
  • room

    英:[ru:m]   美: [rum, rʊm] 

    room 基本解释

    名词房间; 空间; 余地; 房间里所有的人

    及物动词租房,合住; 为…提供住处; 投宿,住宿; 留…住宿


    room 相关例句


    1. room的意思

    1. There is still room for improvement.

    2. room是什么意思

    2. There's room for improvement in your work.

    3. room的近义词

    3. The composition is all right; there is room for improvement, however.

    4. Come and see me in my rooms this evening.

    room 网络解释

    1. room的解释

    1. 室:房间、室 (Room)Fl. (楼房的)层 (Floor)来自一个地名Bruis或Braose,它是法国瑟堡(Cherbourg)附近的村庄. 据说,村里有一个庄主,取名叫Bruis,当诺尔曼人征服英国时,他们的子孙征服者来到英国,并把这姓名也传入英国. 后来,

    2. room什么意思

    2. 存储空间:1.基于信号量操作把数据元素写入到共享FIFO缓冲区(100)中 的方法,包括以下步骤: a)判断FIFO缓冲区(100)中是否有存储空间(room)可以用于在 其中存储数据元素; b)如果在步骤a)中已经判断出在所述FIFO缓冲区(100)中没 有可用的存储空间(room),

    room 词典解释

    1. 房间;屋子;室;房间里的所有人
    A room is one of the separate sections or parts of the inside of a building. Rooms have their own walls, ceilings, floors, and doors, and are usually used for particular activities. You can refer to all the people who are in a room as the room .


    e.g. A minute later he excused himself and left the room...
    e.g. Downstairs are two small rooms: a kitchen and a sitting room...

    2. 私人房间(尤指卧室或办公室)
    If you talk about your room, you are referring to the room that you alone use, especially your bedroom at home or your office at work.

    e.g. If you're running upstairs, go to my room and bring down my sweater, please.

    3. (宾馆的)房间
    A room is a bedroom in a hotel.


    e.g. Toni booked a room in an hotel not far from Arzfeld.

    4. 同住;合租
    If you room with someone, you share a rented room, apartment, or house with them, for example when you are a student.

    e.g. I had roomed with him in New Haven when we were both at Yale Law School.

    5. 空间;空地方
    If there is room somewhere, there is enough empty space there for people or things to be fitted in, or for people to move freely or do what they want to.

    e.g. There is usually room to accommodate up to 80 visitors...
    e.g. There wasn't enough room in the baggage compartment for all the gear...

    6. 机会;余地;可能性
    If there is room for a particular kind of behaviour or action, people are able to behave in that way or to take that action.

    e.g. The intensity of the work left little room for personal grief or anxiety...
    e.g. Once the plaster was dry there was no room for correction...

    7. 作出改变的机会;回旋的余地
    If you have room for manoeuvre, you have the opportunity to change your plans if it becomes necessary or desirable.


    e.g. With an election looming, he has little room for manoeuvre.

    8. see also: changing room;chat room;common room;consulting room;dining room;drawing room;dressing room;elbow room;emergency room;ladies’ room;leg room;living room;locker room;men's room;morning room;powder room;reading room;reception room;rest room;spare room;standing room. to give something houseroom
    -> see houseroom

    You should use room or space to refer to an open or empty area. You do not use place as an uncount noun in this sense. Room is more likely to be used when you are talking about space inside an enclosed area. There's not enough room in the bathroom for both of us... Leave plenty of space between you and the car in front.
    room或space用来指开阔的地方或空地。不能用place作不可数名词表示该意思。room通常用于表示一个封闭的地方的内部空间:There's not enough room in the bathroom for both of us (浴室太小,容不下我们两个人),Leave plenty of space between you and the car in front (要和前面的车保持足够的距离)。

    room 情景对话


    A:Any other questions?

    B:When is (check-out time/ breakfast finished/ the karaoke room open)?

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