
  • risk

    英:[rɪsk]   美: [rɪsk] 

    risk 基本解释

    1. at one's own risk : (损失、风险等)由自已负责;

    2. at risk : 在危险中;

    同义词: chanceendangergamblehazardventure

    risk 相关例句


    1. The brave man risked his life in trying to save the child.

    2. They risked losing their jobs.

    3. I don't think they will risk holding an election.


    1. He was ready for any risks.

    2. He saved my life at the risk of losing his own.

    risk 网络解释

    1. 危险度:3.危险度在放射防护标准中的应用:要进行危险程度的比较,ICRP的第26号出版物在考虑随机性效应的防护标准时,采用发危险度(risk)的概念. 据国际辐射保护联合会 (ICRP) 估计,每毫希沃特的辐射会增加约百万分之十二点五的癌症死亡率.

    2. risk:reperfusion injury salvage kinases; 再灌注损伤补救激酶

    risk 词典解释

    1. 风险;危险
    If there is a risk of something unpleasant, there is a possibility that it will happen.

    e.g. There is a small risk of brain damage from the procedure...
    e.g. In all the confusion, there's a serious risk that the main issues will be forgotten.

    2. 有风险的事
    If something that you do is a risk, it might have unpleasant or undesirable results.

    e.g. You're taking a big risk showing this to Kravis...
    e.g. This was one risk that paid off.

    3. 冒险行为;威胁;隐患;危险的人
    If you say that something or someone is a risk, you mean they are likely to cause harm.

    e.g. It's being overfat that constitutes a health risk...
    e.g. The restaurant has been refurbished — it was found to be a fire risk...

    4. 贷款对象;赊销对象
    If you are considered a good risk, a bank or shop thinks that it is safe to lend you money or let you have goods without paying for them at the time.

    e.g. Before providing the cash, they will have to decide whether you are a good or bad risk...
    e.g. If you are already considered a credit risk by a bank, a secured loan might be your only alternative.

    5. 冒着…的危险;担着…的风险
    If you risk something unpleasant, you do something which might result in that thing happening or affecting you.

    e.g. Those who fail to register risk severe penalties...
    e.g. Pregnant women who are heavy drinkers risk damaging the unborn foetus.

    6. 冒险(做…)
    If you risk doing something, you do it, even though you know that it might have undesirable consequences.

    e.g. The captain was not willing to risk taking his ship through the straits in such bad weather.
    e.g. At the top, I risked a glance back...

    7. 冒着(失去生命等)的危险
    If you risk your life or something else important, you behave in a way that might result in it being lost or harmed.

    e.g. She risked her own life to help a disabled woman...
    e.g. Why should he have risked all that to become an agent of a foreign power?

    8. 处境危险;有风险的;在危险中
    To be at risk means to be in a situation where something unpleasant might happen.

    e.g. Up to 25,000 jobs are still at risk...
    e.g. An estimated seven million people are at risk of starvation...

    9. 冒着…危险;担着…的风险
    If you do something at the risk of something unpleasant happening, you do it even though you know that the unpleasant thing might happen as a result.

    e.g. At the risk of being repetitive, I will say again that statistics are only a guide...
    e.g. Americans wanted to aid Britain even at the risk of war.

    10. 自担风险;责任自负;后果自负
    If you tell someone that they are doing something at their own risk, you are warning them that, if they are harmed, it will be their own responsibility.

    e.g. Those who wish to come here will do so at their own risk.

    11. 冒着…危险
    If you run the risk of doing or experiencing something undesirable, you do something knowing that the undesirable thing might happen as a result.

    e.g. The officers had run the risk of being dismissed...
    e.g. I knew I was running a great many risks.

    12. to risk your neck -> see neck

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