
  • rape

    英:[reɪp]   美: [rep] 

    rape 基本解释

    及物动词强奸; 掠夺,强夺

    名词掠夺,强夺; [法]强奸; [植]油菜; 葡萄渣

    rape 相关例句


    3. Yellow flowers of rape always remind me of my childhood in the countryside.

    rape 网络解释

    1. 强暴:当时他们在奥地利的电视台上播放了洋子的(电影)<<强暴>>(Rape)100--他们委托我们拍这部电影,然后我们去维也纳看试映. 那像是一场在饭店办的记者会. 我们不让他们进房间来,我们把自己套进袋子,坐电梯下楼到会场去,觉得很自在,

    2. 强:从旧约圣经可看到同性恋、鸡*(sodomy)、强*(rape)等字, 可见那个时代是很光明正大地描述各种性行为的. 到了中世纪,随着基督教的势力之勃兴,性行为确实受到了很大的压制, 但还是有<<十日谈>>(Il Decamerone)及<<坎特布里故事>>(the Canterbury Tales)等书的出版.

    3. rape:regression analysis programme for economists; 经济学家使用的回归分析程序〖软件包〗

    rape 词典解释

    1. 强奸;强暴
    If someone is raped, they are forced to have sex, usually by violence or threats of violence.

    e.g. A young woman was brutally raped in her own home...

    2. 强奸罪
    Rape is the crime of forcing someone to have sex.

    e.g. Her party opposes abortion, except in cases of rape or incest...
    e.g. Almost ninety per cent of all rapes and violent assaults went unreported.

    3. 破坏;损坏
    The rape of an area or of a country is the destruction or spoiling of it.

    e.g. As a result of the rape of the forests, parts of the country are now short of water.

    4. 芸苔;油菜
    Rape is a plant with yellow flowers which is grown as a crop. Its seeds are crushed to make cooking oil.

    in BRIT, use 英国英语用 oilseed rape

    5. see also: date rape;gang rape;oilseed rape

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