
  • puff

    英:[pʌf]   美: [pʌf] 

    puff 基本解释


    puff 相关例句


    1. She puffed out the kerosene lamp.


    1. The bird puffed out its feathers.

    2. A fresh breeze puffed across the river.


    1. A puff of wind blew the papers off the table.

    puff 网络解释

    1. 泡夫:(三)白朱古力.开心果.拿破仑:开波以为系个大泡夫(puff)加白朱古力开心果慕思,但原来是个大泡夫塞满用蜜糖焗既开心果碎,再加一大球混o左白朱古力既cream...成个tasting experience「突然」变得好「复杂」,

    2. 胀泡:在个体发育特定阶段,多线染色体上有的带纹疏松而膨大,形成胀泡(puff),更大的胀泡被称为巴尔比尼氏环(Balbianiring),是基因转录的形态指标. 用3H-尿嘧啶掺入多线染色体,胀泡区被标记,表明该区活跃合成核糖核酸(RNA).

    3. 泡芙:天气: 泡芙(puff)是一种源自意大利的甜食. 蓬松张孔的奶油面皮中包裹掼奶油、巧克力乃至冰淇淋. 泡芙的做法很简单,就是新手也可以大胆尝试. 如果喜欢变变花样,就在泡芙皮上再加一层菠萝皮,做出来形状更加好看,味道更香甜酥脆.

    4. puff

    4. 粉撲:机 膏体输送机 各种规格搅拌设备(反应釜) (真空)储罐 二头、六头全自动灌装机 唇膏、粉饼模具 唇膏预热器 唇膏加热、搅拌浇注机 唇膏冷冻机 粉体灌装机 高速拌粉机 半自动粉饼机 各类化妆品配件:唇彩头 唇彩笔 各类粉扑(puff)

    puff 词典解释

    1. 吸,抽(香烟等)
    If someone puffs at a cigarette, cigar, or pipe, they smoke it.

    e.g. He lit a cigar and puffed at it twice...
    e.g. He nodded and puffed on a stubby pipe as he listened.

    2. 吹;喷;吐
    If you puff smoke or moisture from your mouth or if it puffs from your mouth, you breathe it out.

    e.g. Richard lit another cigarette and puffed smoke towards the ceiling...
    e.g. The weather was dry and cold; wisps of steam puffed from their lips.

    3. (引擎、烟囱或锅炉)冒(烟或气)
    If an engine, chimney, or boiler puffs smoke or steam, clouds of smoke or steam come out of it.

    e.g. As I completed my 26th lap the Porsche puffed blue smoke.

    4. (吹出的)一缕,一股
    A puff of something such as air or smoke is a small amount of it that is blown out from somewhere.

    e.g. Wind caught the sudden puff of dust and blew it inland.

    5. 喘息;喘气
    If you are puffing, you are breathing loudly and quickly with your mouth open because you are out of breath after a lot of physical effort.

    e.g. I know nothing about boxing, but I could see he was unfit, because he was puffing.

    6. 吹捧;吹嘘
    A puff for something such as a book, film, product, or organization is something that is done or said in order to attract people's attention and tell them how good it is.

    e.g. What is presented to the public as a critical evaluation is really an elaborate puff for him and his magazine.

    7. 同poof
    A puff is the same as a poof .

    8. see also: puffed

    相关词组:puff outpuff up

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