
  • oneself

    英:[wʌnˈself]   美: [wʌnˈsɛlf] 

    oneself 基本解释

    1. for oneself : 独自, 独力地;

    2. of oneself : 自动地;

    3. be oneself : 处于正常状态, 显得自然, 显得真诚, 身心健康;

    4. by oneself : 单独, 独自;

    5. to oneself : 独占, 独用;

    oneself 相关例句


    1. To do something oneself is often easier than getting someone else to do it.

    2. One should not live for oneself alone.

    3. oneself

    3. One can't enjoy oneself if one is too tired.

    4. oneself的反义词

    4. One shouldn't overwork oneself.

    oneself 网络解释


    1. 自己:以免使顾客不悦 对自己讨厌的顾客,也要从内心感激 当顾客不讲理时要忍让,绝不要逞一时口舌之快而得罪顾客 3.4.2做事先做人的OCP法则 推销的内容包括自己(oneself)、观念(conception)、产品(product) 先推销自己,

    2. 自:开始是人生地不熟,只能从运货开始,在温和的阳光下亲自(oneself)跑,世界(world)闻名的时代广场被我跑了个遍. 恩,后来,一直升到做办公室助理,一个菜鸟要应付些老鸟实在不太容易,看着那像狐狸的嘴脸,竟然慢慢能感觉到其人内心想法(idea),

    3. 己:推销内容包括自己(oneself)、观念(conception)和产品(product). 运用P.S.C法则就是先推销自己,再推销观念,最后推销产品. 迅速了解和分享客户的感受和看法的同理心(Empathy)在情境中起着非常重要的作用. 当客户感觉被认同、接受、关怀的时候,

    4. oneself什么意思

    4. 使沉溺于:2.vt. 使(自己)适应(新的或变化了的情况)(oneself)3.vt. 放纵;纵情;无拘无束;使沉溺于(oneself)

    oneself 词典解释

    Oneself is a third person singular reflexive pronoun. oneself 是第三人称单数反身代词。

    1. (用作从句中动词或代词的宾语,指代动词主语“我”或“任何人”)自己,自身
    A speaker or writer uses oneself as the object of a verb or preposition in a clause where 'oneself' meaning 'me' or 'any person in general' refers to the same person as the subject of the verb.

    e.g. One must apply oneself to the present and keep one's eyes firmly fixed on one's future goals...
    e.g. To work one must have time to oneself.

    2. (one 虽缺失但可理解为动词主语时,用作动词或介词的宾语)自己,自身
    Oneself can be used as the object of a verb or preposition, when 'one' is not present but is understood to be the subject of the verb.


    e.g. The historic feeling of the town makes it a pleasant place to base oneself for summer vacations...
    e.g. The only guarantee of having a cabin to oneself is by travelling first class...

    3. 独自;亲自;本人
    To do something oneself means to do it without any help from anyone else.

    e.g. It is a very rewarding exercise to work this out oneself...
    e.g. Some things one must do oneself.

    4. (强调事情发生的对象)自己,自身
    You use oneself to emphasize that something happens to you rather than to people in general.

    e.g. It is better to die oneself than to kill.

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