
  • use

    英:[ju:s]   美: [ju:s] 

    use 基本解释

    名词使用; 使用权; 功能

    动词使用; 运用; 消耗; 服用

    use 相关词组

    1. of use : 有用;

    2. make use of : 使用, 利用;

    3. have no use for : 不需要;

    4. put to use : 使用, 利用;

    5. out of use : 不被使用, 废弃;

    6. come into use : 开始被使用;

    7. use up : 用完, 耗尽;

    8. of no use : 无用;

    9. in use : 在使用着, 在应用;

    use 相关例句


    1. use

    1. He promised to use his influence.

    2. They used him to shock the others.


    1. use

    1. What's the use of worrying?

    2. use的解释

    2. He makes good use of his time.

    3. What use does this tool have?

    use 网络解释

    1. 应用:ITU的IDI Report是依资通讯的近用权(access)、应用(use)及技能(skills)三大指标,评估全球154个国家地区的资通讯竞争力状况. 日前ITU公布2007年的调查结果指出,台湾竞争力排名全球第25. 对此,我国传播通讯主管机关NCC指出,

    2. use:utilized to erase; 滤去

    3. use

    3. use:ultra speed exposure; 超高速曝光


    4. use:ubi soft entertainment; “无比”软件娱乐公司(美国,出品MMX软件包)

    5. use

    5. use:user software engineering; 用户软件工程

    use 词典解释

    动词用法(VERB USES)

    1. 用;使用;应用;运用
    If you use something, you do something with it in order to do a job or to achieve a particular result or effect.

    e.g. Trim off the excess pastry using a sharp knife...
    e.g. He had simply used a little imagination...

    2. 耗尽;耗掉
    If you use a supply of something, you finish it so that none of it is left.

    e.g. You used all the ice cubes and didn't put the ice trays back...
    e.g. They've never had anything spare — they've always used it all.

    3. 服(药,尤指毒品)
    If someone uses drugs, they take drugs regularly, especially illegal ones.

    e.g. He denied he had used drugs...
    e.g. You'll find that most people that don't use heroin don't like people that do.

    4. 用(洗手间或卫生间)(礼貌说法)
    You can say that someone uses the toilet or bathroom as a polite way of saying that they go to the toilet.

    e.g. Wash your hands after using the toilet...
    e.g. He asked whether he could use my bathroom.

    5. 使用(单词或表达方式)
    If you use a particular word or expression, you say or write it, because it has the meaning that you want to express.

    e.g. The judge liked using the word 'wicked' of people he had sent to jail...
    e.g. When Johnson talks about cuts, he uses words like 'target price' and 'efficiency payments'.

    6. 用(名字);自称
    If you use a particular name, you call yourself by that name, especially when it is not the name that you usually call yourself.

    e.g. Now I use a false name if I'm meeting people for the first time...
    e.g. I didn't want to use my married name because we've split.

    7. (为自身利益)利用(别人)
    If you say that someone uses people, you disapprove of them because they make others do things for them in order to benefit or gain some advantage from it, and not because they care about the other people.


    e.g. Be careful she's not just using you...
    e.g. Why do I have the feeling I'm being used again?

    8. see also: used

    名词用法(NOUN USES)

    1. 用;使用;应用;运用
    Your use of something is the action or fact of your using it.

    e.g. The treatment does not involve the use of any artificial drugs.
    e.g. ...research related to microcomputers and their use in classrooms...

    2. 需要;功能;使用价值
    If you have a use for something, you need it or can find something to do with it.

    e.g. You will no longer have a use for the magazines...
    e.g. They both loved the fabric, but couldn't find a use for it.

    3. 用途;用处
    If something has a particular use, it is intended for a particular purpose.

    e.g. Infrared detectors have many uses...
    e.g. It's an interesting scientific phenomenon, but of no practical use whatever...

    4. 使用权;运用能力
    If you have the use of something, you have the permission or ability to use it.


    e.g. She will have the use of the car one night a week.
    e.g. ...young people who at some point in the past have lost the use of their limbs...

    5. (单词的)意义,用法
    A use of a word is a particular meaning that it has or a particular way in which it can be used.

    e.g. There are new uses of words coming in and old uses dying out.

    6. (名字的)使用
    Your use of a particular name is the fact of your calling yourself by it.

    e.g. Police have been hampered by Mr Urquhart's use of bogus names.

    7. 供…使用
    If something is for the use of a particular person or group of people, it is for that person or group to use.

    e.g. The leisure facilities are there for the use of guests...
    e.g. He raises crops mainly for the use of his family.

    8. 有好处
    If you say that being something or knowing someone has its uses, you mean that it makes it possible for you to do what you otherwise would not be able to do.

    e.g. Being a hospital Sister had its uses.

    9. 在使用/不再使用
    If something such as a technique, building, or machine is in use, it is used regularly by people. If it has gone out of use, it is no longer used regularly by people.


    e.g. ...the methods of making Champagne which are still in use today...
    e.g. The site has been out of use for many years.

    10. 使用;利用
    If you make use of something, you do something with it in order to do a job or achieve a particular result or effect.


    e.g. Not all nursery schools make use of the opportunities open to them.
    e.g. ...making use of the same bottle time after time.

    11. 没有用处;无益
    You use expressions such as it's no use ,there's no use, and what's the use to indicate that a particular action will not achieve anything.


    e.g. It's no use arguing with a drunk...
    e.g. There's no use you asking me any more questions...

    12. 没用;行不通
    If you say it's no use, you mean that you have failed to do something and realize that it is useless to continue trying because it is impossible.

    e.g. It's no use. Let's hang up and try for a better line.

    13. 有用/没用
    If something or someone is of use, they are useful. If they are no use, they are not at all useful.

    e.g. The contents of this booklet should be of use to all students...
    e.g. I'm sorry, I've been no use to you.

    use 情景对话



    A:May I use your telephone?

    B:Sugar, please.

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