiful and rich forest kingdom, where the four seasons of flowers open, wild fruit hanging branches. Forest kingdom a rule: no disorderly cut down trees. Later, the old king died, dying son repeatedly asked: "is the patron saint of our forest. Cant change a special law, otherwise all monsters came back to harm us." But under a new king order: "cut off all of the trees, to build the new kingdom." Ministers tried to dissuade him but he was ignored. Heaven fall the tree rows, buildings stand towering buildings. Animals fleeing, trees become beams, doors and Windows and furniture. All sorts of demon attacks, people are crying. The people from their homes, and people around. The king sighed deeply, and collapsed on his throne. The forest kingdom will disappear in this way.

Here I realize how terrible thing it is arbitrary to cut down trees, we also have these things around you. When I was in grade two, in my house downstairs, there are several big brother, they put my house downstairs to dig out a small seedling with a shovel, and then beat its branches broken off bushes, let the above the leaves. Went to the garden to step on step on the grass green, also burn seedlings, the smoke made our true eyes open, makes us cant breathe.

I want to advice you that our beautiful home there is only one earth, protect trees, protects our homeland.




描写保护树木英语作文附中文 2

One day, pig dudu is playing happily. Suddenly, the ball flew to the top of the tree, come down. Doodle was worried! At that time, the elephant doug ran up and said: "du du, I use nose uprooted trees, you can get the ball." Say, doug will pull the tree with its nose. Doodle hurriedly motioning with his hand said: "no, no, to take care of the trees!" . At that time, lamb congcong ran for a saw with a sharp, said: "doodle, let me help you to saw a tree down, so you can get the ball." . Murry said, and with a saw saw a tree. Doodle hurriedly block, said: "no, no! To love trees!" .

Is everyone was in a hurry time, uncle crocodile came up: "I have a good idea, doug, you go to the pond water absorption, water spray down the ball, not line?" "Ok, how do I didnt think?" Doodle said. Doug hurriedly ran to the pond, and took a big saliva, spray to the tree. The ball down, finally we can happily together again to play the ball.



描写保护树木英语作文附中文 3

In my home in the back garden, there are many flowers.

The day before yesterday, I play in the garden, I saw many flowers are open. There is a flower is the most eye-catching: this is a pink peony flower, can see its bright at night, I like it the most. There is a Chinese rose, it is dark red, petals rolled back, looks very beautiful. In addition, there are some small white amaryllis and some yellow small wildflowers. I couldnt put it down on them.

The next day, I went to the garden again. This time, I not to play, but specifically to see peony. However, peony disappeared, leaving only bare stem and a few leaves. I hurry to go to the Chinese rose, but it was gone. I went to look at the flowers. They are many, but also is much less than before.

I hate the person who had the picking flowers, hate the man to do everything! If possible, I want to go to revenge him, I also dont say anything, that take the door, and I was headed to his those flowers, destroy them all, and Shouting, "you are my flower, you still we all flowers!" "Bang" shut the door, and roared off, leaving his remorse in the room.

Take good care of flowers and plants, everybody is responsible for. We all want to start from me, start from now, take good care of flowers and plants trees, protect our home!






描写保护树木英语作文附中文 4

Ladies and gentlemen,I want to say something about trees.As we know now trees are very important to human beings.First of all,they benefit our health.They send out oxygen for us to breathe.We cant live without trees.Secondly,trees can beautify our environment.

As trees are so important,we must do our best to protect them.We must enforce the tree protection laws.We must plant as many trees as possible.Only in this way can we live happily in the beautiful world.



描写保护树木英语作文附中文 5

Rest on Sunday, the sky was clear, white clouds float over the blue sky, a group of birds fly freely in the sky. Little red, xiao Ming and xiao gang to go to the park together, as they walked along, they sing the teacher teach their songs. In the park in a matter of moments.

A piece of beautiful scenery in the park trees green and flowers blooming colorful, there are purple, yellow, pink... Little red, xiao Ming and xiao gang was attracted by the view. Xiao Ming suddenly saw a small tree, dropping like fell, and heard the voice of the young trees crying, said: "help me! Help me!" Xiao Ming immediately called the little red and xiao gang said: "look, look young trees is coming, we should straighten trees. This is our young pioneers should do." Little red with xiao gang said: "good! We straighten trees." Xiao Ming found a piece ofre write love trees and then plugre used on the floor in front of the young tree. Little red found a few rope tied young trees are painfully. Xiao gang full head big sweat from the river to play water to help young trees watered. They looked at by centering the little extremely happy. They seem to hear the little tree says: "thank you!"

