
  • odds

    英:[ɒdz]   美: [ɑ:dz] 

    odds 基本解释

    1. odds and ends : 零星东西;

    2. shout the odds : 说大话;

    3. give odds : 提出让步;

    4. lay odds : 让对方一等;

    5. long odds : n. 极为偶然的机会;

    6. at odds : 不一致;

    7. make odds even : 拉平, 使平等;

    8. short odds : 几乎相等的机会;

    odds 相关例句


    1. odds

    1. I ask no odds of them.

    2. The odds are against us.

    3. odds

    3. I'll lay odds of three to one that it won't rain today.

    4. The odds are that our team will win.

    5. It makes no odds whether she goes or she stays.

    odds 网络解释

    1. 赔率:用这个数值乘以您的下注金额就是您赢得的总彩 纯利(Net Win) 您赢得的总彩金中扣除您的下注本金额 赔率(Odds) 也就是line或者price. 用这个数值乘以您的下注金额就是您赢得的彩金数量 赔率制定者(Oddsmaker) 制定赔率的人 冠军赔率(Outright) 获得锦标赛冠军的赔率,

    2. 可能性:德意志银行的首席能源经济学家亚当.西门斯基解释了如何计算这种政治溢价,即,将供给中断的可能性(odds)乘以对供应中断所引起的后果,以此做出预测. 所以,即使是某一种危机发生几率极小,但是对石油价格的代价巨大,

    3. 比数:本例结果表 明:通过平衡病情严重程度 x1 和年龄 x2 的混杂因素影 响,传统疗法(x3=1) 对于恢复和未恢复的比数(Odds) 显著地小于新疗法(x3=0) 的恢复和未恢复的比数(Odds) ( 比数比 OR=0.14127,p=0.015).

    odds 词典解释

    1. 机会;可能性;几率
    You refer to how likely something is to happen as the odds that it will happen.


    e.g. What are the odds of finding a parking space right outside the door?...
    e.g. The odds are that you are going to fail.

    2. (赌博中的)赔率
    In betting, odds are expressions with numbers such as '10 to 1' and '7 to 2' that show how likely something is thought to be, for example how likely a particular horse is to lose or win a race.

    e.g. Gavin Jones, who put £25 on Eugene, at odds of 50 to 1, has won £1,250.

    3. (与…)不和;(与…)有矛盾;(与…)意见不一致
    If someone is at odds with someone else, or if two people are at odds, they are disagreeing or quarrelling with each other.


    e.g. He was at odds with his Prime Minister...
    e.g. An adviser said there was no reason why the two countries should remain at odds.

    4. (成功)可能性小,希望渺茫
    If you say that the odds are against something or someone, you mean that they are unlikely to succeed.

    e.g. He reckoned the odds are against the scheme going ahead...
    e.g. I'm sorry. I just feel as if the odds are stacked up against me.

    5. 尽管面临重重困难;虽然可能性极小
    If something happens against all odds, it happens or succeeds although it seemed impossible or very unlikely.

    e.g. Some women do manage to achieve business success against all odds...
    e.g. Finally, late in life and against considerable odds, she became a nun.

    6. (某人)很可能取得成功
    If you say that the odds are in someone's favour, you mean that they are likely to succeed in what they are doing.

    e.g. His troops will only engage in a ground battle when all the odds are in their favour.

    7. 使更有希望/使不大可能;机会增加/机会减少
    To shorten the odds on something happening means to make it more likely to happen. To lengthen the odds means to make it less likely to happen. You can also say that the odds shorten or lengthen .

    e.g. His reception there shortened the odds that he might be the next Tory leader.

    odds 情景对话



    A:This restaurant has six parking spaces.

    B:What are the odds of finding a parking space there?

    A:But it’s private parking only.

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