
  • pound

    英:[paʊnd]   美: [paʊnd] 

    pound 基本解释

    1. pound out : 连续猛击而产生;

    pound 相关例句


    1. The housewife pounded the dried bread into crumbs.

    2. She pounded the corn.


    1. He stepped down from the machine and his heart was pounding.


    1. Have you redeemed your car from the pound?

    pound 网络解释

    1. 磅:1盎司=28.350 克 1盎司=16 打兰 (dram) 16盎司=1 磅 (pound)材料:金酒 1盎司 干味美思 2/3盎司 制法:将上述材料加冰摇匀后滤入鸡尾酒杯,然后放入一颗小洋葱.

    2. 庞德:亲信之一 迪亚波罗(Diablo)暗黑恐怖之神 地点:特雷斯捷村庄(Tristram)、王国城堡、大教堂(Monastery)、西马什王国(Westmarch)[暗黑破坏神之绝对使命] 作品相关 第二卷主要出场人物及地点 主要人物: 庞德(Pound)哈坎巴大陆剑士.

    3. (埃及)镑:当地货币是埃及镑(pound)和皮阿斯特(piaster),当时美元兑换埃镑的汇率是1:5.54,100皮阿斯特等于1埃镑,后来在所有的换钱小店和银行都没有看到人民币对埃镑的汇率,估计是不能兑换.

    4. pound的意思

    4. pound:lb.; 磅

    pound 词典解释

    1. 英镑(英国货币单位,等于100便士);镑(埃及等国的货币单位)
    The pound is the unit of money which is used in Britain. It is represented by the symbol £. One British pound is divided into a hundred pence. Some other countries, for example Egypt, also have a unit of money called a pound .

    e.g. Beer cost three pounds a bottle...
    e.g. A thousand pounds worth of jewellery and silver has been stolen.

    2. 英镑币制;镑币制
    The pound is used to refer to the British currency system, and sometimes to the currency systems of other countries which use pounds.


    e.g. The pound is expected to continue to increase against most other currencies.

    3. 磅(英美等一些讲英语的国家的重量单位,合0.454千克)
    A pound is a unit of weight used mainly in Britain, America, and other countries where English is spoken. One pound is equal to 0.454 kilograms. A pound of something is a quantity of it that weighs one pound.

    e.g. Her weight was under ninety pounds.
    e.g. ...a pound of cheese.

    4. (流浪猫狗的)收留所,待领场
    A pound is a place where dogs and cats found wandering in the street are taken and kept until they are claimed by their owners.

    5. (违章停放车辆的)扣留场
    A pound is a place where cars that have been parked illegally are taken by the police and kept until they have been claimed by their owners.

    6. 用力击打;连续砰砰地猛击
    If you pound something or pound on it, you hit it with great force, usually loudly and repeatedly.

    e.g. He pounded the table with his fist...
    e.g. Somebody began pounding on the front door...

    7. 把…捣成粉状;捣碎;舂烂
    If you pound something, you crush it into a paste or a powder or into very small pieces.

    e.g. She paused as she pounded the maize grains.

    8. (常因恐惧而心脏)剧烈跳动,怦怦地跳
    If your heart is pounding, it is beating with an unusually strong and fast rhythm, usually because you are afraid.

    e.g. I'm sweating, my heart is pounding. I can't breathe.

    ...the fast pounding of her heart.

    9. see also: pounding

    10. (不顾别人痛苦而坚决要求的)应得的东西
    If you say that someone demands their pound of flesh, you mean that they insist on getting something they are entitled to, even though it may cause distress to the person it is demanded from.

    e.g. Banks are quick to demand their pound of flesh when overdrafts run a little over the limit.

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