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nomophobia 无手机恐惧症

沉苍 分享更新时间:

nomophobia 无手机恐惧症

Nomophobia refers to the fear of being without your mobile phone or without a cellular1 signal.  “无手机恐惧症”指的`是担心没有手机或者没有手机信号。   Your heart rate accelerates, you feel short of breath, you reach quickly to your pocket and feel a wave of relief as you find your phone is still there.  你的心跳加速,呼吸急促,赶紧把手伸进兜里,发现手机还在那里,才感到了一丝欣慰。   If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then you may be a nomophobe, and you are not alone.  如果你也有这种感受,那么你患上了“无手机恐惧症”,而且不止你一人如此。

nomophobia 无手机恐惧症
