
  • wound

    英:[wuːnd]   美: [wund] 

    wound 基本解释

    名词伤口; 创伤; 伤害

    动词伤; 伤害; “wind”的过去式和过去分词(此时读音为:[waʊnd])

    wound 相关例句


    1. The shot wounded her left arm.

    2. The soldier was wounded in the arm.


    1. He had a bullet wound in his chest.

    2. That was a wound to the child's pride.

    wound 网络解释

    1. wound的解释

    1. 创伤:引起机体组织器官产生解剖结构的破坏或生理功能的紊乱,并伴有不同程度的局部或全身反应的病理现象. 2.创伤(wound)是因锐性外力或强烈的钝性外力作用于机体组织或器官,使受伤部皮肤或黏膜出现伤口及深在组织与外界相通的机械性损伤.

    2. 伤:为了验证这种观点是否正确,本人花了三个多小时进行了测试:另外,Doomsaw上的特殊技能击伤(Wound)触发几率确实很低,在1000次普通攻击中仅触发39次,约相当于4%.

    3. wound的解释

    3. 伤口:培养基准备妥当之后,我就跟著学姊到OPD收检体进来,大部份都是血液检体培养(Blood)较多;其次为痰液(Sputum)、尿液(Urine)、直肠拭子(Rectal swab)、脓(Pus)、伤口(Wound)、鼻咽检体(Nasopharyngeal)、咽喉检体(Throat)、胆汁(Bile)、

    4. wound在线翻译

    4. 受伤:die from 是死于外因,比如死于某种不良习惯(habit),受伤(wound),操劳(overwork), 爆炸(explosion)等. 例如:

    wound 词典解释

    的动词形式(VERB FORM OF ‘WIND’ wind)



    1. (刀、枪或其他武器所致的)创伤,伤口
    A wound is damage to part of your body, especially a cut or a hole in your flesh, which is caused by a gun, knife, or other weapon.

    e.g. The wound is healing nicely...
    e.g. Six soldiers are reported to have died from their wounds.

    2. (武器或其他利器)伤害,使受伤
    If a weapon or something sharp wounds you, it damages your body.

    e.g. A bomb exploded in a hotel, killing six people and wounding another five...
    e.g. The driver of an evacuation bus was wounded by shrapnel...

    3. (思想或感情上的)伤害,创伤
    A wound is a lasting bad effect on someone's mind or feelings caused by a very upsetting experience.

    e.g. She has been so deeply hurt it may take forever for the wounds to heal.

    4. (在感情上)伤害,使受创伤
    If you are wounded by what someone says or does, your feelings are deeply hurt.

    e.g. He was deeply wounded by the treachery of close aides...
    e.g. My children have wounded me in the past.

    I think she feels desperately wounded and unloved.
    我想她觉得受到了莫大的伤害,无人爱她。Note that when someone is hurt accidentally, for example, in a car crash or when they are playing sport, you do not use the word wound. You use injure and injury instead. A man and his baby were injured in the explosion... Many of the deaths that occur in cycling are due to head injuries. In more formal English, injury can also be an uncount noun. Two teenagers escaped serious injury when their car rolled down an embankment. Wound is normally restricted to soldiers who are injured in battle, or to deliberate acts of violence against a particular person. ...stab wounds.
    注意,表示某人受到意外伤害,如路遇车祸或进行体育运动时受伤,不能用 wound, 而要用 injure 或 injury:A man and his baby were injured in the explosion (一名男子和他的小孩在爆炸中受伤),Many of the deaths that occur in cycling are due to head injuries (骑自行车时发生的死亡事故很多都是由于头部受伤所致)。在较为正式的英语中,injury 也可作不可数名词:Two teenagers escaped serious injury when their car rolled down an embankment (两个少年在汽车滚下堤岸后侥幸没有受重伤)。wound 通常仅限于指士兵在战场上受伤,或指因蓄意实施的暴力行为而受伤:stab wounds (刺伤)。

    5. (失败或被羞辱后)舔伤,重整旗鼓
    If you say that someone is licking their wounds, you mean that they are recovering after being defeated or made to feel ashamed or unhappy.

    e.g. The British team was returning home yesterday to lick its wounds after defeat by India.

    6. 揭旧伤疤(指重提他人不愿提起的痛苦往事)
    Something that opens old wounds or reopens old wounds reminds someone about an upsetting experience in the past which they would prefer to forget.

    e.g. Courts have been reluctant to reopen old wounds by trying crimes that are decades old.

    7. to rub salt into the wound -> see salt

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