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  Describe a song you can remember well

  you should say:

  what the song is about;

  when and where you first heard this song;

  how you felt about it;

  and explain why you can remember it well.



  The only song which lingers on in my mind when you ask me to describe one, is actually the greatest hit of the famous English band Cold play: Viva la Vida. You know I can even write down each word of its lyrics and easily hum the melody. Wanna hear a piece of it? Maybe after this exam is done... Just kidding. The moment I go to karaoke, this will be the song I always have a chance to sing then.

  When did I first hear about this song? I think I first heard it when I was watching TV and there was a new iPod advertisement showing on. The background music suddenly caught my attention as it was so vivid and impressive. Then I did everything I could to search all the information about this song and thanks to Google, which was not entirely blocked here in China at that time, I learned that it has an strange name of “Viva la Vida”, meaning “long live the life” in Spanish. Apart from the inspiring tunes, the Lyrics, to be honest, just showed me something different of composing pop songs. I always regarded pop music as something that only cares about romance; yet Viva la Vida contains such historical and Christian references that I would like to use words, say, ‘magnificent’ to depict it. ‘Pillars of sand’ in lyrics, for instance, is a reference to the biblical parable given by Jesus about the fool who built his house on sand and the wise man who built it on solid rock. Similarly, ‘I know Saint Peter won’t call my name’ refers to the popular tradition of St. Peter guarding the gate of heaven. Moreover, the term ‘...my head upon a sliver platter’ and something like ‘...I am a puppet on a lonely string...’ may refer to various subjects including the French Revolution. Incredible for just A POP SONG, isn’t it? Frankly speaking I have never met such songs with such profundity!

  话题一下子变得高大上了不是?有圣经有法国大革命,bigger than bigger矣。问题是雅思口语考官对于西方历史文化远比你熟悉,切记不要胡编乱造。


  The only song which lingers on in my mind when you ask me to describe one, is actually the one of the greatest hits from the famous Chinese band ‘Shin’: HaiKuoTianKong. You know I can even write down each word of its lyrics and easily hum the melody. Wanna hear a piece of it? Maybe after this exam is done... Just kidding. The moment I go to karaoke, this will be the song I always have a chance to sing then.

  When did I first hear about this song? I think I first heard it when I was watching TV and there was a new TV series showing on. The ending song suddenly caught my attention as it was so vivid and impressive. Then I did everything I could to search all the information about this song and thanks to Chinese online search giant Baidu, I learned its name as “HaiKuoTianKong”, meaning “sky is the limit” in Chinese. Apart from the inspiring tunes, the Lyrics, to be honest, just showed me new horizon of making pop songs. It contains several notes delivering ideas like ‘don’t give up or flee from your fate’; ‘fight it bravely’; “Tomorrow will be a better future’; or ‘However challenging your life is, you should be resilient’. I believe it actually tells us the true spirit of what we should do in our lives, and frankly speaking I have been motivated by the song, determined to pursue everything that I desire in future!



  1. Do you like music?

  If I said I "like" music, that would be the biggest understatement ever. I love it, not any particular genre, a bit of everything. Music is the expression of human thoughts and the soul of human society.


  2. What's your favourite kind of music?

  I am a rock buff. Actually I like all kinds of rock. Just name a few: metal core, industrial metal, classic rock and melodic death metal. My favorite band is Oasis. They help me get through my tough time.


  3. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?

  No, I think. I did try to learn guitar when I was in middle school. But I gave up when I had my thumb swollen and had blisters all over.


  4. Which instrument would you prefer to study - the piano or the violin?

  I love them both equally but I would learn piano first, first of all, it’s a lot easier starting off, and secondly, it’s a great jumping off point to learn other instruments.


  5. Do you think it's important for children to learn (to play) a musical instrument?

  I believe it is important. I think that learning to play an instrument teaches kids important things: comprehension, perseverance, discipline, a sense of pride. With music, they will also learn how to appreciate life.



