
  • plot

    英:[plɒt]   美: [plɑ:t] 

    plot 基本解释

    名词地基,基址图; (戏剧、小说等的)情节; 一块地; 测算表

    及物动词密谋; 以图表画出,制图; 把…分成小块; 为(文学作品)设计情节

    不及物动词设计作品情节; 标示于图表上; 密谋,暗中策划

    plot 相关例句


    2. He is plotting a new novel.


    1. plot

    1. A plot was hatched with secrecy.

    2. The film had an exciting plot.

    plot 网络解释

    1. 绘图:第二十章 管理元素(LAYER)层功能第二十一章 绘图(PLOT)功能第二十二章 生成或使用重叠结构(OVERLAY)功能第二十三章 详图(DETAIL)功能第二十四章库(LIBRARY)功能第二十五章 合并模型(MERGE)功能第二十六章 标识符(IDENTIFY)

    2. 标绘:增加了创建约束的工作流程,在spreadsheet窗口queries菜单中添加了额外的constraint,在up-vector控制流程上有新的改进,使用浏览、标绘(plot)和路径动画设置关键帧时的改进,新的选项用以控制IK翻转,交互式的骨骼链操纵工具,

    plot 词典解释

    1. 阴谋;密谋
    A plot is a secret plan by a group of people to do something that is illegal or wrong, usually against a person or a government.

    e.g. Security forces have uncovered a plot to overthrow the government...
    e.g. He was responding to reports of an assassination plot against him.

    2. 图谋;密谋
    If people plot to do something or plot something that is illegal or wrong, they plan secretly to do it.


    e.g. Prosecutors in the trial allege the defendants plotted to overthrow the government...
    e.g. The military were plotting a coup...

    3. 计划;制订
    When people plot a strategy or a course of action, they carefully plan each step of it.

    e.g. Yesterday's meeting was intended to plot a survival strategy for the party...
    e.g. For the next five years she plotted her career.

    4. (电影、小说或戏剧的)情节
    The plot of a film, novel, or play is the connected series of events which make up the story.


    5. (尤指作特殊用途的)一小块(土地)
    A plot of land is a small piece of land, especially one that has been measured or marked out for a special purpose, such as building houses or growing vegetables.

    e.g. I thought that I'd buy myself a small plot of land and build a house on it...
    e.g. The bottom of the garden was given over to vegetable plots.

    6. 绘制…的曲线
    When someone plots something on a graph, they mark certain points on it and then join the points up.

    e.g. We plot about eight points on the graph.

    7. (在地图上)标绘出(飞机、船舶的位置或航线)
    When someone plots the position or course of a plane or ship, they mark it on a map using instruments to obtain accurate information.

    e.g. We were trying to plot the course of the submarine.

    8. 绘制…的图表(或平面图)
    If someone plots the progress or development of something, they make a diagram or a plan which shows how it has developed in order to give some indication of how it will develop in the future.

    e.g. They used a computer to plot the movements of everyone in the building.

    9. 困惑;迷惘;不知所措
    If someone loses the plot, they become confused and do not know what they should do.

    e.g. The Tories have lost the plot on law and order.

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