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摘 要 本文分析了现代教育的特点以及当前"远程教育"的发展状况,提出了一种自适应式的面向学习者的网络教育模式,给出了该模式的基本构架和功能说明,并从实现的角度讨论了相关关键技术及其解决方案。

关键词 自适应式 远程教育 交互式 个性化1. 背景


l 现代教育的基本特点:

1) 资源共享


2) 个性化


3) 交互式


l 基于计算机网络的远程教育


1) 综合利用声音、图像、文本等多媒体技术,以多样的表达手段使得枯燥的教学更为生动;

2) 通过先进的通信设备,消灭距离的鸿沟,使不同地点的学员与教师之间可以进行"面对面"的交流;

3) 将课程、试验、作业、参考资料以及试卷做成课件,使学员可以更加灵活选择上课的时间、地点和内容的通过网络随时选择适合自己的内容进行点播学习;2. 现有远程教育模式分析

l 现有远程教育的基本构架


⑴ 远程学习系统


⑵ 远程答疑系统


⑶ 远程考试系统


⑷ 远程作业系统


⑸ 远程交流系统


⑹ 远程管理系统


l 当前远程教育中的不足



3. 自适应的远程教育模式

l 核心思想



l 关键技术实现

1) 课件的组织

课件根据具体的内容可以划分成课件元(CourseWare Element),课件元作为组织授课内容的基本单位。如英语课件可以分成语法元课件、口语元课件、听力元课件、词汇元课件和写作元课件等几部分,语法元课件又可分为动词、形容词等更小粒度的元课件。

系统通过课件容器(CourseWare Container)将课件元提交给学生。所有的授课内容(课件元素)都放在课件容器中。

2) 学生学习进度评价每个学生对应一个学生纪录



3) 课程内容评价



4) 具体实现


C=C0 / (WP)


5) 系统的工作过程描述

i. 取学生对功课S的接受程度W和进度M;

ii. 根据M从课件库中提取课件元素,并根据W的值组织内容;

iii. 学生通过与系统交互,进行学习;

iv. 学生进行测验,根据得分调节W值;

v. 继续下一阶段的学习,重复ⅰ--ⅳ;

4. 总结




1) 周明天 《TCP/IP网络原理与技术》 清华大学出版社 19962) CERNET的研究与发展,科学出版社 1999.103) Lucent Technology CEDL(The Center for Excellence in Distance Learning) http://www.lucent.com/cedl4) Illinois Online Network (ION) http://illinois.online.uillinois.edu/IONresources/ Research on Adaptive Remote Education Mode Based on Computer NetworkHuang Yangcheng1 ChenYing2 Cao Jiuxin1 Zhang Deyun11(Network Institute , Xi'an Jiaotong University, 710049 , Xi'an China)2(Software Institute , Xi'an Jiaotong University, 710049 , Xi'an China)Abstract As we approach the twenty-first century, corporations are facing a growing need for more training and education and a similar need for more efficient and cost-effective delivery of this training. 75% of the existing workforce will need retraining in the next 10 years. To meet these demands, efficient training solutions must be developed rapidly. Whether for formal education, continuing professional development, or for employee training or retraining, remote education solutions needs to deliver the right kind of educational content to learners - anytime, anywhere. Nowadays with the development of network technology, remote education networks make training and advanced education possible in cases where time and budgetary constraints make it difficult to organize face-to-face training.Remote education networks is a seamless networked learning environment that integrates voice, video, and data connections among learners, instructors, experts, virtual libraries, the Internet, and support services. Remote education system mainly consists of six components: remote learning system,remote questioning system,remote examination system,remote homework system,remote communication system,remote management system..However current remote education has some shortcomings.It only emphasizes network's function of transfering teaching contents and neglects the improvement of teaching performance.It can not suit a special student.That is,it is not student-centered but teacher-centered.This cannot meet the need of modern education and cannot receive good teaching performance.Remote education must be student-centered,and focus on improve the teaching methods. Interaction is the most powerful way to engage learners. The instructor needs to design opportunities for inter-site and intra-site interactions among learners, at a minimum of about every twenty minutes. Question-and-answer periods, brainstorming sessions, case discussions, and role-playing exercise are examples of strategies the instructor can use to stimulate interaction.This paper analyzes the main characteristics of modern education system and the development of remote education.A new adaptive student- centered networked education mode is presented.This mode makes full use of the interactiveity of the computer network.Teaching is based on the student's ability of accepting knowledge.According to the mode,remote education system can learn the study status of the student,and adjust the learning speed and the quality of the course to meet the need of the student.After a stage of study,student will have a test to check the performance of study.If the score of some knowledge point is too low,the system will emphasize this knowledge point at the next learning stage, and slow down the learning speed.On the contrary,the system can also increase contents and the difficulty level of the course.The key technology includes:l the orgination of coursewareThe courseware is devided into many courseware elements.Every element is a basic unit of the course.And courseware elements are put in a "courseware container" .l the evaluation of a student's learning progressA parameter is used to measure a student 's learning progress.It is set according to the score of the test.The value is changed with the learning progress.l the evaluation of a course Every course has a constant to evalute its difficult level.It is set according to statistics.The technique details have been illustrated in the paper.Keywords adaptive, remote education, interactive, individual

