
  • worm

    英:[wɜ:m]   美: [wɜ:rm] 

    worm 基本解释

    worm 相关例句


    1. worm的反义词

    1. He wormed the secret out of her.

    2. The soldier wormed his way toward the enemy's lines.

    3. He wormed his small body through the hedge.


    1. He managed to worm into an important position in the government.


    1. All the apples had worms in them.

    worm 网络解释

    1. 蜗杆:一种吸入式光盘机的传动机构,包括一机芯分别结合一马达、一蜗杆(Worm)、一蜗齿轮(Worm gear)及多数正齿轮(Spur gear)、一橡皮滚轴(Rubber roller)、一传动片及一控制片;其中一正齿轮与橡皮滚轴结合相同的转轴,可被相邻的正齿轮带动;

    2. 蠕虫病毒:最佳答案: 蠕虫病毒(Worm)是计算机病毒的一种,通过网络传播,目前主要的传播途径有电子邮件、系统漏洞、聊天软件等. 蠕虫病毒是传播最快的病毒种类之一,传播速度最快的蠕虫可以在几分钟之内传遍全球,

    3. worm:write once read many; 一写多读

    4. worm:write once, read many; 一次写入,多次读出〖光盘〗

    5. worm:write once read mang; 一次写入型光盘

    6. worm:write once read memory; 写读光盘

    worm 词典解释

    1. 蠕虫
    A worm is a small animal with a long thin body, no bones and no legs.

    2. (动物或人体内的)寄生虫,肠虫
    If animals or people have worms, worms are living in their intestines.

    3. 给(动物)驱寄生虫
    If you worm an animal, you give it medicine in order to kill the worms that are living in its intestines.

    e.g. I worm all my birds in early spring...
    e.g. All adult dogs are routinely wormed at least every six months.

    4. 艰难地移动;蜷缩着身子走
    If you worm your way somewhere, you move there with difficulty, twisting or bending your body or making it narrow.


    e.g. I had to worm my way out sideways from the bench in a ridiculous, undignified fashion...
    e.g. The kitten wormed its way through the just-open door.

    5. (通常为欺骗别人或得到好处)逐渐取得(成功或好感)
    If you say that someone is worming their way to success, or is worming their way into someone else's affection, you disapprove of the way that they are gradually making someone trust them or like them, often in order to deceive them or gain some advantage.

    e.g. She never misses a chance to worm her way into the public's hearts...
    e.g. Everyone knows people who have wormed their way up on old school connections.

    6. 可怜虫;软蛋;卑鄙的家伙
    If you call a person a worm, you are insulting them by saying that they have a very weak or unpleasant character and you have no respect for them.

    7. “蠕虫”病毒
    A worm is a computer program that contains a virus which duplicates itself many times in a network.

    8. 极为棘手的问题
    If you say that someone is opening a can of worms, you are warning them that they are planning to do or talk about something which is much more complicated, unpleasant, or difficult than they realize and which might be better left alone.

    e.g. You've opened up a whole new can of worms here I think. We could have a whole debate on student loans and grants...
    e.g. Drug abuse is a can of worms nobody wants to open at sporting events.

    9. 蠕虫被踩,也会翻腾;兔子急了也咬人
    If you say that the worm turns, you mean that someone who usually obeys another person or accepts their bad behaviour unexpectedly starts resisting that person or expresses their anger.


    e.g. Now the worm turns, and his wife Elizabeth chucks him out and takes a lover herself.

    相关词组:worm out of

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