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孤己i 分享更新时间:


个人都有自己喜欢的东西,那么你的是什么呢?今天我们就来看看--PREFERENCE 偏爱?


◎Which would you prefer?

你更喜欢哪一个? ?

◎ Which do you like better?

你更喜欢哪一个? ?

◎ This one’s better for me.?

这个对我来说更好。 ?

◎ Which is more interesting to you?

哪一个对你来说更有趣? ?

◎ Which is better, as far as you’re concerned?

对你来说哪一个更好? ?

◎ I should take the green one for choice.?

要选的话,我就选绿色的。 ?

◎ Which attracts you more, ruby or emerald?

红宝石和绿宝石,您更喜欢哪一个? ?

◎ Do you prefer the red one or the blue one?

你喜欢红色的还是蓝色的? ?

◎ Give me oyster every time.?

我只喜欢牡蛎。 ?

◎ Do you like dumplings more?

你更喜欢饺子吗? ?

◎ The best one is the lobster.?

最好的就是龙虾。 ?

◎ I like banana more than lemon.?

我喜欢香蕉甚于喜欢柠檬。 ?

◎ I’d prefer to have a drink, if possible.?

如果可能的话,我想喝杯饮料。 ?

◎ Which is your preference, tea or coffee?

你喜欢茶还是咖啡? ?

◎ Travelling might be my hobby.?

我的爱好大概是旅游。 ?

◎ What are you doing other than work?

除了工作之外你干些什么? ?

◎ For me, cycling is both a sport and hobby.?

对我来说,骑自行车既是运动又是爱好。 ?

◎ Stamp collecting is a hobby for many people.?

集邮是很多人的爱好。 ?

◎ Which attracts you more, football or volleyball?

哪个更吸引你,足球还是排球? ?

◎ I enjoy watching TV more than any other pastimes.?

我喜欢看电视超过了别的消遣方式。 ?

◎ I must say I have strong preference for classical music.?

我得说我对古典音乐有强烈的偏爱。 ?

◎ I must say racing bike generally attracts me more.?

我得说跑车一般更吸引我。 ?

◎ On the whole, I find riding a bike more enjoyable than riding a motorcycle.?

总的来说,我觉得骑自行车比骑摩托车更愉快。 ?

◎ I’d go for dress designing.?

我喜欢服装设计。 ?

◎ He pursues calculating as a hobby.?

他将计算视为一种业余爱好。 ?

◎ Dress designing appeals to me more.?

服装设计对我更有吸引力。 ?

◎ I’d rather be a tour guide any time.?

我什么时候都愿意做导游。 ?

◎ I would usually choose designing in preference to engineering.?

我通常愿意挑选设计做我的职业,其次才是工程。 ?

◎ I prefer a stony beach to a sandy one.



Which appeals more, high school teacher or tour guide?哪一个对你更有吸引力,中学教师还是导游?

A: Which appeals more, high school teacher or tour guide?

B: In general, Tour guide attracts me more. ?

A: Why?

B: One may receive a colorful life from this job. ?

A: But children can also make your life colorful. ?

B: That’s true. But as a tour guide, one may get the chance to visit various beautiful places.

甲:哪一个对你更有吸引力,中学教师还是导游? ?



乙:做这个工作一个人可以有多彩的生活。 ?

甲:但孩子也可以为你的生活添彩。 ?

乙:确实如此。但当导游你有很多游览美丽地方的机会。 ?

Generally speaking, I prefer the taller one.总的说,我更喜欢高个儿的那位。

A: Both of the young ladies are candidates for the position. ?

B: But we need only one.?

A: How do the two girls compare in your view? ?

B: Generally speaking, I prefer the taller one. ?

A: Why? Both of them graduated from famous universities. ?

B: But the taller one has some working experience.






乙:但那位高个儿的有些工作经验。 ?

I didn’t know I liked the computer until...直到……,我才知道我喜欢计算机。

A: I didn’t know I liked the computer until some day a few days ago I bought one. ?

B: Facing the computer, sometimes we are very helpless because we don’t know how to control it. ?

A: And it is the so-called “helplessness” that makes us to go on with our study on the computer. ?

B: Yes. The helplessness usually could awaken the sense of conquest in one’s heart. ?

A: I’ve decided to study it earnestly. ?

B: I hope you’ll be a computer expert.

甲:直到几天前的一天我买了计算机我才知道我喜欢计算机。 ?

乙:面对计算机,有时我们很无助,因为我们不知道怎么控制它。 ?

甲:也正是所谓的“无助”使得我们想继续研究计算机。 ?

乙:是的。无助通常能唤醒我们内心的征服感。 ?


乙:希望你能成为一个计算机专家。 ?

I prefer the white one.我更喜欢白色的。

A: Like this pair of shoes?

B: Yes, it’s nice.?

A: Do you prefer the brown one or the white one? ?

B: I prefer the white one.?

A: Yes. The white one is the better choice in summer, right? ?

B: Sounds good.






乙:不错。 ?

I just like buffet dinner a little more.我更喜欢自助餐。

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