
  • spin

    英:[spɪn]   美: [spɪn] 

    spin 基本解释

    不及物动词纺纱; 吐(丝),作(茧),结网; 快速旋转; 眩晕

    及物动词纺(线); 吐丝,将…抽成丝; 讲述,尤指通过想象地; 使延长,使延伸

    名词旋转的行为; 快速的旋运动; 眩晕; 疾驰

    spin 相关词组

    1. spin in : 上床;

    spin 相关例句


    1. Spiders spin webs.

    2. Gold is spun into thread .


    1. spin的反义词

    1. My sister can spin on her toes like a dancer.

    2. The heavy blow sent the enemy spinning to the ground.


    1. He has been in a spin since the defeat.

    spin 网络解释

    1. 旋转球:木杆主要用于开球.木杆的特点是杆身长,杆头相对而言较轻,这就导致便于挥杆. 现代的发球杆(Driver)尽管一直都被称为木杆,实际上百分之七十以上的发球杆已由金属制造. 初学者可以考虑距离球,至于有一定技术者可以用旋转球(spin)同控制(control)球.

    2. spin:supply partner information network; 供应伙伴信息网络

    3. spin

    3. spin:social phobia inventory; 社交恐怖症量表

    spin 词典解释

    1. (使)旋转
    If something spins or if you spin it, it turns quickly around a central point.


    e.g. The latest discs, used for small portable computers, spin 3600 times a minute...
    用在小型便携式计算机上的最新光盘转速为每分钟 3,600 转。
    e.g. The Earth spins on its own axis...

    2. (用甩干机或洗衣机)甩干(衣服),给…脱水
    When you spin washing, it is turned round and round quickly in a spin drier or a washing machine to get the water out.


    e.g. Just spin the washing and it's nearly dry.

    3. (因醉酒、生病或兴奋而)头晕
    If your head is spinning, you feel unsteady or confused, for example because you are drunk, ill, or excited.

    e.g. My head was spinning from the wine...
    e.g. All those figures make my poor head spin.

    4. 带倾向性的解释(或说法)
    If someone puts a certain spin on an event or situation, they interpret it and try to present it in a particular way.

    e.g. He interpreted the vote as support for the constitution and that is the spin his supporters are putting on the results today.
    e.g. ...the wholly improper political spin given to the report, particularly by The New York Times.

    5. (政治上的)倾向性报道
    In politics, spin is the way in which political parties try to present everything they do in a positive way to the public and the media.


    e.g. The public is sick of spin and tired of promises. It's time for politicians to act.

    6. (乘车)兜风
    If you go for a spin or take a car for a spin, you make a short journey in a car just to enjoy yourself.


    7. 杜撰;虚构;编造
    If someone spins a story, they give you an account of something that is untrue or only partly true.

    e.g. He was surprised, and annoyed that she had spun a story which was too good to be condemned as a simple lie.

    8. 纺纱;纺线
    When people spin, they make thread by twisting together pieces of a fibre such as wool or cotton using a device or machine.

    e.g. Michelle will also spin a customer's wool fleece to specification at a cost of $2.25 an ounce.
    米歇尔也会按顾客的要求为其纺羊毛呢,每盎司收费 2.25 美元。

    They do their own cooking, spinning, and woodworking.

    9. (飞机的)螺旋式急遽下坠,向下旋冲
    If a plane goes into a spin, it falls very rapidly towards the ground in a spiral movement.

    10. (网球或板球运动中球的)快速旋转,旋转运动
    In a game such as tennis or cricket, if you put spin on a ball, you deliberately make it spin rapidly when you hit it or throw it.


    11. 感到惊慌失措
    If you say that someone is in a spin or in a flat spin, you mean that they are confused and unable to act sensibly because of something that has happened.

    e.g. Poor Jane was in rather a spin about the party.

    相关词组:spin offspin out

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