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英文合同 篇1

买方 The Buyer:

地址 Address

Tel: Fax:

卖方 The Seller:

地址: Address

Tel: Fax:


This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:

(1) 货名及规格 Commodity & Specification

(2) 数量 Qty.

(3) 单价 Unit Price

(4) 总价Total Amount




(8) 到货目的地:DESTINATION:

(9) 保险: INSURANCE:


All Risks and War Risk for 11% contract value to be covered by the Seller.

(1) 运输方式:TERM OF SHIPMENT: 空运 By air

(11) 包装:PACKING:


To be packed in new strong wooden case(s) suitable for long distance air/land transportation and well protected from dampness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. The Sellers shall be liable for any damage to the goods on account of improper packing and for any rust damage and break damage attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the Sellers, and in such case or cases any and all losses and / or expenses incurred in consequence thereof shall be borne by the Sellers. One full set of service and operation manuals concerned shall be enclosed in the case(s). The wood packaging the Seller used shall be fumigated and marked with “IPPC” on the surface of wood packaging.



On the surface of each package, the package number, measurements, gross weight, net weight, the lifting positions, such cautions as “THIS SIDE UP”, “HANDLE WITH CARE”,“KEEP AWAY FROM MOISTURE” and the following shipping mark:


1%的合同金额通过电汇支付。1% contract value by T/T.


The Buyer shall pay 1% advance payment to the Seller within two week after contract effected.

(14) 单据:Documents,

1. 正本空运单(收货人联),标明“运费已付”及唛头,买方为收货人及通知方。

Original Airway Bill (copy for Consignee) marked “freight prepaid” and shipping mark, consign to and notify the Buyer.

2. 涵盖1%合同金额的商业发票三正三副,注明合同号、唛头。

Commercial invoice covering 1% of contract amount in 3 originals and 3 copies, indicating contract number, shipping mark.

3. 装箱单三正三副,注明毛、净重、尺码和所装货物的包装形式及数量。

Detailed Packing List in 3 originals and 3 copies indicating both gross and net weights, measurements and packing condition and quantity of each item packed.

4. 卖方出具的质量及数量证书正本三份。

Certificate of quality and quantity issued by seller in 3 originals.

5. 卖方出具的原产地证书一正一副。

Certificate of origin in 1 original and 1 copy issued by Seller.

6. 货物装运后24小时内卖方发给买方装运通知传真复印件一份。

Copy of fax from seller to the buyer advising the particulars of shipment within 24 hours after shipment is made.

7. 保险单或保险证明一正一副,按照合同金额11%投保一切险及战争险。

Insurance Policy or Certificate for 11% contract value, covering All Risks and War Risk in 1 original and 1 copy.

8. 卖方声明外包装表面标有IPPC标识证书正本一份, 或卖方出具的非木质包装证明正本

Seller’s Certificate in 1 original certifying IPPC has been marked on surface of the wooden cases / seller’s Certificate certifying no wood package is used in the shipment.


The Sellers shall fax to the Buyer the Readiness Notification one week before the goods to be shipped.


The Sellers shall, immediately upon the completion of the loading of the goods in 24 hours, send the Buyers Air Waybill, Invoice and Packing list by fax.


英文合同 篇2



This Commission Agreement ("Agreement") is between the parties concerned on August , 20xx in Beijing, China on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follow: In consideration of the mutual agreements and covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 合约号码:

Contract No. :


本协议从 ___________ , 20xx开始生效。 This agreement enters into force on _______________ , 20xx.

2. 协议方: PARTIES:


This agreement is made and entered by and between:

甲方: PARTY A:




电话: TEL:

传真: FAX:

电子邮件: E-MAIL:


乙方: PARTY B:




电话: TEL:

传真: FAX:

电子邮件: E-MAIL:

金 协 议 本佣金协议书于20xx年08月 日在中国北京由双方在平等互利基础上达成,按双方同意

3. 委任: Appointment


The Party A appoints the Party B as its Exclusive Purchasing Agency in China, purchasing the goods as Part A refers. Olefins, Aromatics Hydrogenation and Isomerisation Catalysts,Gas Oil Desulfurization Catalyst(AGO+VGO),Light Naphtha Hydrotreater Catalyst.(Details as per Purchase Contract)

4. 双方的职责: Duties of two parties:

(1) 甲方所需的采购业务应提交给乙方详细的采购产品信息,比如材质、尺寸、数量、品质等具体要求。Party A shall provide all the information of the purchasing products to Party B, such as material, size, quantity, quality and other concrete requirements.


