
  • curtain

    英:[ˈkɜ:tn]   美: [ˈkɜ:rtn] 

    curtain 基本解释

    1. ring down the curtain : 结束某事, 响铃落幕;

    2. behind the curtain : 幕后, 秘密;

    curtain 相关例句


    1. I bought some material to curtain the house.


    1. Please draw the curtains.

    2. The curtain falls.

    3. curtain

    3. A thick curtain of fog hid the mountains from view.

    4. Our infantry was protected by a curtain of artillery fire.

    curtain 网络解释

    1. 窗帘:慧元国际贸易有限公司(上海代表处)- Wintex ShangHai主要从事纺织品的进出口业务,主要产品为家纺如毛毯(THROW)/窗帘(CURTAIN)/床上用品(BEDDING)及服饰 (APPAREL),客户主要为欧美的零售商及进口商,因业务扩展,现诚聘

    2. 幕:情节一流,情感超一流,译名实在太次,难道原名<<幕>>(curtain)不好吗,改成幕后凶手完全没有了幕的双关义,倒是有了剧透的嫌疑.

    3. 帷幕:WelmU帷幕(curtain)沿坝基及其两岸延伸部分的地下连续防渗幕体.它是常用的坝基防渗措施之一帷幕与挡水建筑物的防渗结构的可靠连接,共同形成地上、地下连续的防渗体系.用钻孔灌水泥浆或各种化学浆液形成的帷幕称灌浆帷幕(见帷幕灌策和化学灌泉).在砂砾石坝基中用泥投土防渗堵形成的帷幕称垂直防渗J.帷幕(见软基处理).

    4. 帘:产品范围:窗帘(curtain 台布(table cloth 婚庆用品本着以质量求生存 以技术求发展的经营理念 绍兴县歌华车业有限公司面向全球市场 向客户提供最优良的品质 优惠的价格和一流的售后服务.

    curtain 词典解释

    1. 窗帘
    Curtains are large pieces of material which you hang from the top of a window.

    e.g. Her bedroom curtains were drawn.

    in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 drapes

    2. 纱幔;帷幔
    Curtains are pieces of very thin material which you hang in front of windows in order to prevent people from seeing in.

    in BRIT, use 英国英语用 net curtains

    3. (舞台上的)幕,帷幕
    In a theatre, the curtain is the large piece of material that hangs in front of the stage until a performance begins.

    e.g. The curtain rises toward the end of the Prelude.

    4. 幕状物;遮蔽物;防护物
    You can refer to something as a curtain when it is thick and difficult to see through or get past.

    e.g. ...a curtain of cigarette smoke...
    e.g. He saw something dark disappear behind the curtain of leaves.

    5. 使结束;标志着…的终结
    If something brings down the curtain on an event or situation, it causes or marks the end of it.

    e.g. Management changes are under way that will finally bring down the curtain on Lord Forte's extraordinary working life.

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