
  • bowl

    英:[bəʊl]   美: [boʊl] 

    bowl 基本解释


    bowl 相关例句


    1. bowl的反义词

    1. They bowled their hoops along the road.

    1. bowl

    1. Someone ran round the corner and nearly bowled me over.


    1. The wind bowled his hat down the street.


    1. bowl

    1. Fill the sugar bowl, please.

    2. bowl

    2. Would you like another bowl of soup?

    bowl 网络解释

    1. 碗:单词,把你遇到的花,鸟,鱼,虫,门门类类搞清楚,列如吃东西要:碗(bowl),筷子(chopstick),勺子(spoon)等等. 记单词要讲究方法,例如:联想(bowl读起来像饱,对有碗就有饭,有饭就不饱了吗?哈哈对比(好good -坏bad

    2. 钵:标准的石楠木(briar)和海泡石(meerschaum)烟斗,由烟嘴(Stem)连接斗钵(Bowl)和斗柄(Shank)组成(如图). 烟嘴(Stem)材料一般有硬化橡胶(vulcanite)、透明合成树脂(lucite、perspex),另外还有琥珀制的烟嘴.

    3. 杯:回去质问了那些渔夫,并从他们那拿回那牧师母亲的遗物:一个酒杯(BOWL)还给那名牧师. 至于那几个渔夫要如何处置就随你了. 把公爵给你的通行证交给门口的守卫,他就会让你进去了. 和城里的人叙叙旧,他们会告诉你这里最近发生了一些奇怪的事.

    4. 碗状体育场效果:Bourclon 单调低音 | Bowl 碗状体育场效果 | Brilliance 响亮

    bowl 词典解释

    1. 碗;钵;盆
    A bowl is a round container with a wide uncovered top. Some kinds of bowl are used, for example, for serving or eating food from, or in cooking, while other larger kinds are used for washing or cleaning.

    e.g. Put all the ingredients into a large bowl...
    e.g. Your dog should have his own bowls for food and water.

    2. 一碗之量
    The contents of a bowl can be referred to as a bowl of something.

    e.g. ...a bowl of soup.

    3. 碗状部分
    You can refer to the hollow rounded part of an object as its bowl .

    e.g. He smacked the bowl of his pipe into his hand.
    e.g. ...the toilet bowl.

    4. 草地滚木球运动
    Bowls is a game in which players try to roll large wooden balls as near as possible to a small wooden ball. Bowls is usually played outdoors on grass.

    in AM, use 美国英语用 lawn bowling

    5. (草地滚木球运动中用的)木球
    A set of bowls is a set of round wooden balls that you play bowls with.

    6. 玩草地滚木球游戏;玩保龄球
    If you bowl, you play the game of bowls or the game of bowling.

    e.g. Everyone wanted to bowl, hence everyone wanted to open a bowling alley.

    7. (在板球等运动中)投(球)给击球手
    In a sport such as cricket, when a bowler bowls a ball, he or she sends it down the pitch towards a batsman.

    e.g. I can't see the point of bowling a ball like that...
    e.g. He bowled so well that we won two matches.

    8. (在板球等运动中因为投球手击中三柱门)迫使(击球手)出局
    In a sport such as cricket, when a batsman is bowled, he has to leave the pitch because the bowler has hit the wicket with the ball.

    e.g. Watkins hit 16 before being bowled by Ambrose.

    9. (尤指愉快地乘车或船)快速行驶
    If you bowl along in a car or on a boat, you move along very quickly, especially when you are enjoying yourself.

    e.g. Veronica looked at him, smiling, as they bowled along...
    e.g. It felt just like old times, to bowl down Knightsbridge.

    10. 椭圆形运动场;环形剧场
    A large stadium where sports or concerts take place is sometimes called a Bowl .

    e.g. ...the Crystal Palace Bowl.
    e.g. ...the Rose Bowl.

    11. (主赛季后最强的大学球队参加的)季后赛,杯赛
    A bowl or bowl game is a competition in which the best college teams play, after the main season has ended.

    e.g. ...the Fiesta college football bowl.

    12. see also: bowling;begging bowl;fruit bowl;mixing bowl;punch bowl;salad bowl;sugar bowl

    相关词组:bowl outbowl over

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