
  • patron

    英:[ˈpeɪtrən]   美: [ˈpetrən] 

    patron 基本解释

    名词赞助人,资助人; 顾客,老主顾; 保护人; [宗]守护神

    patron 相关例句


    1. We were effusively welcomed by the patron and his wife.

    2. He was lucky to have found a millionaire patron.

    3. We have a special offer for our regular patrons.

    patron 网络解释

    1. 庇护人:金日成是由约瑟夫.斯大林亲手挑选出来用来统治北朝鲜的领袖,他自身也是一位能操流利俄语的人士,金日成认为学习这门语言对于与苏联--朝鲜最大的政治,经济以及军事庇护人(patron)--交往必不可少.

    patron 词典解释

    1. (艺术家、作家和音乐家等的)赞助人,资助人
    A patron is a person who supports and gives money to artists, writers, or musicians.

    e.g. Catherine the Great was a patron of the arts and sciences.

    2. (允许慈善机构、团体和活动等使用自己的名字作宣传的)代言人,名义赞助人
    The patron of a charity, group, or campaign is an important person who allows his or her name to be used for publicity.

    e.g. Fiona and Alastair have become patrons of the National Missing Person's Helpline.

    3. (酒吧、旅馆等的)主顾,顾客
    The patrons of a place such as a pub, bar, or hotel are its customers.

    e.g. He spent the night at the Savoy: like so many of its patrons, he could not resist the exclusively English cooking.

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