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An Unforgettable Lesson高考英语满分作文

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An Unforgettable Lesson高考英语满分作文(通用16篇)

在平平淡淡的日常中,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。你写作文时总是无从下笔?下面是小编帮大家整理的An Unforgettable Lesson高考英语满分作文,欢迎大家分享。

An Unforgettable Lesson高考英语满分作文 1

Ive had quite a lot of lessons in my school life. Among them the one given by an American young man is the most unforgettable.

It was on Tuesday morning in May. Our teacher told us all of a sudden that an American would give us an English lesson. Then in came a young man. He greeted us in English and then began his class. It was quite different from those we had before. During the whole class he taught us several

English songs, played games with us and helped us act out a dialogue. He neither taught us English grammar rules nor asked us to do lots of written exercises. He was not serious at all. He was always smiling at each of us.Happy time was always short. Before we knew it, the class was over. We took a photo with our American teacher in the classroom.

I will never forget his smile, his songs and everything he had done in his class.




An Unforgettable Lesson高考英语满分作文 2

last friday , we had an lesson and it was really unforgettable because it was the last lesson given by our kind english teacher ,mr tang.

when mr tang slowly went into the classroom ,we could see clearly that it was hard for him to leave us though he had taught us for only three months.he said something about him future plan ,which moved us all deeply.then he started the last lesson.

we all listened attentively to every word he said .if only we had done like this before!(如果我们以前就这样该多好啊)the naughty boys unusually behaved well in this last lesson.

it was obvious that all of us had the common feeling that we wouldnt let him go.

though we didnt want our good teacher to go ,it seemed to be too late . as the saying goes,"only when we lose something do we realize the value of it."(这句你应该能理解)

at last,with the bell ringing,mr tang looked at us all soulfully(深情地) and epressed what he thought. he hoped that we would make progress in our study and become good citizens in society.

what an unforgettable lesson!

An Unforgettable Lesson高考英语满分作文 3

During todays Chinese class, Teacher Liu mysteriously walked up to the podium with a beautiful small box and smiled, saying, "Classmates, do you know whats inside?" As soon as this question was asked, the classroom seemed to explode with noise. The students all raised their hands and argued, saying, "Walnuts," "chili peppers," and "paper scraps." Teacher Liu slowly opened it, wow! There is everything, Teacher Liu said, "Lets play a game today." The game rules are: a student goes to draw a note, and whatever they draw, they follow the instructions on it. Teacher Liu drew a student, and the students face burst into laughter. He walked forward with enthusiasm. I was very disappointed, but I couldnt give up. I hope the next one is me, so I had to watch quietly. He went up to the podium, reached into the box, confidently pulled out a piece of paper, quickly opened it, but when he opened the note and saw the words on it, eating chili peppers, he was scared out of a cold sweat and thought to himself, "Do you really want to eat it?"? "Really," he asked, holding the chili peppers, "should we finish them all?"? "Yes," he slowly took a bite of the chili and said, "Its really delicious!" The whole class laughed, and he ate the chili in big gulps... When he arrived at the third student, his face was beaming with laughter. He quickly walked up to the podium, reached in his hand, drew a picture, and immediately opened it. He ate walnuts, grabbed them, and racked his brain. He thought of stepping on them with his feet, tapping them first, then stepping on them again, and finally biting them with his teeth. The walnuts were still intact. She looked at them over and over again, but still helpless. At this moment, a fellow student proposed a solution. Suggestion: Why dont you put the walnuts under the corner of the table and press them open? She followed suit and sure enough, she opened them with relish

This is really an unforgettable lesson!

An Unforgettable Lesson高考英语满分作文 4

A lesson can change the fate of a group of people, and this group of people can also change the fate of another group. Today, I have encountered a lesson that changed my fate.

Life is like a piece of land, and everyones life is connected. Every step we take forward determines the direction of our own destiny, which guides us to different lives. At the same time, every step we take collides with the fate of another person, not only changing our own destiny, but also changing the fate of others.

Perhaps, in life, a small act of carelessness by oneself: picking up garbage, tidying up documents, fate quietly takes a big step forward. We should not complain to fate, nor should we complain to fate. Pay attention to everything happening around us, and only then will we realize that everything is determined by ourselves.

