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六年级英语Unit 5 What does he do? PartB优秀

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六年级英语Unit 5 What does he do? PartB优秀教案

作为一名为他人授业解惑的教育工作者,总不可避免地需要编写教案,编写教案有利于我们弄通教材内容,进而选择科学、恰当的教学方法。写教案需要注意哪些格式呢?以下是小编帮大家整理的六年级英语Unit 5 What does he do? PartB优秀教案,欢迎阅读与收藏。

Unit 5 What does he do ?

The Third Period

( B Let’s try, Let’s talk )

Teaching aims:

Learning aids: self--made microphone

Teaching procedures:I Warm-up

1 Let’s chant.

2 Group students and encourage them to get stars.。II Preview

1 Play a guessing game.

T: He is tall and strong . He works at sea .He gets lots of fish every day. What does he do ?

Ss : He /She is a / an…

2 Let's try

Students listen to the tape and circle .

Check the answer together.

III、PresentationLet's talk1、T:"Mike and Xiao Yu are talking about a fisherman. Who’s this fisherman? What are Mike and Xiao Yu talking about? Let’s watch a cartoon.”

2、Students watch the flash and answer the questions above.

3、Divide the dialogue into two parts。

(1)Show these sentences of the first part on the screen.

Students read and write the answers on their book

Students repeat these questions: Where does he work? How does he go to work? Teacher asks a boy to write the answers on the blackboard: "He works at sea" , "He goes to work by bike."

Students follow the teacher to read this part.

Role play to read this part.Teacher shows the picture of the sea on the screen. The students make sentences with : I see...

(2)T:Swimming is healthy . Riding a bike is healthy , too. Mike’s Uncle has a healthy lifestyle.

( 3 ) Lead in the second part.

Teacher teaches the pronunciation of "stay" by pronunciation classification.

Group work: ______is / are healthy for us.

The teacher gives some tips. Students practice in 4.

4、Return to the wholeness again.

The teacher plays the flash , students watch together.(5)Play the tape, students repeat.

T: Pay attention to pronunciation and intonation.

(6)Pair work : Practise this dialogue.

Role--play .

Choose the role they like, and role play between boys and girls.IV、Consolidation and Extension

1、Show pictures of different jobs, students enjoy .

2 Teacher makes an interview with students as the first demonstration.

Today we will experience the work of a TV reporter. Because our school will set up a radio station .We need some English reporters. If you like it , You can have a try after class .3、Do pair work with the microphone. The teacher helps and guides the students ,asks:Where does he work ? How does he go to work?

4、After the interview, teacher asks some students to show before class, the others enjoy and assess.

S1: Alice is good at talking. She is a good reporter.

S2: Lisa is good at asking different questions. I think she’s better.

5、Show a report about Yao Ming. Students learn to write an interview report.


Write an interview report according to the sentences given on the screen..

VI、 Summary

Summarize and assess:Which family is the winner today?

Praise the winner , encourage the others.

VII Blackboard design

Unit 5 What does he do ?

The Third Period

( B Let’s try, Let’s talk )

Where does Mike's uncle work?

He works at sea.

How does he go to work?

He goes to work by bike.

VIII 教学反思:

一 创造性利用教材,合理生成新知。


二 紧扣文本主题,活动促成获得。


三 始终以趣味为向导,课堂呈现灵动生机。


六年级英语Unit 5 What does he do? PartB优秀
