
  • only

    英:[ˈəʊnli]   美: [ˈoʊnli] 

    only 基本解释

    only 相关词组

    1. only not : 简直是, 几乎跟...一样;

    2. only just : 刚刚才, 恰好;

    3. only that : 要不是...;

    4. only too : 非常, 实在;

    5. if only : 只要;

    only 相关例句


    2. This is the only watch that I have.


    1. He came only yesterday.

    2. At present we can only wait and see.


    1. only的意思

    1. You may come at any time, only you had better let me know beforehand.

    only 网络解释

    1. 只:某地的某人搞出一种新的基于病毒的杀虫剂,政府只(only)允许该杀虫剂在只包含害虫的地方试验. 发现有一种有害的蝴蝶无法杀死. 究其原因,某人认为不能确定是该杀虫剂对此蝴蝶无用,还是此种蝴蝶根本就没染上病毒. 问支持!

    2. only什么意思

    2. only:one number link to you; 通用号码连接

    only 词典解释

    In written English, only is usually placed immediately before the word it qualifies. In spoken English, however, you can use stress to indicate what only qualifies, so its position is not so important. 在书面英语中,only 通常直接置于被修饰词之前。但在口语中,由于可通过重读指示修饰对象,故其位置并不太重要。

    1. (表示比较而言唯一真实、恰当或必要的情况)只,只有
    You use only to indicate the one thing that is true, appropriate, or necessary in a particular situation, in contrast to all the other things that are not true, appropriate, or necessary.


    e.g. Only the President could authorize the use of the atomic bomb...
    e.g. ...the guidance and discipline that can be provided only by a strong male...

    2. (引出发生的必要条件)只有…(才)
    You use only to introduce the thing which must happen before the thing mentioned in the main part of the sentence can happen.

    e.g. The lawyer is paid only if he wins...
    e.g. The Bank of England insists that it will cut interest rates only when it is ready...

    3. 唯一的;仅有的
    If you talk about the only person or thing involved in a particular situation, you mean there are no others involved in it.

    e.g. She was the only woman in Shell's legal department...
    e.g. My cat Gustaf was the only thing I had—the only company.

    4. (孩子)独生的,仅有的
    An only child is a child who has no brothers or sisters.

    When only is used as an adverb, its position in the sentence depends on the word or phrase it applies to. If only applies to the subject of a clause, you put it in front of the subject. Only strong characters can make such decisions. Otherwise, you normally put it in front of the verb, after the first auxiliary, or after the verb be. I only want my son back, that is all.. He had only agreed to see me because we had met before... I was only able to wash four times in 66 days. However, some people think it is more correct to put only directly in front of the word or phrase it applies to. This is the best position if you want to be quite clear or emphatic. It applies only to passengers carrying British passports... She'd done it only because it was necessary. For extra emphasis, you can put only after the word or phrase it applies to. The event will be for women only... I'll say this once and once only.
    only 用作副词时,其在句中的位置取决于它所修饰的单词或短语。若 only 修饰句子的主语,则置于主语前,如:Only strong characters can make such decisions(只有坚强的人才能作出这样的决定)。除去此种情况之外,only 通常置于动词前、第一个助动词或 be 动词之后,如:I only want my son back, that is all(我只想要回我儿子,仅此而已),He had only agreed to see me because we had met before(他同意见我只是因为我们以前见过面),I was only able to wash four times in 66 days(我66天才做到洗了4次澡)。但有人认为将 only 直接置于它所修饰的单词或短语之前更恰当,这样可以表达得更清楚或更具强调意味:It applies only to passengers carrying British passports(这仅适于持英国护照的乘客),She'd done it only because it was necessary(只是出于必要她才这样做的)。若要进一步加强语气,可将only置于它所修饰的单词或短语之后:The event will be for women only(该活动仅限女性参加),I'll say this once and once only(这件事我就说一次,而且仅此一次。)

    5. (尤用于想要纠正错误观点时)只不过,仅…而已
    You use only to indicate that something is no more important, interesting, or difficult, for example, than you say it is, especially when you want to correct a wrong idea that someone may get or has already got.

    e.g. At the moment it is only a theory...
    e.g. 'I'm only a sergeant,' said Clements...