We go to school, we study, isnt it to change our own destiny? We are optimistic, we work hard, we persevere, we persevere, all in order to take the most brilliant step in our destiny. Even if we fail, we may continue to work hard, telling ourselves that we have worked hard and have no regrets.

Perhaps we sometimes complain about the heavy workload, the unfairness of fate, and being almost overwhelmed by various troubles. Just think about it, is this not just a challenge for oneself? This is to give us the courage to face difficulties. Difficulties and setbacks are not meant to suppress ourselves, but to correct our attitudes and test our direction. These will become the driving force for us to take a firm and stable step towards success.

Every moment, it is me who is writing this article. As you read this article, the fate of the world is quietly changing. So, work hard to change your own destiny and embark on a wonderful life!

An Unforgettable Lesson高考英语满分作文 5

Today, I went through the toughest class in history.

Normally, physical education teachers are very lenient towards us, but when we hear that physical education requires exams, its like a year in seconds! Teacher, lets have a race first. The last place will be penalized with 50 sit ups. Everyone burst into a cold sweat upon hearing this. What is the concept of 50 sit ups? As the race started, I started panting heavily, but when I thought of those 50 sit ups, I quickened my pace and caught up with the "big army". After running, I was so tired that my feet were so sore that I couldnt stand up. The teacher nodded and said, "Great, lets run around the playground two more laps now!" "What? I still need to run! Oh my goodness, we havent rested for a minute yet, and my heart suddenly fell into a deep abyss. I really want to finish class soon. Chinese teacher, please take up more physical education classes next time! I pray in my heart. Now, I want to run again, and I feel sad and want to cry..."

Finally finished running, I sat down on the ground panting, "Next time... next time... I wont attend... physical education... class anymore." Dont give up, life is about exercise. "Come on, everyone, make 50 more frog jumps!" the teacher said to us with a smile. I suddenly felt how important it was for me to finish class, and there was nothing I could do. I didnt dare to object, so I had to follow suit. I didnt expect Frog Jump to look simple, but its so difficult to do. Ive only done 24 and I cant do it anymore. Its still far from 50!

"Ding... Ding..." The class bell finally rang. Oh, the class bell, how much I love you!

This class is really tough!

An Unforgettable Lesson高考英语满分作文 6

One hour before the final exam, the Chinese teacher gave us a class that I will never forget.

At that time, the students were preparing for the exam and planning to give it a last resort. The Chinese teacher walked into the classroom and looked at each student with deep affection, saying, "Today I will give you the last class of this semester. I will not talk about the text or composition, but only three words."

Before exams, Chinese teachers would always emphasize some content related to exams. Today, the teachers unusual words make me feel very strange. What would the teacher say? I perked up my ears and listened carefully. "The first word is honesty ."

The teacher wrote the words "honesty" neatly on the blackboard, "Honesty means not lying. Only honest people can gain the trust of others, and gaining their trust is more valuable than anything else." I understand that the teacher is going to teach us something more important than knowledge in the last class - being a good person.

The classroom was extremely quiet, and the students listened attentively. "The second word I want to say is treat others well ."

The teacher continued, "Being kind to others is equivalent to being kind to oneself. If you hold onto a grudge over a small matter, its punishing yourself for someone elses mistakes."

The teacher said meaningfully. He is telling us that a person with an open mind.

The teacher is really well intentioned! "The third word is down-to-earth . Only through down-to-earth learning, laying a solid foundation, and not giving up when facing difficulties, can we achieve success."

After the teacher finished speaking, the students were deeply moved. These three profound words are the most precious gifts that the teacher has given us, and I must "keep them and not lose them.".

This last lesson has benefited me greatly, and I will always remember the teachers teachings.

An Unforgettable Lesson高考英语满分作文 7

"Ding Ling, Ding Ling" The class bell rang, and this class is one of our Cambridge English summer classes. Classmates walked towards the classroom laughing and talking, eh? What are they holding in their hands? Red strawberries, green apples, golden oranges, purple grapes and other fruits, knives, forks, plates and other utensils, as well as one or two bottles of fruit salad dressing. Hehe, today we will learn to make fruit salad - making salad.

