
  • versus

    英:[ˈvɜ:səs]   美: [ˈvɜ:rsəs] 

    versus 基本解释

    介词对抗; (表示两队或双方对阵)对; (比较两种不同想法、选择等)与…相对

    versus 相关例句


    1. The big match tonight is England versus Spain.

    versus 网络解释

    1. 千年决斗:最令人震惊的是以拍摄B级片见长的北村龙平,他的<<千年决斗>>(VERSUS)几乎没有任何主题,纯粹是为了暴力而拍,近两个小时的影片从头战到尾,我们会感慨人类竟是如此脆弱.

    2. 二线品牌纬尚时:创始人、设计师:詹尼.韦尔萨切(Gianni Versace)1946年出生于意大利.二线品牌:纬尚时(Versus)男装品牌:范思哲经典V2(Versace Classic V2)普拉达(Prada)创始人:马里奥.普拉达兄弟(Mario Prada and brother)设计师:马里奥.普拉达,

    3. versus

    3. versus:v.; 对

    versus 词典解释

    1. 与…相对;与…相比
    You use versus to indicate that two figures, ideas, or choices are opposed.

    e.g. Only 18.8% of the class of 1982 had some kind of diploma four years after high school, versus 45% of the class of 1972.
    1982年那一届只有18.8% 的学生在中学毕业4年后获得了某种文凭,而1972年那一届这一比例是45%。
    e.g. ...bottle-feeding versus breastfeeding.

    2. (体育比赛中)与…对阵,与…竞争
    Versus is used to indicate that two teams or people are competing against each other in a sporting event.

    e.g. Italy versus Japan is turning out to be a surprisingly well matched competition.
    e.g. ...Greg Norman and Michael Campbell versus Retief Goosen and David Frost.

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