
  • pot

    英:[pɒt]   美: [pɑ:t] 

    pot 基本解释


    名词罐; 一罐; (某种用途的)容器; 陶盆

    及物动词把…栽入盆中; 种盆栽; 台球、普尔和斯诺克击(球)入袋; 射杀


    pot 相关词组

    1. go to pot : 破产;

    2. keep the pot boiling : 谋生, 维持生活, 使保持活泼;

    pot 相关例句


    1. He helped me pot the roses.


    1. pot的反义词

    1. He's got pots of money.


    2. She made a pot of tea for her guests.

    3. The flowers were growing in pots.

    4. She made a pot of coffee.

    pot 网络解释

    1. 锅:按 从 前 西 方 家 庭 通 常 都 有 一 个 大 锅 (pot), 锅 里 盛 着 食 物 , 架 在 炉 子 上 用 文 火 熬 煮 . 假 如 用 膳 时 忽 然 有 客 人 来 访 , 那 么 , 锅 里 有 甚 么 , 客 人 自 然 随 缘 (luck)吃 什 么 了 .

    2. pot是什么意思

    2. 罐:森林内有个希望之泉,转动轱辘(Crank),用水桶摇上水来,然后用空罐(Pot)装一壶泉水. 装完水后,用改锥将轱辘卸下来. 回到镇内旅馆的浴室. 浴缸上有瓶香波,倒一点香波在那缸泉水里,来到皇宫. 这次利用装水蛭的纸袋子(Paper Bag)让两个守卫争斗,

    3. 底池:相关主题: 底池(Pot),(诈唬)Bluff, (套入底池)Pot committed受保护的底池(protected pot)是指一个玩家已经在底池中全押,这意味着对手不再可能用诈唬赢得底池,因为它肯定将看到摊牌.

    4. pot:poly-o-toluidine; 聚邻甲苯胺

    5. pot的解释

    5. pot:portable order terminal; 引进便携式订货终端

    6. pot

    6. pot:point of terminal; 终接点

    7. pot:process ownership team; 程序所有者小组

    pot 词典解释

    A pot is a deep round container used for cooking stews, soups, and other food.

    e.g. ...metal cooking pots.

    2. 茶壶;咖啡壶
    You can use pot to refer to a teapot or coffee pot.

    e.g. There's tea in the pot.

    3. (装果酱、油漆等的)罐,桶
    A pot is a cylindrical container for jam, paint, or some other thick liquid.

    e.g. Hundreds of jam pots lined her scrubbed shelves.

    4. 同 flowerpot
    A pot is the same as a flowerpot .

    5. 把…栽入盆中
    If you pot a young plant, or part of a plant, you put it into a container filled with soil, so it can grow there.

    e.g. Pot the cuttings individually.
    e.g. ...potted plants.

    6. 大麻
    Pot is sometimes used to refer to the drugs cannabis and marijuana.

    7. 一大笔;很多;大量
    If you have pots of money, you have a lot of it.

    e.g. He must have pots of money.

    8. (一盘纸牌游戏中各玩家所下的)赌注总额,全部赌注
    In a card game, the pot is the money from all the players which the winner of the game will take as a prize.

    9. 公共基金
    You can refer to a fund consisting of money from several people as the pot .

    e.g. I've taken some money from the pot for wrapping paper.

    10. 大肚子;罗汉肚
    Someone who has a pot has a round, fat stomach which sticks out, either because they eat or drink too much, or because they have had very little to eat for some time.

    11. (幼儿用的)便壶
    A pot is a deep bowl which a small child uses instead of a toilet.

    12. (斯诺克及台球中)击(球)入袋
    In the games of snooker and billiards, if you pot a ball, you succeed in hitting it into one of the pockets.

    e.g. He did not pot a ball for the next two frames.

    13. see also: potted;chamber pot;chimney pot;coffee pot;lobster pot;melting pot;plant pot

    14. (因无人照料或经营)垮掉,没落,衰落;荒废
    If something goes to pot, it loses all its good qualities because nobody looks after it or works at it.

    e.g. The neighbourhood really is going to pot.

    15. 碰运气;撞大运
    If you take pot luck, you decide to do something even though you do not know what you will get as a result.

    e.g. If you haven't made an appointment, take pot luck and knock on the door...
    e.g. He scorns the 'pot-luck' approach.

    pot 情景对话

    In the Cafeteria-(在自助餐厅里)

    A:What'll you have,sir?

    B:I don't know. What's good today?

    A:Why not try the beef pot pie? That's the special today.Lots of people come in on Mondays just to get our beef pot pie.Or, how about the oyster stew?

    B:No, I'm hungry. That wouldn't last me the afternoon.I guess I'll have a hot beef sandwich with plenty of gravy.

    A:Do you want it on whole wheat, white french, or rye?

    B:Make it whole wheat.

    A:Anything to drink?

    B:Yes, coffee, but I'll come back for it later.

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