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Describe an unusual experience of traveling

You should say:

Where you went

When you went there

Who you were with

What you did there

And explain why it is unusual


Describe an experience that you went out with your friends and had a good time

You should say:

Where you went

When you went out

What you did

And explain why you had a good time



首先,介绍基本情况,3W(when, where, who)+1H(how);




1. 食物很unusual: 四川人特别喜欢在hot pot(火锅)里涮各种奇奇怪怪的食材,比如pig brain(猪脑), solid duck blood(鸭血), rabbit head(兔头)等等,一般北方人似乎都不太能吃习惯,I myself think it is definitely unacceptable and disgusting;

2. 生活极其悠闲:各种tea house(茶馆),mahjong parlor麻将馆,露天采耳摊(open-air ear cleaning stall)比比皆是,似乎四川人过的都非常佛系。



Well, I’d like to share with you my experience before. That was a few years ago, I went to Sichuan to travel with 3 girlfriends.

I remember that was during a winter vacation, we made the plan and packed everything and went to Chengdu by train.

Over there, we visited many interesting places, but the most impressive experience to me is the trip to a museum called San Xing Dui which was a relic of a community about 6000-8000years ago and located outside Chengdu city about 1 hour driving distance.

When we first got there, we thought it probably like any other museum with some ancient objects. And to our surprise, there were much stuff but none of them we have seen before. It was really an eye-opener.

Everything there was made of bronze, but the shapes of them and the symbolized meanings are just unique and exotic. For example, there were so many bronze masks, but place where the eyes should be have two long sticks protruded out, just weird~! Because people lived in this tribe believed their ancestor had such pair of eyes. At that time, I wonder are they aliens?

Plus, we saw a giant bronze tree and dragon, and I love that bronze tree most. Because first it was quiet tall, about 2 or 3 floors high, and which was the symbol of the path to the heaven. Ancient Chinese believed there was a tree could connect the human world and the heaven. If people wanted to go to the heaven, they just need to find it and climb this tree, but which could use their whole life to look for or really climb it. And the Sun and Moon also rose every day from the east and west part of the tree. How fantastic it is! Those wonderful stories.

We really learned a lot there, which totally changed my idea about our history. After that, i knew, there used to be a very exotic culture done here.so this trip is very special in my point of view, and we certainly enjoy it very much!



Describe a country you want to go to but haven’t been to(想去而未去的国家)

Describe a place near water (such as river, lake, and ocean)(近水之地)

Describe a long car journey you went on(长途自驾游)

Describe a short vocation you were impressed(短途旅行)

Describe a special trip you would like to go in the future(未来想去的特殊的旅行)


关键字No.1 交通工具:自驾游,房车游


self-driving travels/road trips自驾游

SUV (super utility vehicle)多功能车

touring car/camper/caravan/recreational vehicle房车

关于房车的英文表达,选择比较多。其中,在欧洲,用于旅行用途的房车叫作caravan, 其实就是大篷车的意思。例如:Mike was on a caravanning holiday.(迈克驾驶房车出去旅行了)。

而recreational vehicle, 就是时常可以在美剧中听到的名词“RV”的全称。因为在欧美发达国家,每到周末的时候,房车就会愉快飞驰在各条公路上。在西方国家,开着房车旅行似乎已经成为人们周末或假期的休闲娱乐的一种方式。

wagon 旅行车


关键字No. 2特别的住宿:.Airbnb.com


B&B (bed and breakfast)提供住宿和早餐

boutique hotel 精品酒店

resort 度假村

hostel/youth hostel 青年旅社

当然,如果想打破这些传统的住宿方式,尝试全新的住宿体验,那么就推荐.Airbnb.com这个网站。在这个网站上,可以体验住神奇的树屋(wooden house),被小鸟叫醒;也可以住阿姆斯特丹的船屋(boathouse), 体验水城的独特风韵;当然,还有现代主义风格的别墅(Villa), 体验高档风景的绝赞。



independent travel自由行

outbound tourism 出境游

package tour 跟团游

in-depth travel 深度游

travel on a budget穷游

budget traveller穷游旅行者

backpacker 背包客

tour pal驴友

easier visa procedures 简化签证手续

随着网络以及信息化的进步,人们在选择出行的时候,已经不再依靠旅行社的package tour。人们更多的可以利用类似于“携程网”之类的网站自己预定旅行的机票,住宿,接机等服务。时下,跟着旅行团走马观花赶景点或者在旅途中被迫消费等方式已经越来越不为人们所接受,人们追求的则是“自由行”,“深度游”等。

关键字No. 4目的地的选择:小众之地,农家乐

less-known places 小众之地

farm stay 农家乐

domestic place 国内的地方

old town 古城

over commercialization 过于商业化



Topic analysis:

Describe a special trip you would like to go on in the future

You should say:

Where this place is

Who you would like to go with

What would you do there

And explain why this would be a special trip

Sample answer:

If I have to say a few words on a special trip that I would like to go on in the future, I would like to bring up the trip to Tasmania in Australia.

Tasmania is a separate island in south of Australia, which is known as the heart of the world. Actually, I have spent two years study in Australia, however, I have never been to this must-go destination.

After hard working for the whole year, recently, I would like to have my annual leave. Therefore, the idea of going to Tasmania suddenly popped up in my mind. I would like to go with my best friend, who is a senior traveller. She’s really good at scheduling trips by her-self instead of booking the package tour in travel agency.

As my friend suggested, we would rent a SUV and have a self-driving trip around the island. The highlight of the trip would be we will not book the traditional hotel in Tasmania, instead, we would like to try boathouse through the help of a useful website called ‘Airbnb’, which is a website can provide unique service of booking unusual accommodations, such as a wooden house in amazon forest, a boathouse in Perth, and even a cave hotel in Cappadocia of Turkey.

As for why this trip would be a special trip, I think the reason is very obvious. Currently, people are increasingly getting no longer satisfied with just sightseeing trips. I am sure our well-organized plan and the special accommodation would definitely make the trip unique.


A special trip you would like to go on in the future

You should say:

Where this place is;

Who you would like to go with;

What would you do there;

And explain why this would be a special trip

Part 3

1. Are there any special places for visiting in china?

2. Do Chinese people like to travel abroad?

3. What can people benefit from travelling?

4. Do you like to travel on your own or with your family?

5. Do you like to visit popular places or less-well known places?


雅思考试(IELTS - International English Language Testing System 国际英语语言测试系统)是听说读写四项英语交流能力的测试。雅思考试由英国文化协会、剑桥大学考试委员会外语考试部和IDP教育集团三方在全球共同组织运作。 雅思考试是一种较全面地针对听说读写四项能力的、为打算到英语国家学习、工作或定居的人们设置的英语水平考试。



雅思考试兼具实用性和学术性,能够精准地测评考生真实的英语沟通能力。 雅思分学术类(A类)和普通类(G类)两种题型,学术类主要适合留学,普通类主要适合移民。针对赴英国读书的同学,英国大使馆推出用于英国签证及移民的雅思考试,雅思产生听说读写四个单项分数,单项的满分是9分(精通英语),其次是8分 (优秀英语),7分(良好英语),6分(掌握英语),5分(勉强掌握),4分(有限英语),3分(少量英语),2分(少量单词),1分(不懂英语),0分 (没有考试)。