  1. Hey, Jude by The Beatles

  这首歌是当年的Paul McCartney为John Lennon与前妻Cynthia的儿子Julian所创作的,以此来鼓励他积极乐观勇敢地面对现实(有关他daddy和小野洋子的故事,大家都知道的哦)。

  大家可以从里面的一句lyrics入手:Take a sad song and make it better. 就是鼓励大家虽然情况很糟,不过我们也有能力可以make the best of it (to accept a bad or difficult situation and do as well as you can). 然后再瞎编一个自己当年低落的故事,Voila!搞定!

  2. Three things by Jason Mraz

  如果大家嫌上面一句歌词太少,占不了多少时间,这首歌就是你的最佳选择!因为它的第一句歌词是:There are three things I do when my life falls apart. 然后就开始娓娓道来了…… 然后在结合自己的经历,联系歌词,一个文艺范儿的答案就这么诞生了!下面把可能会用到的歌词部分分享给大家:

  Number one, I cry my eyes out and dry up my heart

  Not until I do this will my new life start

  The second thing I do is I close both of my eyes

  And say my “thank yous” to each and every moment of my life

  Gathering new strength from sorrow

  I’m glad to be alive

  And things are looking up

  I know above the clouds the sun is shining

  Love is still the answer I’m relying on

  The third thing that I do, now, when my world caves in

  Is I pause, I take a breath and bow and I let the chapter end

  I design my future bright, not by where my life has been

  And I try, try, try, try, try again

  I know beyond the dark the sun is rising

  3. Stronger by Kelly Clarkson


  What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, stand a little taller,

  Doesn’t mean I’m lonely when I’m alone.

  What doesn’t kill you makes a fighter,

  Footsteps even lighter,

  Doesn’t mean I’m over cause you’re gone.

  4. Us against this world by West life


  Sometimes I feel like the world is against me

  The sound of your voice, baby

  That's what saves me

  When we’re together I feel so invincible

  When I’m with you, I can feel so unbreakable

  5. No love by Eminem

  喜欢说唱歌曲的娃们,肯定听过阿姆是不!他的歌曲里,除了被beep掉的部分,有些地方说的特励志特有意境,比如No love这首歌,里面的那句Throw dirt on me and grow a wildflower. 大家可以理解成“你向我扔泥巴,我偏要在上面长出野花,气死你!”

  6. Superheroes by The Script


  When you’ve been fighting for it all your life

  You’ve been struggling to make things right

  That’s how a superhero learns to fly

  Every day, every hour, turn the pain into power

  When you’ve been fighting for it all your life

  You’ve been working every day and night

  That’s how a superhero learns to fly


  Describe a favorite song of yours

  You should say:

  What this song is about

  When you listened to this song for the first time How often you listen to this song

  And explain why you think it is your favorite

  My favorite song is “MY Heart Will GO On”, from the titanic movie. Celine Dion who is a famous playback singer and a pop start of Canada and us has sung this song. I had seen a video this song on a music channel before the movie released in my country before a 20 years ago. When I saw the video, I was impressed by the picturization of the song. Liked the song and immediately I bought its audio from the market and I started listening to the song.

  The lyrics of the song are wonderful and touchy. The song talks about true love that is eternal and the song has been associate with the character of the heroin of the film in such a wonderful way that that the song is a message of a girl in the movie who falls in love with a painter on the ship titanic. The ship sinks, she loses her love, yet, she remembers her love at an age of 80+ and all the memories of her love are as fresh as a flower.

  Apart from the lyrics, the singer Celine Dion has sung the song. She has made it melodious and effectivewith her beautiful voice. The tune of the song and music are so soothing and melodious that we want to hear the song again and again. I like the song so much that I kept the tune of this song as my mobile’s ring tone for a long time. I still hear this song on my computer and mobile. This song is one of my favorite songs and the best in the career of Celine Dion according to me.


