
  • route

    英:[ru:t]   美: [rut, raʊt] 

    route 基本解释

    名词航线; 路; (公共汽车和列车等的)常规路线; 渠道,途径

    及物动词按某路线发送; 给…规定路线[次序,程序]

    route 相关例句


    1. Our travel agent routed us through Italy.


    1. This is the shortest route from Boston to New York.

    2. Twenty houses are on my paper route.

    3. We came by a longer route than usual.

    route 网络解释

    1. route的翻译

    1. 路由:路由 / 路由协议 (route / routing protocols) 2.1 路 由(Route)与 路由器 (Router) - 路 由(Route) 将分组从网间网的一个地方转发到另一个地方的路径和过程.

    2. 航线:它的主要功能包括:将地图图像文件转换为电子地图,GPS实时导航, GPS航点(Waypoint)、航迹(Track)、航线(Route)的建立及管理等等. Route航线(路线):路线是GPS内存中存储的一组数据,包括一个起点和一个终点的坐标,还可以包括若干中间点的坐标,

    route 词典解释

    Pronounced /ruːt/ or /raʊt/ in American English. 在美国英语中读作/ruːt/ 或 /raʊt/。

    1. 道路;路线;路途
    A route is a way from one place to another.

    e.g. ...the most direct route to the town centre...
    e.g. All escape routes were blocked by armed police...

    2. 行车路线;航线
    A bus, air, or shipping route is the way between two places along which buses, planes, or ships travel regularly.


    e.g. ...the main shipping routes to Japan.

    3. (用于美国干线公路号码前)
    In the United States, Route is used in front of a number in the names of main roads between major cities.

    e.g. ...the Broadway-Webster exit on Route 580.

    4. (作为工作的)走访,拜访
    Your route is the series of visits you make to different people or places, as part of your job.

    e.g. He began cracking open big blue tins of butter cookies and feeding the dogs on his route...
    e.g. They would go out on his route and check him.

    in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 round, rounds

    5. 途径;方法
    You can refer to a way of achieving something as a route .

    e.g. Researchers are trying to get at the same information through an indirect route...
    e.g. Buying the best is as sure a route to success in investment as in any other field.

    6. 按特定路线发送(车辆、货物或乘客)
    If vehicles, goods, or passengers are routed in a particular direction, they are made to travel in that direction.

    e.g. Double-stack trains are taking a lot of freight that used to be routed via trucks...
    e.g. Approaching cars will be routed into two lanes.

    7. 以…线路发送(电话或其他电子信号)
    If telephone calls or other electronic signals are routed in a particular way, the signals are sent through a particular series of connections.

    e.g. ...plans to route every emergency call in Britain through just three telephone exchanges.

    8. 在途中,沿途(在不规范英语中有时拼作on route)
    En route to a place means on the way to that place. En route is sometimes spelled on toute in non-standard English.

    e.g. They have arrived in London en route to the United States...
    e.g. One of the bags was lost en route.

    9. (新闻用语)作为(较长进程)的一部分,在…之前
    Journalists sometimes use en route when they are mentioning an event that happened as part of a longer process or before another event.

    e.g. The German set three tournament records and equalled two others en route to grabbing golf's richest prize.

    10. 把事情进行到底;贯彻始终
    If you go the route, you do something fully or continue with a task until you have completely finished.

    e.g. They have gone the route, in many cases, of just big — big bowls, big statues, big masks, big everything.

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