    6. (强调数量少或时间短)才,仅仅
    You use only to emphasize how small an amount is or how short a length of time is.

    e.g. Child car seats only cost about £10 a week to hire.
    e.g. ...spacecraft guidance systems weighing only a few grams...

    7. (强调是其中的一小部分,而非全部)只,仅仅
    You use only to emphasize that you are talking about a small part of an amount or group, not the whole of it.

    e.g. These are only a few of the possibilities...
    e.g. Only a minority of the people supported the Revolution.

    8. (用于 can 或 could 之后,强调除此以外别无可为)只(能)
    Only is used after 'can' or 'could' to emphasize that it is impossible to do anything except the rather inadequate or limited action that is mentioned.


    e.g. For a moment I could say nothing. I could only stand and look...
    e.g. The police can only guess at the scale of the problem.

    9. (强调希望或愿望)唯有,非常
    You can use only in the expressions I only wish or I only hope in order to emphasize what you are hoping or wishing.

    e.g. I only wish he were here now that things are getting better for me...
    e.g. We can only hope that the elephants can recover.

    10. (用于表示稍加改动或限定)只是,不过
    Only can be used to add a comment which slightly changes or limits what you have just said.


    e.g. It's just as dramatic as a film, only it's real...
    e.g. It's a bit like my house, only nicer...

    11. (用于含有 would 的从句后,引出未做某事的原因)要不是,若非
    Only can be used after a clause with 'would' to indicate why something is not done.

    e.g. I'd invite you to come with me, only it's such a long way...
    e.g. I'd be quite happy to go. Only I don't know what my kids would say about living there.

    12. (用于不定式前)不料,结果却
    You can use only before an infinitive to introduce an event which happens immediately after one you have just mentioned, and which is rather surprising or unfortunate.

    e.g. Ryle tried the Embassy, only to be told that Hugh was in a meeting...
    e.g. He raced through the living room, only to find the front door closed.

    13. (强调行动或行为恰当)完全,真正
    You can use only to emphasize how appropriate a certain course of action or type of behaviour is.

    e.g. It's only fair to let her know that you intend to apply...
    e.g. She appeared to have changed considerably, which was only to be expected.

    14. (用于动词前,表示结果令人遗憾或不受欢迎)愈加,只(会)
    You can use only in front of a verb to indicate that the result of something is unfortunate or undesirable and is likely to make the situation worse rather than better.

    e.g. The embargo would only hurt innocent civilians...
    e.g. She says that legalising prostitution will only cause problems.

    15. 只要(做…)即可
    If you say you only have to or have only to do one thing in order to achieve or prove a second thing, you are emphasizing how easily the second thing can be achieved or proved.

    e.g. Any time you want a babysitter, dear, you only have to ask...
    e.g. We have only to read the labels to know what ingredients are in foods.

    16. 刚才;刚刚
    You can say that something has only just happened when you want to emphasize that it happened a very short time ago.

    e.g. I've only just arrived...
    e.g. The signs of an economic revival are only just beginning...

    17. 仅仅;勉强
    You use only just to emphasize that something is true, but by such a small degree that it is almost not true at all.


    e.g. For centuries farmers there have only just managed to survive...
    e.g. I am old enough to remember the Blitz, but only just...

    18. 太;极
    You can use only too to emphasize that something is true or exists to a much greater extent than you would expect or like.


    e.g. I know only too well that plans can easily go wrong...
    e.g. When the new baby comes along it is only too easy to shut out the others.

    19. (强调乐意)极,非常
    You can say that you are only too happy to do something to emphasize how willing you are to do it.

    e.g. I'll be only too pleased to help them out with any queries.

    20. if only -> see if
    not only -> see not
    the one and only -> see one

    only 情景对话



    A:Be punctual!

    B:Yes, sir.

    A:You are late again.


    B:I was only five minutes late.

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