
  • report

    英:[rɪˈpɔ:t]   美: [rɪˈpɔ:rt] 

    report 基本解释

    名词报告; 成绩报告单; 传闻; 流言蜚语

    及物/不及物动词报道; 公布; 宣告

    及物动词告发,举报; 使报到

    report 相关例句


    1. He was reported to the police for speeding.

    2. Two passengers were reported (to be) seriously injured.

    3. He was reported to have made an important discovery.


    1. He reported on the whole event to the vice premier.


    1. I never believe idle reports.

    report 网络解释

    1. report

    1. 判例汇编:29、关于承运人有权未收回提单交付货物给记名收货人的观点,卡伏(carver)援引英格兰和苏格兰法律委员会的判例汇编(report)和the brij一案. 后者是香港高等法院在作为服装托运人的原告诉运输该票货物的船东一案中作出的裁决.

    report 词典解释

    1. 报告;汇报;告发
    If you report something that has happened, you tell people about it.


    e.g. They had been called in to clear drains after local people reported a foul smell...
    e.g. I reported the theft to the police...

    2. (就某个事件或主题)报告情况,报道
    If you report on an event or subject, you tell people about it, because it is your job or duty to do so.

    e.g. Many journalists enter the country to report on political affairs...
    e.g. I'll now call at the vicarage and report to you in due course.

    3. (报纸或广播的)报道
    A report is a news article or broadcast which gives information about something that has just happened.

    e.g. ...a report in London's Independent newspaper...
    e.g. With a report on these developments, here's Jim Fish in Belgrade...

    4. (调查)报告;情况汇报
    A report is an official document which a group of people issue after investigating a situation or event.

    e.g. After an inspection, the inspectors must publish a report.
    e.g. A report by the Association of University Teachers finds that only 22 per cent of lecturers in our universities are women.

    5. (向某人作出的)报告,汇报
    If you give someone a report on something, you tell them what has been happening.

    e.g. She came back to give us a progress report on how the project is going...
    e.g. It seemed obvious from his report of that meeting that you were trying to focus suspicion on Mr Hirsch.

    6. (未经证实的)报道
    If you say that there are reports that something has happened, you mean that some people say it has happened but you have no direct evidence of it.

    e.g. There are unconfirmed reports that two people have been shot in the neighbouring town of Lalitpur...
    e.g. There were no reports of casualties.

    7. 控告;告发
    If someone reports you to a person in authority, they tell that person about something wrong that you have done.

    e.g. His ex-wife reported him to police a few days later...
    e.g. The Princess was reported for speeding twice on the same road within a week.

    8. 报到
    If you report to a person or place, you go to that person or place and say that you are ready to start work or say that you are present.

    e.g. According to protocol, he first reported to the Director of the hospital...
    e.g. Mr Ashwell has to surrender his passport and report to the police every five days...

    9. 向…报告;对…负责;隶属
    If you say that one employee reports to another, you mean that the first employee is told what to do by the second one and is responsible to them.

    e.g. He reported to a section chief, who reported to a division chief, and so on up the line.

    10. 学年(或学期)成绩单
    A school report is an official written account of how well or how badly a pupil has done during the term or year that has just finished.

    e.g. And now she was getting bad school reports.

    in AM, use 美国英语用 report card

    11. 爆炸声;枪声
    A report is a sudden loud noise, for example the sound of a gun being fired or an explosion.

    e.g. Soon afterwards there was a loud report as the fuel tanks exploded.

    12. see also: reporting

    相关词组:report back

    report 情景对话

    Leaving a little early-(早退)

    A:Could I trouble you for a minute, Mr. Graham?

    B:Sure, Emily. How can I help you?

    A:I would like to leave a few minutes early today. Would that be all right?


    B:That’s fine, as long as you can get that report typed up before you leave.

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