Party B shall provide Party A customers’information and agent information, consultancy service on agents chartering. Besides, he shall find and confirm the products resources and supply channel, then introduce these information totally to Party A.

(2) 因甲方购买的产品涉及专利产权和产品生产者指定代理的情况,乙方负责促成甲方与产品生产者或产品生产者代理商之间签署采购协议,实现贸易,并负责为甲方对采购产品取样、验货、出货等的环节进行服务。

Party B shall help and facilitate Party A sign the Purchasing Agreement with the suppliers or agents, also should provide services in many aspects, such as sampling, inspection, delivery and other matters.

5. 货款的支付方式:Payment of goods


Party A will sign Purchasing Agreement directly with producers or its agents, and the

payment term of goods will be negotiated and agreed by Party A and the Seller.

6. 佣金的计算、给付方式、给付时间: Commission calculation, payment methods, payment time 甲方同意按照采购产品总金额的(1-5)%支付佣金给乙方,支付日期为付款给卖方的同一天,佣金汇入乙方指定银行账户。如甲方以预付款或分期付款的形式向卖方支付货款,在甲方向卖方支付第一笔货款的同时向乙方全额支付采购产品总金额的佣金。

For the Purchasing Agent's services, the Party A shall pay the Party B the following commission percentage:(1-5)% of Part B’s purchasing aggregate amount of the invoice value,simultaneously within the same banking day as the party A makes payment to the Seller. Commission should be remitted to Party B’s designated bank account. If the Party A makes advance payments to the Seller or payment by installments, he should pay the commission to Party B simultaneously with the first payment he made to the Seller.

7. 违约责任:

(1) 甲方若不按本合同第6条的执行,逾期一天应支付乙方滞纳金,滞纳金系数为:总佣金的5‰/天。

Party A if not in this agreement and article 6, execution of expired day shall pay party B overdue fine, fine for delaying payment coefficient for: the total commission 5‰/ day.

8. 协议的修改: Modification


This Agreement may not be modified except by amendment reduced to writing and signed by both Parties.

9. 不可抗力: Force Majeure


Either party shall not be held responsible for failure or delay to perform all or any part of this agreement due to flood, fire, earthquake, draught, war or any other events which could not

be predicted, controlled, avoided or overcome by the relative party. However, the party

affected by the event of Force Majeure shall inform the other party of its occurrence in writing as soon as possible and thereafter send a certificate of the event issued by the relevant authorities to the other party within 15 days after its occurrence.

10. 仲裁: Arbitration


All disputes arising from the performance of this agreement shall be settled through friendly negotiation. Should no settlement be reached through negotiation, the case shall then be submitted for arbitration to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration

Commission (Beijing) and the rules of this Commission shall be applied. The award of the arbitration shall be final and binding upon both parties. Arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party, unless otherwise awarded.

11. 协议有效期: Validity of Agreement

本协议经有关双方如期签署后生效,有效期为年,从20xx年08月 日到 年 月 日。

This agreement, when duly signed by the both parties concerned, shall remain in force for years, from August , 20xx to XX , XX .

12. 协议的终止: Termination


During the validity of this agreement, if either of the two parties is found to have violated the stipulations herein, the other party has the right to terminate this agreement.

13. 本协议于20xx年08月 日在北京签订,一式两份,双方各执一份。

This Agreement is signed on ... in Beijing and is in two originals;each Party holds one.

14. 甲方与产品生产者或产品生产者代理商签署的采购协议要向乙方提供一份原件,并在采购协议中将乙方作为甲方代理的身份体现。

The Party A shall provide Party B an original Purchasing Contract signed between him and the Seller, and in the Purchasing Contract, shall show Party B is the Agency of Party A.

甲方: Party A:乙方: Party B:

(签字) (签字)



英文合同 篇3


Contract No:




Signed at:






Postal Code:










Postal Code:


Tel: 传真:



The Seller hereby confirms selling the following goods on terms and conditions


Tolerance: With _____% more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the

sellers option.

(2) 原产地

Country of Origin:

(3) 付款方式:30%预付,70%发货前一周付清.

Payment terms: 30% deposit, 70% payment within one week before delivery.

(4) 交货时间:收到预付款后15天内完成装运。

Time of shipment: Within15 days after deposit received.

(5) 贸易方式:FOB Shanghai

Terms of Shipment: FOB Shanghai

(6) 包装:胶合板木盘外封铁皮

Packing: Plywood drum with steel sheet cover.