The teacher asked us to work in groups of four, and I, He Jie, Li Li, and a female classmate were grouped together. I started making salads. The first step was to peel a small orange and put it on a pre prepared plate. Bananas, grapes, mangoes, etc. were placed on the plate. It was time to peel the apples. I picked up the apples and couldnt help but shake my hands, almost peeling them. So, I finally finished peeling an apple. But the apples are already bumpy, like meteorites on Mars. I started the second step, cutting it into pieces. Compared to cutting it, it was much easier. I placed the large and small fruits on the cutting board and cut them with a big knife. Huh? How come cut fruits come in all sorts of strange and diverse shapes? The larger ones are one centimeter long, while the smaller ones are only one or two millimeters long. Forget it, forget it, dont worry about so much anymore!

Lets move on to the third and fourth parts of Lets Go! I was about to start adding salad dressing to the cut fruit when suddenly, Zhang Li shouted, "Oh no! Not good." Everyone stopped their work and looked at him puzzled. Zhang Li quickly explained, "When I arrived at the yogurt topper, I shook my hand and poured a bag of yogurt into it. Now, its good that the fruit salad has turned into fruit flavored yogurt." After hearing this, I quickly learned from my lesson and should use a spoon to dig, but I didnt put too much or too little.

I was eating my homemade salad, not to mention how happy I was in my heart.

An Unforgettable Lesson高考英语满分作文 8

Today is Sunday, with clear and sunny weather. The classmates walked into the campus again with cheerful singing. When we entered the class, we saw the five big characters "Magical Handkerchief" on the blackboard that were particularly eye-catching. We couldnt help but think to ourselves, "Whats so magical about a handkerchief? Its really inexplicable."

The bell for class rang. I saw Wang strode into the classroom with a handkerchief in his left hand and a bottle of alcohol in his right hand. At this moment, I couldnt help but think, "Can you really transform into a white dove with wings soaring? Its unbelievable!"

The experiment started. First, like a magician, we unfolded the handkerchief and showed it to everyone. After confirming that it was a regular handkerchief, the experiment continued. Firstly, immerse the handkerchief in water, then wring it dry and pour the alcohol evenly onto it. Then, use a lighter to light the handkerchief. I only heard a "sizzling" sound, and in the blink of an eye, flames rushed up, and they were getting hotter and hotter

The students were all staring intently, afraid of missing out on this exciting scene

The fire slowly disappeared from our sight, and the experimental class ended. Looking at that handkerchief again, it was surprisingly undamaged. My classmates have mouths wider than duck eggs.

"Whats going on here? What kind of magic has been cast on the handkerchief..." The students chattered around.

As we looked lost one by one, we pointed out our confusion: it turned out that the low concentration of alcohol, short burning time, and the evaporation of water carried away some of the heat, which could not reach the ignition point of the handkerchief, so the handkerchief was intact.

After listening to the explanation, we couldnt help but suddenly realize.

From this experimental class, I not only understood the principle that handkerchiefs do not burn well, but also learned that learning is endless, and there are many mysteries in nature waiting for us to explore.

An Unforgettable Lesson高考英语满分作文 9

On this Thursday afternoon, our class held a speech competition to collect folk stories and folk songs, which was an exciting class.

"Ding! Ding!" The bell rang in class and told us that it was time for class. The students were happily holding folk materials in their hands, and everyone shouted happily! Jump! Jump! I was as happy as eating some honey. Suddenly, the teacher arrived and the students quieted down. Classmates, this afternoon we will hold a speech competition to collect folk stories and folk songs. The teacher said with a smile. Suddenly, the classroom fell silent, and even a needle could be heard falling. So, the teacher wrote a few big words on the blackboard, which was "The Speech Competition for Collecting Folk Stories and Folk Songs". Now it has begun. The teacher first said, "That group will give a speech first." Our groups Huang Yunfei confidently said, "Teacher, Ill do it." Look! How polite Huang Yunfei was to say, "Hello everyone, I am Huang Yunfei from Group 6. Today, I am telling the story of" There is no silver in this place, three hundred taels. ". Classmates listened attentively, and after a while, Huang Yunfei finished reading in a colorful way. The students were all fascinated by what they heard, and after reading, they all rated the good parts and also the shortcomings. "Ding! Ding!" After class, everyone talked very brilliantly. Some students talked about "Cowherd and Weaver Girl", some talked about "Meng Jiangnu", some talked about "Three Hundred taels of silver here", and some talked about ballads. This was really a wonderful class!

