
  • wet

    英:[wet]   美: [wɛt] 

    wet 基本解释


    反义词: dry

    wet 相关例句


    1. He is all wet.

    2. wet在线翻译

    2. Don't go out, you'll get wet.

    3. Wet weather is a feature of life here in June and July.

    4. The grass is wet with dew.


    1. We went through the wet to the flower show.

    wet 网络解释

    1. 湿的:同we~串记:结婚(wed*)像一张潮湿的(wet)网(web). 同ac~e串记:每英亩(acre)田地都是受了疼痛(ache)得来的. 同~ace串记:脸面(face)肥死,鞋带(lace)勒死,步子(pace)配死,比赛种族(race)是瑞士--末尾两字为相应谐音.

    2. wet的翻译

    2. 湿声:一般在所有的效果器中尤其是时间信号处理器中都有控制旋钮分别左右干声(dry)和湿声(wet),干声代表的是原来的声音,湿声则代表经过处理后的声音. 通过控制他们之间的比例可以得出不同的声音效果.

    3. 潮湿:Prince独自前往纽约寻求一份录音合同. 无功而返后,自己制作出一盒录音带,得到了华纳兄弟唱片公司的欣赏. 1978年,他的首张专辑<<献给你>>问世,仅进入排行榜的第163位. 其中像<<潮湿>>(Wet)以**为主题的抒情作品也未引起人们的兴趣.

    4. 潮湿的:秋天(Autumn)天气是多雷雨(Thunderstorms冬天(Winter)天气是多雪(Snowy).还有各种天气的表达,多云(Cloudy)风(Windy)闪电(Lightning)冷(Cold)热(Hot),形容词凉爽的(Cool)多雾的(Foggy)温暖的(Warm)潮湿的(Wet),还有一些新的词汇例如,

    5. wet的意思

    5. wet:wine equalisation tax; 澳洲葡萄酒平衡税

    6. wet:water bath temperature; 水浴

    7. wet:wine equalization tax; 或有酒类平价税

    8. wet:whole earth telescope; 韦塞林克质量

    wet 词典解释

    The forms wet and wetted are both used as the past tense and past participle of the verb. wet 的过去式和过去分词为 wet 或 wetted。

    1. 湿的;潮湿的
    If something is wet, it is covered in water, rain, sweat, tears, or another liquid.

    e.g. He towelled his wet hair...
    e.g. I lowered myself to the water's edge, getting my feet wet...

    Her hair clung wetly to her head.
    Anti-perspirants stop wetness, deodorants stop odour.

    2. (用水或其他液体)弄湿,沾湿
    To wet something means to get water or some other liquid over it.

    e.g. When assembling the pie, wet the edges where the two crusts join...
    e.g. Fielding nervously wet his lips and tried to smile.

    3. 下雨的
    If the weather is wet, it is raining.

    e.g. If the weather is wet or cold choose an indoor activity...
    e.g. It was a miserable wet day.

    4. 未干的;湿的
    If something such as paint, ink, or cement is wet, it is not yet dry or solid.

    e.g. I lay the painting flat to stop the wet paint running...
    e.g. She rendered the walls in cement and, while it was still wet, applied the shells.

    5. 尿湿的
    If a child or its nappy or clothing is wet, its nappy or clothing is soaked in urine.

    e.g. Change him when he's wet...
    e.g. Avoid changing a nappy unless it's dirty or very wet.

    6. 尿湿
    If people, especially children, wet their beds or clothes or wet themselves, they urinate in their beds or in their clothes because they cannot stop themselves.

    e.g. A quarter of 4-year-olds frequently wet the bed...
    e.g. To put it plainly, they wet themselves.

    7. (鱼)新鲜的
    Wet fish is fish that is sold fresh and uncooked, and not frozen or dried.

    8. (人)软弱的,窝囊的,没有信心的
    If you say that someone is wet, you mean that they are weak and lacking in enthusiasm, energy, or confidence.

    e.g. Don't be so wet, Charles.
    别这么尸从, 查尔斯。

    9. 保守党温和派成员
    A wet is a Conservative politician who supports moderate political policies and opposes extreme ones.

    e.g. The left, the so-called 'wets', thought more state spending would mean more jobs.

    10. 年轻且无经验的;乳臭未干的
    If you say that someone is still wet behind the ears, you mean that they have only recently arrived in a new place or job, and are therefore still not experienced.

    11. to wet your whistle -> see whistle

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