(7) 保险:由卖方按发票全额110%投保至_____为止的_____险。

Insurance: To be effected by seller for 110% of full invoice value covering _____ up to _____ only.

(8) 装运口岸:中国上海港

Port of Loading: Shanghai Port, China

(9) 转运:允许

Transshipment: Allowed

(10 分批装运:允许分批装运

Partial Shipment: Allowed

(11) 目的口岸:

Port of Destination:

(12) 唛头:Shipping Marks:

(13) 单据:Documents:

(14) 品质与数量、重量的异义与索赔:Quality/Quantity Discrepancy and Claim:

(15) 逾期发运:如果由于买方原因造成逾期发运,买方承担责任。造成自签订合同之日起超过45天不能发运的,卖方将每日按货物金额的3%收取保管费;如果由于买方原因造成逾期发运超过6个月,卖方有权自行处置定金和货物。如果是卖方原因造成的逾期发运,卖方需提前告知买方并得到买方的确认并承担其他相关费用。

LAST SHIPMENT: if the late delivery is caused by the buyer, the buyer shall bear the

responsibility. If the delay has being made more than 45 days from the signing of the Sales Contract hereof, the buyer shall pay 3% of total amount each day, and if the delay is more than 6 months, the Seller has the right to dispose the down payment and the goods. If the late delivery is caused by the Seller, the Seller shall inform the Buyer in advance and get confirmation from the Buyer, and the related expense shall be born by the Seller.

(16) 质量/数量异议:对于质量方面的异议,买方必须在货物抵达目的港后30天之类提出:对于数量方面的`异议,买方必须在货物抵达目的港后15天之内提出。对由于保险公司、运输公司、其他运输机构或邮局的原因所造成的货物差异,卖方不负任何责任。 QUALITY/QUANTITY DISCREPANCY: In case of quality discrepancy, claim shall be filed by the Buyer within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination; while for quantity discrepancy, claim shall be filed by the buyer within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination. It is understood that the Seller shall not be liable, for any discrepancy of goods shipped due to causes for which the Insurance Company, Shipping Company, other transportation organization or Post Office are liable.

(17) 不可抗力:卖方对由于下列原因而导致不能或暂时不能履行全部或部分合同义务的,不负责任:水灾、火灾、地震、干旱、战争或其他任何在签约时卖方不能预料、无法控制且不能避免和克服的事件。但卖方因尽快地将所发生的事件通知对方,并应在事件发生后15天内将有关机构出具的不可抗力事件的证明寄交对方。如果不可抗力事件之影响超过120天,双方应协商合同继续履行或终止履行的事宜。

FORCE MAJEURE: Seller shall not be responsible for failure or delay in performance of entire or portion of these Sale Contract obligations in consequence of Force Majeure incidents: flood, fire, earthquake, drought, war, or any other matters couldn’t be foreseen or controlled or couldn’t be avoided. But Seller shall inform the incidents to Buyer immediately, and shall delivery the certificate of Force Majeure incidents issued by related organization within 15 days after the incidents happened. If the incidents influence more than 120 days, both parties shall negotiate to decide whether to execute or terminate the Sales Contract.

(18) 仲裁:因履行本合同所发生的一切争议,双方应友好协商解决,如协商仍不能解决争议,则应将争议提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(北京),依据其仲裁规则仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力。仲裁费应由败诉一方承担,但仲裁委员会另有裁定的除外。在仲裁期间,除仲裁部分之外的其他合同条款应继续执行。

ARBITRATION: All disputes across from the execution of, or in connection with this Sales Contract shall be settled friendly through negotiation, in case no settlement can be reached, the case shall then be submitted to China International Economic and

Trade Arbitration Commission, Beijing for arbitration in accordance with its provisional rules of procedure. The result of arbitration shall be born by the losing party except for the condition the Commission has other judgment. During the arbitration period, clauses beside of the arbitrated parts shall be executed.

(19) 本合同为中英文对应,一式两份,买卖双方各执一份;合同自卖方签字盖章、买方签字后生效(传真件以及扫描具有正版相等法律效应)。

The Sales Contract is concluded in Chinese and English with same effectiveness, and will come into effect on stamp of Seller and signing by Buyer. The Sales Contract is in dual original and each party shall have one original copy of this Sales Contract. (Any scanned and faxed copy shall have the same legal effect as the original one.)

(20) 备注:


买方确认签署: 卖方确认签署:

For and on behalf of Buyer: For and on behalf of Seller:


