
  • catch

    英:[kætʃ]   美: [kætʃ, kɛtʃ] 

    catch 基本解释


    catch 相关例句


    1. A rabbit was caught in a snare.

    2. I don't know whether we can catch the train.

    3. catch的翻译

    3. I tried to catch his attention.


    1. Her voice caught in her throat.


    1. catch

    1. The fisherman had a good catch.

    catch 网络解释

    1. catch

    1. 捕捉:)、<<捕捉>>(Catch)和<<就像天堂一样>>(Just Like Heaven)成为热门歌曲进入美国榜前40名,同年的双张专辑<<吻我,吻我,吻我>>(Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me)也取得很好的成绩.

    2. catch:character allocated transfer channel; 字符分配式传送信道

    catch 词典解释

    1. 抓获;捕捉;逮到
    If you catch a person or animal, you capture them after chasing them, or by using a trap, net, or other device.

    e.g. Police say they are confident of catching the gunman...
    e.g. Where did you catch the fish?...

    2. 接住;抓住
    If you catch an object that is moving through the air, you seize it with your hands.

    e.g. I jumped up to catch a ball and fell over.

    3. 握住;抓住;拉住
    If you catch a part of someone's body, you take or seize it with your hand, often in order to stop them going somewhere.

    e.g. Liz caught his arm...
    e.g. He knelt beside her and caught her hand in both of his...

    4. 砸到;击中;碰到
    If one thing catches another, it hits it accidentally or manages to hit it.

    e.g. The stinging slap almost caught his face...
    e.g. I may have caught him with my elbow but it was just an accident...

    5. (被)卡住;(被)钩住
    If something catches on or in an object or if an object catches something, it accidentally becomes attached to the object or stuck in it.

    e.g. Her ankle caught on a root, and she almost lost her balance...
    e.g. A man caught his foot in the lawnmower.

    6. 乘坐;搭乘;赶上
    When you catch a bus, train, or plane, you get on it in order to travel somewhere.


    e.g. We were in plenty of time for Anthony to catch the ferry...
    e.g. He caught a taxi to Harrods.

    7. 撞见,当场抓住(某人做坏事)
    If you catch someone doing something wrong, you see or find them doing it.

    e.g. He caught a youth breaking into a car...
    e.g. I don't want to catch you pushing yourself into the picture to get some personal publicity...

    8. 忽然发觉;突然意识到
    If you catch yourself doing something, especially something surprising, you suddenly become aware that you are doing it.

    e.g. I caught myself feeling almost sorry for poor Mr Laurence.

    9. 注意;留意;看见
    If you catch something or catch a glimpse of it, you notice it or manage to see it briefly.


    e.g. As she turned back she caught the puzzled look on her mother's face...
    e.g. He caught a glimpse of the man's face in a shop window.

    10. 听见;听清
    If you catch something that someone has said, you manage to hear it.


    e.g. His ears caught a faint cry...
    e.g. I do not believe I caught your name...

    11. 观看,收看,收听(电视或电台节目)
    If you catch a TV or radio programme or an event, you manage to see or listen to it.

    e.g. Bill turns on the radio to catch the local news...
    e.g. The exhibition is on at Droitwich until May 24. You can also catch it at Leominster from June 5.

    12. (尤指及时)遇到,联系上
    If you catch someone, you manage to contact or meet them to talk to them, especially when they are just about to go somewhere else.

    e.g. I dialled Elizabeth's number thinking I might catch her before she left for work...
    e.g. Hello, Dolph. Glad I caught you.

    13. 使惊慌失措;使措手不及
    If something or someone catches you by surprise or at a bad time, you were not expecting them or do not feel able to deal with them.

    e.g. She looked as if the photographer had caught her by surprise...
    e.g. I'm sorry but I just cannot say anything. You've caught me at a bad time...

    14. 引起,吸引(注意或兴趣)
    If something catches your attention or your eye, you notice it or become interested in it.

    e.g. My shoes caught his attention...
    e.g. A quick movement across the aisle caught his eye.

    15. 充分代表;充分反映
    If someone or something catches a mood or an atmosphere, they successfully represent it or reflect it.

    e.g. There's no doubt Mr Putin's speech caught the mood of most deputies.

    16. (使)遭到;(使)遭遇;(使)遭受
    If you are caught in a storm or other unpleasant situation, it happens when you cannot avoid its effects.

    e.g. When he was fishing off the island he was caught in a storm and almost drowned...
    e.g. Visitors to the area were caught between police and the rioters.

    17. (在两难中)不知如何选择,不知所措
    If you are caught between two alternatives or two people, you do not know which one to choose or follow.

    e.g. The Jordanian leader is caught between both sides in the dispute...
    e.g. She was caught between envy and admiration.

    18. 染上,患,得(感冒等疾病)
    If you catch a cold or a disease, you become ill with it.

    e.g. The more stress you are under, the more likely you are to catch a cold.

    19. 盛住;接住
    To catch liquids or small pieces that fall from somewhere means to collect them in a container.

    e.g. The fish is laid out on a large serving plate to catch the juices.
    e.g. ...a specially designed breadboard with a tray to catch the crumbs.

    20. 反(光);(光)照射
    If something catches the light or if the light catches it, it reflects the light and looks bright or shiny.


    e.g. They saw the ship's guns, catching the light of the moon...

    21. (风或水)裹挟,推动
    If the wind or water catches something, it carries or pushes it along.

    e.g. A gust of wind caught the parachute.

    22. 锁钩;挂钩;吊扣
    A catch on a window, door, or container is a device that fastens it.

    e.g. She fiddled with the catch of her bag...
    e.g. Fit windows with safety locks or catches.

    23. 隐患;隐藏的困难;陷阱
    A catch is a hidden problem or difficulty in a plan or an offer that seems surprisingly good.


    e.g. The catch is that you work for your supper, and the food and accommodation can be very basic...
    e.g. 'It's your money. You deserve it.' — 'What's the catch?'

    24. 捕鱼总量
    When people have been fishing, their catch is the total number of fish that they have caught.

    e.g. The catch included one fish over 18 pounds.

    25. 如意伴侣;理想的雇员
    If you describe someone as a good catch, you mean that they have lots of good qualities and you think their partner or employer is very lucky to have found them.


    e.g. I was so in love with him and all my friends said what a good catch he was.

    26. (儿童的)抛接球游戏
    Catch is a game in which children throw a ball to each other.

    27. 捉人游戏
    Catch is a game in which one child chases other children and tries to touch or catch one of them.

    28. see also: catching

    29. 我绝不会做那种事
    You can say things such as 'You wouldn't catch me doing that' to emphasize that you would never do a particular thing.

    e.g. You won't catch me giving him a bad review!...
    e.g. You wouldn't catch me in there, I can tell you.

    30. 使猝不及防;使极其尴尬;使突陷窘境
    If someone is caught with their pants down, something happens that they are not prepared for and that reveals something embarrassing or shocking about them. In British English, you can also say that they are caught with their trousers down .

    e.g. It makes soldiers happy to know that somebody right at the top has been caught with his trousers down...
    e.g. I think we caught them with their pants down. They're a bit confused.

    31. to catch your breath -> see breath
    to catch fire -> see fire
    to catch hold of something -> see hold
    to be caught between a rock and a hard place -> see rock
    to be caught short -> see short
    to catch sight of something -> see sight

    相关词组:catch oncatch outcatch upcatch up with

    catch 情景对话


    A:Where can I catch a taxi?

    B:The taxi zone is right on the left corner over there.

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