
  • Marxism

    英:[ˈmɑ:ksɪzəm]   美: [ˈmɑ:rksɪzəm] 

    Marxism 基本解释


    Marxism 网络解释

    1. 马克斯主义:在实际上的政治体系,共产主义有时叫「马克斯-列宁主义」,因为共产主义和马克斯主义(Marxism)的革命教条,还有一些受到苏联列宁(或中国的毛泽东)革命所鼓舞的国家相联结.

    2. 马克思:看现代主义,我从来都没有清晰的理念和观感,只是了解reflexivity,了解reflexivity用form去构造另一种media自身探索的特性,据现代主义电影学说,这只是现代主义表达手法的其中一个方向,然而现代主义对马克思(Marxism)的批判和重塑文化价值的功能,

    3. 马列理论:局部腐蚀:localized corrosion | 马列理论:Marxism | 水分叠加:regional and localized water resource richening

    Marxism 词典解释

    1. 马克思主义
    Marxism is a political philosophy based on the writings of Karl Marx which explains changes in history as the result of a struggle between social classes.

    Marxism 单语例句

    1. It fully embodies the Marxist worldview on and methodology for development and represents the latest achievement in adapting Marxism to China's conditions.

    2. The school's history dates back to the School of Marxism and Communism, which was set up in March 1933 in east China's Jiangxi Province.

    3. Comrade Mao Zedong was always against studying Marxism in isolation from the realities of Chinese society and the Chinese revolution.

    4. It was this relaxed political atmosphere that resulted in the widespread dissemination of Marxism and scientific socialism among Chinese intellectuals with political aspirations.

    5. We never take Marxism as an empty, rigid and stereotyped dogma.

    6. That is one reason why we have remained opposed to dogmatism toward the theory of Marxism.

    7. That is one reason why we have remained opposed to dogmatism towards the theory of Marxism.

    8. Marxism is the fundamental guiding principle for the consolidation of the Party and the development of the country.

    9. We must go about all the work of the Party and the state creatively and keep enriching and developing Marxism in practice.

    10. A number of ideologically advanced Chinese students were starting to accept Marxism and take the revolutionary road.

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