
  • posting

    英:[ˈpəʊstɪŋ]   美: [ˈpoʊstɪŋ] 

    posting 基本解释


    名词记录; [会计]过帐,记账; 委派

    动词邮寄; 公布; 张贴(post的现在分词)

    posting 网络解释

    1. 过帐:举例来说,一个处于领先地位的化学药品交易网站,自从1998年初开业以来,其过帐(Posting)数量急剧增长,如今,它平均每天处理不到一个事务. 艰难的现实是,在这些交易中,很少能创造流动性的需求,以使之生存下去. 第二,交易带给卖方的好处实在有限.

    2. 职位:(2) 职位(posting)是一个人完成的任务和职责的集合. (3) 部门(Department)是指在一个组织中,一个管理人员有权执行所规定的活动的一个明确区分的范围、部分或分支机构,如XX部 XX科 XX组 XX 分部等

    3. 记录:提供了Linux x86下高性能的OpenGL支持. 这个臭虫(BUG)在动态的装载器的更旧的版本存在. 供这个选项. 这个选项对8位色深很有用,这里RENDER通常能获得(steal)使用XFree86 Int10模块来软件引导(soft-boot)所有的二级卡,而不是记录(POSTing)这些卡

    4. 发帖相关:注册 registration | 发帖相关 posting | 贴子 post

    posting 词典解释

    1. 派任;外派
    If you get a posting to a different town or country, your employers send you to work there, usually for several years.

    e.g. He was rewarded with a posting to New York...
    e.g. Relevant work experience is required for overseas postings.

    in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 assignment

    2. (军队的)派驻,派遣
    If a member of an armed force gets a posting to a particular place, they are sent to live and work there for a period.

    e.g. ...awaiting his posting to a field ambulance corps in early 1941.
    e.g. ...a prestigious military posting.

    3. (因特网上的)帖子
    A posting is a message that is placed on the Internet, for example on a bulletin board or website, for everyone to read.

    e.g. Postings on the Internet can be accessed from anywhere in the world.

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