
  • pardon

    英:[ˈpɑ:dn]   美: [ˈpɑ:rdn] 

    pardon 基本解释

    及物动词原谅; 赦免; 宽恕; 劳驾

    名词赦免; 饶恕,原谅; [宗]免罪符


    pardon 同义词



    pardon 反义词


    同义词: excuseforgive

    pardon 相关例句


    1. pardon

    1. The governor pardoned the burglar.

    2. Pardon me for not writing to you sooner.

    3. The government pardoned the criminal.

    4. pardon的近义词

    4. Pardon me for disturbing you.

    5. We must pardon the young man his little faults.

    pardon 网络解释

    1. 原谅:他解释说,就像小偷乞求(beg for)宽恕,皇帝原谅(pardon)了他,让这个毫无价值的人(worthless)继续苟且偷生,皇帝(emperor)们拥有的就是权力而不是正义. throw oneself on the ground,匍匐在地.

    2. 赦免:法律自古就有(往往是公众的)同情(compassion)导致的宽宥(mercy)与赦免(pardon). 十九世纪的英国法律与十八世纪的差异之一就是在强奸发生后当女子杀死男子时对女子的同情(注意,这里说的不是正当防卫,而是事后报复性的杀人 .

    3. 宽恕:张宁/辑 宽恕(pardon)问题是德里达(JacquesDerrida)教授近两年来莱文纳斯与福柯(MichelFoucault)的文字则表明伦理学问题一直就与解构联系在一起信(parjure)的关系.

    pardon 词典解释

    1. 对不起,请再说一遍(美国英语用Pardon me?)
    You say 'Pardon?' or 'I beg your pardon?' or, in American English, 'Pardon me?' when you want someone to repeat what they have just said because you have not heard or understood it.

    e.g. 'Will you let me open it?' — 'Pardon?' — 'Can I open it?'...
    e.g. 'Does it have wires coming out of it?' — 'Pardon me?' — 'Does it have wires coming out of it?'

    2. 你说什么?(表示惊讶或者受到冒犯)
    People say 'I beg your pardon?' when they are surprised or offended by something that someone has just said.

    e.g. 'Would you get undressed, please?' — 'I beg your pardon?' — 'Will you get undressed?'

    3. 对不起;请原谅
    You say 'I beg your pardon' or 'I do beg your pardon' as a way of apologizing for accidentally doing something wrong, such as disturbing someone or making a mistake.

    e.g. I was impolite and I do beg your pardon...
    e.g. 'We're meant to do it quarterly actually.' — 'Oh quarterly, I beg your pardon, I thought it was monthly.'

    4. 对不起,不好意思打断一下(用于引起他人注意或者打断他人)
    Some people say 'Pardon me' instead of 'Excuse me' when they want to politely get someone's attention or interrupt them.

    e.g. Pardon me, are you finished, madam?

    in AM, use 美国英语用 excuse me

    5. 恕我直言
    You can say things like 'Pardon me for asking' or 'Pardon my frankness' as a way of showing you understand that what you are going to say may sound rude.

    e.g. That, if you'll pardon my saying so, is neither here nor there.

    6. 请原谅我这么说;说句粗话您别介意
    Some people say things like 'If you'll pardon the expression' or 'Pardon my French' just before or after saying something which they think might offend people.

    e.g. It's enough to make you wet yourself, if you'll pardon the expression.

    7. 赦免
    If someone who has been found guilty of a crime is pardoned, they are officially allowed to go free and are not punished.

    e.g. Hundreds of political prisoners were pardoned and released.

    pardon 情景对话


    B:(Excuse me/ Pardon me/ I beg your pardon), how do I get to Wall Street?


    A:Take the A train…

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