This is a wonderful class that I will never forget.

An Unforgettable Lesson高考英语满分作文 10

Time is like a sharp sword, time is like flowing water. Open the treasure box of memory, there are countless treasures of all sizes, all of which are precious memories for me in elementary school!

In my memory box, there is a very beautiful diamond - it comes from a vivid science class, which is the precious diamond in my memory box. It will always shine in my mind.

That day, we had Professor Jias science class. Because Teacher Jias classes are lively and interesting, students all enjoy his classes. Class is over, Teacher Jia said, "In this class, we need to learn what physical changes are and what chemical changes are." Then, the teacher asked us to open the textbook and said to us, "Some material changes only change the state, shape, size, etc. of the material, and do not produce new substances. These changes are called physical changes. On the contrary, some changes produce new substances, and these changes are called chemical changes." Then, the teacher conducted experiments for us according to the textbook: Teacher Jia first put baking soda into a cup, poured white vinegar into it, and then the liquid in the cup began to churn and bubble. ". Teacher Jia lit another candle and touched it with a cup, and the candle went out. The students were all surprised and shouted, "Ah!" Teacher Jia smiled and said, "Liu Qian can do magic, and I, Jia Qian, can do it too!" After hearing these words, everyone burst into laughter. Then, Teacher Jia said, "This is carbon dioxide produced by mixing baking soda and white vinegar. Carbon dioxide has a fire extinguishing function!" The students suddenly realized that "it turns out"

At this moment, the bell for the end of class rang, and Teacher Jias lively science class came to an end. However, his vivid and humorous language deeply imprinted the content of this class in my mind, making it unforgettable for me for a lifetime.

An Unforgettable Lesson高考英语满分作文 11

When the teacher is present, the students behave obediently like ants. When they are not present, the students are like happy fish, shuttling and playing in the classroom.

As the whole class was reading the text aloud, the teacher was asked by the teacher to have a last-minute meeting. Before the teacher left, he repeatedly reminded the class, "From Lesson One to Lesson Fourteen, when I come back, I will check if the whole class is reading the text." The teacher then took the first step out of the classroom. The whole class was like a vegetable market, with some people agile and running to the podium to dance, some chatting casually, and some quickly finishing the homework that was not written yesterday. Even the discipline class leader joined our lineup and had a lot of fun!

Just as everyone was having a lot of fun, the student in charge of the wind suddenly shouted, "Teacher is back!", which scared us to a standstill. The discipline class leader took three steps and two steps to the podium to lead everyone to read the text. When we finished reading the first paragraph, the student in charge of the wind smiled and bent over. It was only then that we realized it was just a scam, what a false alarm! At that moment, the classroom was like boiling water, immediately boiling up, and the sound of playfulness kept rising and falling in one ear after another. Some students in the class ran to the teachers computer desk to play games, and couldnt stop playing. Suddenly, the footsteps of high heels were getting closer and closer. Everyone was whispering and discussing, and decided to directly read lesson 14. When the teacher came back, he saw everyone sitting obediently in their seats reading the text, and he was very happy.

At the end of class, the teacher said, "Hmm! Everyone is great! There is no homework today, and we will give each person a drink as a bonus." After hearing this, the whole class replied with a guilty conscience, "Thank you, teacher." This was really a thrilling class!

An Unforgettable Lesson高考英语满分作文 12

Since I started school, I have taken numerous classes, including thought-provoking math classes, intriguing Chinese language classes, diverse music classes, and fun English classes. But the most unforgettable lesson for me was a life education class my mother gave me!