Trip to the park today, though very tired, but we have done a meaningful thing.




描写保护树木英语作文附中文 6

Each year, people burn or cut down 143,000 square kilometers (55,000 square miles) of the forest. People who burn or cut down trees do it for different reasons: farmers cut down trees in order to get more fertilize lands to grow rice or vegetables, and use the woods as fuel. Timber panies cut down trees and turn them into furniture or paper productions. As to goal miners, they remove the forests to find out whether there are goal underground.

However, many of us fail to realize that forests are the lungs of the earth. When we cut down trees, we also push ourselves in to a dangerous situation. That is the global warming. When you e to think about it, there are only few ways to solve these negative effects: stop cutting down trees blindly; try to find some clear energy that can replace oil and coal. But these solutions can be impractical to some degreed.

Why trees can be so important to the whole nature? First of all, trees are the habitat of many animals. When we cut down trees, we not only destroy animals’ habitats but also ourselves. We just gradually destroy natural links. The result is that many spices of animals and plants are dying out. Secondly, cutting down trees cause global warming, to some degree. Naturalists pare forest to human’s lungs. The forests absorb the carbon dioxide and other gas that cause global warming, and then give off the oxygen that good for the human beings and other living creatures. It’s refreshed the air as well as reduced the noise. If the air quality is bad, people may die from cancers, or the new diseases for which they have no immunity. Forests also play an important role in the prevention of natural disasters. Warmer temperatures cause water to expand and also create more water by melting polar ice caps. That’s to say, the nations which near the ocean may have been flooded by the water. But the forests can prevent water loss and soil erosion, and cool off the global temperatures. It’s the key to keep the balance of the nature.

Sometimes people only care about money making; they don’t care about the price we pay for the pollution. When the disaster is around the corner, we may be afraid and frustrated. The earth, on which our economies have always been based, is suddenly threatening our existence. All we hope that is this overpopulated, over industrialized planet can carry on for a longer time. And maybe, it’s time for us to realize that we should protect the earth, stop cutting down trees blindly and madly.





描写保护树木英语作文附中文 7

Flowers, plants, and trees not only beautify the environment but also protect the environment. But some people pick flowers, break branches, and trample on the lawn without any protection at all. What great benefits do flowers, plants, and trees bring us! It can absorb dust from the air and release the fresh air that the human body needs. They are precious treasures bestowed upon humanity by nature. Therefore, we need to protect flowers, plants, and trees.

When there are harmful substances in the air, flowers, plants, and trees can absorb them, preventing harm to the human body. So, as children, we need to protect flowers, plants, and trees. We need to start from ourselves, from everything around us, and encourage everyone around us to participate in activities to protect flowers, plants, and trees. Set up "Love Flowers, Plants and Trees" signs on the streets and alleys for everyone to participate in this activity. That way, no one will pick flowers, plants, and trees again. By then, our city will be a beautiful green city.

We need to protect flowers, plants, and trees, as they can bring us a green world.




描写保护树木英语作文附中文 8

Trees are our good friends as humans, and it is with them that our environment becomes more beautiful.

In spring, the small trees sprout tender buds, telling us that winter has come far away. In summer, under the dense shade of trees, bursts of childrens laughter can be heard. In autumn, the fruitful trees are showing us the joy of a bountiful harvest. In winter, dead branches fall from trees and people use them to make fires for warmth. Big trees are the main source of paper. After people cut down large trees, they turned them into sawdust, then ground them into pulp, and then made them into paper. After further processing, we have made the books and notebooks we currently use. Big trees can not only be made into books, but also purify the air! The exhaust from cars and buses is unbearable every day. And big trees have the function of purifying the air. It absorbs carbon dioxide and spits out air that is indeed necessary for our human survival. Big trees can withstand sandstorms and mudslides, keeping our homes away from disasters.

Ah, protecting trees is really important!




描写保护树木英语作文附中文 9

Today, I saw some uncles sawing tree branches. I asked my mother, "The trees are growing well, why do they want to cut off the branches?" My mother said, "The leaves are too lush, and in winter, they will evaporate a lot of water and nutrients, causing the trees to wither. In order to keep the trees alive, those gardener uncles sawed off some of the lush leaves to help them survive the cold winter."

