
  • case

    英:[keɪs]   美: [kes] 

    case 基本解释

    1. in case of : 万一, 如果发生;

    2. in the case of : 在...的情况;

    3. in no case : 决不;

    4. in any case : 无论如何;

    5. as the case stands : 事实上;

    6. in case : 万一;


    case 相关例句


    1. I cased my books for shipping.

    1. In case of rain they can't go.


    1. This is a case of fever.

    2. This is a case of stupidity, not dishonesty.

    3. He took a case full of clothes with him.

    case 网络解释

    1. 箱:Wal-Mart宣布,要求其前100大供货商必须在2005年1月配合在运送货物的栈板(Pallet)以及包装货物的外箱(Case)装置RFID,以更准确有效地掌握货物信息,精准的追踪管理在途货物和仓储中的库存.

    2. 病例:本文正是从统计学(statistics)角度(viewpoint)提出一个SARS病例(case)发展趋势的数学模型. 病例数随时间的变化函数p (t)是由两部分组成的. 为了使读者懂得该模型的推导(derivation)思路(guideline of thought),让我们考虑以下一些因素.

    3. 分支语句:[JIS X0132-1996] 信息技术.编程中分支语句( CASE )工具的评价和选择指南标准名称: 信息技术.编程中分支语句( CASE )工具的评价和选择指南标准中文名: 信息技术.编程中分支语句( CASE )工具的评价和选择指南

    4. case

    4. case:computer-aided software engineering; 计算机辅助软件工程

    5. case:computer assisted engineering; 计算机辅助工程

    6. case:computer-aided systems engineering; 计算机辅助系统工程

    7. case:computer aided simulation of the clinical encounter; 计算机辅助模拟临床会诊

    8. case n:58. be regarded as 视为 | 60. case n.事, 病例, CASE, 情形, 场合, 讼案, 容器, (语言规则)格 | 61. literature n.文学(作品), 文艺, 著作, 文献

    case 词典解释


    1. 特定情况;事例;实例
    A particular case is a particular situation or incident, especially one that you are using as an individual example or instance of something.

    e.g. Surgical training takes at least nine years, or 11 in the case of obstetrics...
    e.g. One of the effects of dyslexia, in my case at least, is that you pay tremendous attention to detail...

    2. 病例;案例;问题
    A case is a person or their particular problem that a doctor, social worker, or other professional is dealing with.


    e.g. ...the case of a 57-year-old man who had suffered a stroke...
    e.g. Some cases of arthritis respond to a gluten-free diet...

    3. 境况;状况;情形
    If you say that someone is a sad case or a hopeless case, you mean that they are in a sad situation or a hopeless situation.

    e.g. I knew I was going to make it — that I wasn't a hopeless case.

    4. 案件;案子
    A case is a crime or mystery that the police are investigating.

    e.g. The police have several suspects in the case of five murders committed in Gainesville, Florida...
    e.g. Mr. Hitchens said you have solved some very unusual cases.

    5. (用以证明或反驳的)事实,根据,理由
    The case for or against a plan or idea consists of the facts and reasons used to support it or oppose it.

    e.g. He sat there while I made the case for his dismissal...
    e.g. Both these facts strengthen the case against hanging...

    6. 官司;诉讼;讼案
    In law, a case is a trial or other legal inquiry.

    e.g. It can be difficult for public figures to win a libel case...
    e.g. The case was brought by his family, who say their reputation has been damaged by allegations about him.

    7. (表示补充的内容比前述更重要,且支持或纠正前述)不管怎样,再者
    You say in any case when you are adding something which is more important than what you have just said, but which supports or corrects it.

    e.g. The concert was booked out, and in any case, most of the people gathered in the square could not afford the price of a ticket.

    8. (强调后面的陈述至关重要或十分肯定)不管怎样,无论如何
    You say in any case after talking about things that you are not sure about, to emphasize that your next statement is the most important thing or the thing that you are sure about.

    e.g. Either he escaped, or he came to grief. In any case, he was never seen again.

    9. 以备;以防;免得
    If you do something in case or just in case a particular thing happens, you do it because that thing might happen.

    e.g. In case anyone was following me, I made an elaborate detour...
    e.g. Extra boiling water should be kept at hand just in case it is needed.

    10. 以备;以防;以免
    If you do something or have something in case of a particular thing, you do it or have it because that thing might happen or be true.


    e.g. Many shops along the route have been boarded up in case of trouble.

    11. (表示不耐烦地陈述显而易见或与听话人无关的事情)竟然,难道,假使
    You use in case in expressions like 'in case you didn't know' or 'in case you've forgotten' when you are telling someone in a rather irritated way something that you think is either obvious or none of their business.

    e.g. She's nervous about something, in case you didn't notice...
    e.g. 'I'm waiting for Mary Ann,' she said, 'in case you're wondering.'

    12. 那样的话;在那种情况下
    You say in that case or in which case to indicate that what you are going to say is true if the possible situation that has just been mentioned actually exists.

    e.g. Perhaps you've some doubts about the attack. In that case it may interest you to know that Miss Woods witnessed it...
    e.g. Members are concerned that a merger might mean higher costs, in which case they would oppose it.

    13. 以防万一
    You can say that you are doing something just in case to refer vaguely to the possibility that a thing might happen or be true, without saying exactly what it is.

    e.g. I guess we've already talked about this but I'll ask you again just in case.

    14. 无论情况如何;无论怎样
    You say as the case may be or whatever the case may be to indicate that the statement you are making applies equally to the two or more alternatives that you have mentioned.

    e.g. They know how everything works — or doesn't work, as the case may be.

    15. (是)…的问题;(是)…的事
    If you say that a task or situation is a case of a particular thing, you mean that it consists of that thing or can be described as that thing.

    e.g. It's a case of relaxing, then playing...
    e.g. It's not a case of whether anyone would notice or not.

    16. 典型的例子;恰当的例证
    If you say that something is a case in point, you mean that it is a good example of something you have just mentioned.


    e.g. In many cases religious persecution is the cause of people fleeing their country. A case in point is colonial India.

    17. 是这样;是这种情况
    If you say that something is the case, you mean that it is true or correct.

    e.g. You'll probably notice her having difficulty swallowing. If this is the case, give her plenty of liquids...
    e.g. Consumers had hoped the higher prices would mean more goods in stores. But that was not the case.

    18. 着手处理;正在解决
    If you say that someone is on the case, you mean that they are aware of a particular problem and are trying to resolve it.

    e.g. The CompuServe management is on the case now, and it looks as if things will return to normal soon.


    1. 盒;箱;匣;容器
    A case is a container that is specially designed to hold or protect something.

    e.g. ...a black case for his spectacles.
    e.g. ...a 10-foot-long stuffed alligator in a glass case.

    2. 手提箱;衣箱;皮箱
    A case is a suitcase.

    3. 酒箱
    A case of wine or other alcoholic drink is a box containing a number of bottles, usually twelve, which is sold as a single unit.

    e.g. ...a case of champagne.

    语法术语(GRAMMAR TERM)

    1. (语法的)格
    In the grammar of many languages, the case of a group such as a noun group or adjective group is the form it has which shows its relationship to other groups in the sentence.

    2. see also: lower case;upper case

    case 情景对话


    A:How many would you like to order ?


    B:Is there a minimum order ?

    A:No ,we can ship in lots of any size .

    B:We‘ll try one case of this .

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