I remember one night during dinner, my mother said, "Im so tired today! Im so tired!" This sentence from my mother made me think a lot: Im so old, I cant always stretch out my clothes and eat! Its time to help mom share some household chores! "Mom, since youre so tired, Ill help you wash the dishes after dinner!" Mom happily agreed and praised me for being sensible and understanding how to feel sorry for her.

After finishing my meal, I had already forgotten about helping my mother wash dishes until nine oclock in the morning, and quickly ran outside to play! When I came back, my mother asked me, "Daughter, have you forgotten what else you need to do?" I suddenly realized, but I still pretended to be confused and said, "What do you want to do? I dont know?" My mother sighed and said, "Oh, my daughter, you have to do what you promise others. The most fundamental thing of a person is integrity. If you dont keep your word, you will lose the trust of your family, classmates, and teachers. You need to correct this bad habit, understand?" I lowered my head and said, "Okay, Mom, I understand! I will go now!"

I have learned a lot from my mothers life education class: honesty is the key to being a good person, honesty is the foundation of being a good person, and trust is the core of being a good person. A person without integrity is equivalent to being destroyed by the enemy; A person without integrity is like the Earth without gravity; A person without integrity is like a bird without wings, never able to fly into the sky.

An Unforgettable Lesson高考英语满分作文 13

Today, the teacher asked us to create a quantity word boasting poem.

We found it unbelievable upon hearing it. It was not easy to write poetry originally, but this time I have to write a boastful poem. Isnt that even more difficult?

The teacher smiled and said, "Ive carried an elephant.". The whole class burst into laughter.

Two giraffes are shorter than me. Ziyi, who is usually quiet and literary, is really eye opening when she starts boasting. The teacher clapped his hands and said, "Not bad!"! Then you are much taller than Yao Ming. If it were a basketball tournament, I would definitely let you participate. Ensure accurate shooting return! We burst into laughter as soon as we heard it.

I have pushed three mountains. Xiao Chen also spoke astonishingly. Everyone praises him as a true hero.

At this moment, Xiaojie stood up and said two words in one breath: I have picked four stars and raised five universes. I really admire him, his imagination is so rich!

I have fought against six dinosaurs. Xiaoma took over the conversation and said, "Isnt Xiaoma even more powerful in this way?"?! Dinosaurs existed in ancient times. If we can defeat dinosaurs, we must travel through time and space! Definitely a god of war who can travel through time!

Then, everyone spoke out their boastful poems one after another: I have seen seven immortals! I have moved eight stone bridges! Thats all very well said! Guanquan, who is usually very funny, happily said: I have ridden nine ants. Thats lightness skill, its really amazing!

There was only one last sentence left, and the classmates all said in unison: I am perfect! This ending is simply amazing!

In this class, we created an amazing bragging poem! This boastful poem is originally testing our imagination and also cultivating our imagination.

An Unforgettable Lesson高考英语满分作文 14

Whenever I see the opening of a balloon loosened, the balloon will fly randomly. So I have a question: why does a balloon fly randomly when it deflates, and then fly again when it hits this one? In an interesting class, Teacher Zhang vividly explained the principle of balloons to us.

In class, Teacher Zhang personally conducted an experiment for us. I saw Teacher Zhang puffing his cheeks and blowing a balloon. The balloon grew bigger and bigger, and many students shouted loudly, "Teacher Zhang! Stop blowing, its about to explode!" We were all sweating for Teacher Zhang in our hearts. After a while, Teacher Zhang was unharmed and quickly grabbed the opening of the balloon, lifting it up and asking a question: What do you think will happen when I release the balloon? The students answered enthusiastically, some said they would crash in the air, while others said they would fall straight down. Teacher Zhang smiled slightly and saw that he had released the balloon, which jumped up and down like a mischievous child. But not long after, it fell down, like a golden meteor falling into the human world.

Why is this? Originally, it was because the balloon was filled with air and produced a recoil when it was released. Due to the elasticity of the balloon skin, after bouncing back, the recoil caused the balloon to fly in another direction. Then Teacher Zhang put forward a bolder idea: give each of us a balloon, blow up the balloon, the teacher said let go, and let go together. I started blowing balloons, and I saw all my classmates blowing balloons. I was so anxious in my heart! I blew hard and finally inflated the balloon. It was time for a heavyweight performance, and a sound came to my ears. 43 balloons collided with the ceiling, like colorful fireworks blooming in the sky, but even though they were fleeting.