I also found methods online to protect trees in winter, such as wrapping them with yarn and tying a knot, wrapping the tree trunk with grass and hemp rope, and wrapping plastic film around the roots. Trees, like us, need to wear warm clothes in winter. We must cherish trees and not let others destroy them. They are good helpers in purifying our air.



描写保护树木英语作文附中文 10

I have found that many people indiscriminately cut down trees, leaving birds without homes, damaging water resources, and causing sandstorms in various places. Therefore, I feel very heartbroken.

Trees have many benefits for humans: in summer, people can cool down under them. Trees can also absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen.

People cutting down trees in large numbers will leave many birds without homes, and birds that cannot fly will die.

People cutting down trees in large numbers can cause sandstorms to occur. Because the roots of the trees cannot be fixed in the wind and sand, when the wind blows, the sand will fly together. As a result, a sandstorm occurred.

People cutting down trees in large numbers can also damage water resources. After people cut down the trees, the water became muddy and could no longer be used. If there are trees, the water will be trapped by the roots and will not become muddy, and can be reused.

In order to eliminate sandstorms, protect water resources, and provide birds with a warmer and more comfortable home, lets protect trees.







描写保护树木英语作文附中文 11

Recently, I have noticed many people cutting down trees and using them to build houses.

The biggest characteristic of trees is to absorb carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. If it werent for the massive oxygen processing plant like trees, the oxygen on Earth would have been absorbed by various organisms long ago, and life would have ceased to exist.

The second skill of trees is noise reduction. Noise is a great enemy of humanity. It not only worries peoples conversation and communication, affects their rest, but also long-term noise effects can weaken hearing, and even cause abnormalities in the heart, blood pressure, and nerves. However, big trees stand at the forefront of anti noise. The big tree, holding hands, formed a series of "soundproof boards" that swayed in the wind, and the sound waves were dissipated as soon as they arrived.

The third skill of trees is to prevent soil erosion. Some people live on the mountains. When there are floods, if there are no trees, soil erosion will occur. Floods will also be washed down by stones, which will submerge crops. Stones will wash down houses, and only large trees can protect the soil and resist large stones.

Trees have great abilities! Lets protect the trees!






描写保护树木英语作文附中文 12

There is a lumberjack who is very greedy and always wants to make money.

On this day, the lumberjacks came to a tree and saw many precious tree species. So he brought an axe and leisurely smoked while waving the axe in his hand. With a loud bang, towering trees fell down one by one. Looking at the towering trees falling one after another, the woodcutters eyes flickered with the light of money, and a proud smile hung on the corner of his mouth. A woodpecker angrily flew onto the lumberjacks shoulder, using her pointed hook beak to peck at the lumberjacks wooden head, saying, "There must be insects in this piece of wood..."

Insects? What bug? Is it a greedy bug? Reckless logging for the sake of money without considering the consequences; Are you a selfish worm? Putting aside the pain of our motherland for personal gain; Are you an ignorant bug? I dont understand how to cherish all these resources and the importance of trees.

Cutting down trees is equivalent to cutting down ones own life. Trees are everyones good friends and have many uses, such as regulating the air; Reduce debris flow; Setting up homes for animals and so on. Classmates, lets protect the trees!





描写保护树木英语作文附中文 13

In order to make the world a better place and make us happier. As a primary school student, I suggest: we should protect trees, not peel their bark, and not swing on them. If conditions permit, we should try to plant trees as much as possible

Everyone knows that humans cannot do without trees everywhere, and trees are human friends. Building houses, bridges, and paving roads all rely on trees. The construction of the "Four Modernizations" also relies on a green treasure trove.

Do you know the benefits of planting trees? Let me tell you then! Trees can absorb carbon dioxide, exhale oxygen, and meet the needs of human life; Trees can store water, protect soil, and prevent wind and sand; Trees can reduce noise; Trees can also create a beautiful environment. Think about how comfortable it is to be in an environment with green trees, birds, and red flowers!

If there were no trees, the amount of carbon dioxide in the world would increase, causing sandstorms. How terrifying that would be!

In order to make our lives better and more vibrant, please protect the trees and prevent sandstorms from coming!



你们知道种树的好处吗?那就让我来告诉你吧!树木能吸收二氧化碳,呼出氧气,满足人类生活的需要;树木可以蓄水保土,防风固沙;树木可以降低噪音;树木还可以美好环境,想一想,在绿树、小鸟 、红花的环境中,是一件多么惬意的'事情啊!