After returning home from school, I found a more professional explanation: the gas inside the balloon quickly sprays out, creating a thrust on the outside air. Due to the interaction of forces, there is a reaction force between the outside air and the balloon, which then flies out. This is the secret of balloons.

An Unforgettable Lesson高考英语满分作文 15

Today, Teacher Su invited Teacher Yan from Ying County to have an interesting class. Teacher Yan vividly told us a lot about the Yingxian Wooden Pagoda. He also told us that the full name of the Yingxian Wooden Pagoda is the Shakyamuni Pagoda of the Yingxian Buddhist Temple, which is 67 meters high and one of the three wonders of the world. It has a history of 950 years now.

After speaking, Teacher Su asked us to raise our hands and speak. Yan Jing said that the reason why the wooden pagoda has not collapsed for many years seems to be due to the blessing of the Buddha on the first floor of the pagoda. Hao Yong said that the wooden tower was not laid on the foundation and was erected directly. At this moment, I muttered to myself: "Since it was erected, why hasnt it collapsed for 950 years?"? Just raised his hand, but it was said by Zhang Yang. Some students say that there may be some mechanism inside.

As we were pondering, Hao Yong said that there was a lightning rod at the top of the tower, which saved the wooden tower from being struck down by lightning. Also, there are several Buddha light relics on the top, sometimes even shining! At this moment, Gao Xiang said, it seemed like an aurora, and there were many mechanisms in the tower.

This sentence seems like an unsolved mystery, no one knows about this mechanism. Liu Qiqi said, isnt that wooden tower made of wood? Why is the surface of the wooden tower dark red?

Fortunately, this problem was solved by Chang Hongda: it is a type of redwood that does not decay. Oh, no wonder its surface is dark red.

Chang Hongda also said that there is often a bird flying at the top of the tower, which loves to eat insects in wood. The reason why this is why the wooden tower has stood in Ying County for a full 950 years. Legend has it that there are lightning rods and gemstones that can shake water and fire at the top of the tower.

Although I havent been to the Yingxian Wooden Pagoda, after this class, I learned more about it than I did before. It was really an interesting class!

An Unforgettable Lesson高考英语满分作文 16

I have attended countless Chinese classes from first grade to sixth grade, but I have never been interested in Chinese. In class, I am like a wooden person, not thinking, not raising my hands, not speaking; When I got home, I didnt want to do my homework, let alone read. Only a Chinese class in fourth grade left a deep impression on me.

There were a lot of people listening to this Chinese class, including the principal, academic affairs director, equipment director, and experts from the Education Bureau. Watching the Chinese teacher with a serious expression and a hint of nervousness, it seemed that this class was extraordinary. I, on the other hand, was even more uneasy, with cold sweat streaming from my hair to my back like a timid grass emerging from the ground and looking at it. I came to my senses, and everyone looked ahead as if time had stopped. My heart beats wildly, like a volcanic eruption.

The teacher asked repeatedly, and my classmates answered actively. I gradually calmed down. What if I say wrong? I even typed the class monitor wrong on this question, how could I be correct? Im wrong, I cant say Ill be punished. No, even the principal is here. Whats so scary about me? I was wrong, and the most serious thing was that I had to stand in class. Okay, its okay, theres a chance to show it. At this point, all the sweat was gone.

In class, several questions were answered by good students without my involvement. Suddenly, the teacher called me, "What kind of teacher do you think I am?"

My heart was pounding, I took a breath, and answered in a trembling voice, "Teacher Da Huai is a teacher who cares for and cares for the poor."

"Yes! You answered very well." The teacher praised me loudly while looking at me with encouraging eyes. "You can do it, believe in yourself." Suddenly, the whole class cast approving looks at me.

Warm words and warm gaze slowly flow into my heart. I gradually fell in love with Chinese, and more importantly, I established confidence.

An Unforgettable Lesson高考英语满分作文
