
  • just

    英:[dʒʌst]   美: [dʒʌst] 

    just 基本解释

    just 反义词


    just 相关词组

    1. just about : 几乎, 差不多;

    2. just as : 正如;

    3. just yet : 还, 尚;

    4. just so : 正是如此;

    5. just on : 差不多, 将近;

    6. just now : 刚才;

    7. just as it is : 恰好如此, 完全照原样;

    同义词: exactfairgoodmerelyonlyprecisepropersimplyupright

    just 相关例句


    3. He is just out of hospital.

    4. The play was just splendid.


    1. just

    1. You have received a just reward.

    just 网络解释


    1. 正好:这是一种过分(even)的想法,他并非仍然(still)、已经(already)或正好(just)在街上. 4 D 常识判断 他身着警察衣服到街上一游想看一看是否与真的警察一样,这是一种可或然可否(whether)情况,不是方式(how),也非原因(why),

    2. 仅:火把(warm),棍子(gentle),还有刀(cute)的女骇做你的妻子一起( will bi)//我希望你洗bi(will be是洗bi的意思吗)洗安全点(ok)在妻子(life)上,不要(though)仅仅(just)精神上的交流//你是聪明的,

    3. just:jiangsu university of science and technology; 江苏科技大学

    just 词典解释

    副词用法(ADVERB USES)

    1. 刚才;方才;刚刚
    You use just to say that something happened a very short time ago, or is starting to happen at the present time. For example, if you say that someone has just arrived, you mean that they arrived a very short time ago.

    e.g. I've just bought a new house...
    e.g. The two had only just met...

    2. 正在;正要;正准备
    If you say that you are just doing something, you mean that you are doing it now and will finish it very soon. If you say that you are just about to do something, or just going to do it, you mean that you will do it very soon.

    e.g. I'm just making the sauce for the cauliflower...
    e.g. I'm just going to walk down the lane now and post some letters...

    3. (用于强调)正,就,恰恰(在某个时刻)
    You can use just to emphasize that something is happening at exactly the moment of speaking or at exactly the moment that you are talking about.

    e.g. Randall would just now be getting the Sunday paper...
    e.g. Just then the phone rang...

    4. (尤用于纠正错误的观点)只是,仅仅是
    You use just to indicate that something is no more important, interesting, or difficult, for example, than you say it is, especially when you want to correct a wrong idea that someone may get or has already got.

    e.g. It's just a suggestion...
    e.g. It's not just a financial matter...

    5. (用于强调所谈的只是一小部分而非全部)仅仅是,只不过是
    You use just to emphasize that you are talking about a small part, not the whole of an amount.

    e.g. That's just one example of the kind of experiments you can do...
    e.g. These are just a few of the many options available.

    6. (用于强调数量少或时间短)只是,仅仅
    You use just to emphasize how small an amount is or how short a length of time is.

    e.g. Stephanie and David redecorated a room in just three days...
    e.g. Remember he's just fourteen years old.

    7. (用于动词前表示事情的结果糟糕,很可能导致局面恶化)只(会),只不过
    You can use just in front of a verb to indicate that the result of something is unfortunate or undesirable and is likely to make the situation worse rather than better.

    e.g. Leaving like I did just made it worse...
    e.g. They just hurt the people in their community, they didn't really solve any problem.

    8. (用于表示情况在很小的程度上属实)刚刚,勉强,差一点就不
    You use just to indicate that what you are saying is the case, but only by a very small degree or amount.

    e.g. Her hand was just visible by the light from the sitting room...
    e.g. It was Colin's voice, only just audible...

    9. (与might,may和could连用,表示稍有可能)可能,也许
    You use just with 'might,' 'may,' and 'could', when you mean that there is a small chance of something happening, even though it is not very likely.

    e.g. It's an old trick but it just might work...
    e.g. It may just be possible.

    10. (用于加强语气,表示生气、赞美、肯定等)硬是,就是,简直
    You use just to emphasize the following word or phrase, in order to express feelings such as annoyance, admiration, or certainty.

    e.g. She just won't relax...
    e.g. I knew you'd be here. I just knew...

    11. (用于指示、礼貌的请求或表示意图的陈述,用来弱化语气)请,只要,只管…就好了
    You use just with instructions, polite requests, or statements of intention, to make your request or statement seem less difficult.

    e.g. Could you just give us a description of your cat?...
    e.g. Can you just lift the table for a second?...

    12. 请稍候;稍等一下
    You use just in expressions such as just a minute and just a moment to ask someone to wait for a short time.

    e.g. 'Let me in, Di.' — 'Okay. Just a minute.'

    13. (用于打断某人,以表示不同意、解释某事或让其保持冷静)稍等一下,且慢
    You can use just in expressions such as just a minute and just a moment to interrupt someone, for example in order to disagree with them, explain something, or calm them down.

    e.g. Well, now just a second, I don't altogether agree with the premise.

    14. (用于否定附加问句,表示完全赞同)难道不是吗,确实如此
    You can use just with negative question tags, for example 'isn't he just?' and 'don't they just!', to say that you agree completely with what has been said.

    e.g. 'That's crazy,' I said. 'Isn't it just?' he said...
    e.g. 'The manager's going to have some tough decisions to make.' — 'Won't he just.'

    15. (表示完全可以想象)完全,简直
    If you say that you can just see or hear something, you mean that it is easy for you to imagine seeing or hearing it.

    e.g. I can just see the nasty suspicious looks I'd be getting from you if we started whispering together...
    e.g. I can just hear her telling her friends, 'Well, I blame his mother!'

    16. 确切地;精确地
    You use just to mean exactly, when you are specifying something precisely or asking for precise information.

    e.g. It is really not clear just why he became a Socialist...
    e.g. There are no statistics about just how many people won't vote...

    17. 恰恰是;正是
    You use just to emphasize that a particular thing is exactly what is needed or fits a particular description exactly.


    e.g. Kiwi fruit are just the thing for a healthy snack...
    e.g. 'Let's get a coffee somewhere.'—'I know just the place.'

    18. 正(如);正(像)
    You use just in expressions such as just like ,just as...as, and just the same when you are emphasizing the similarity between two things or two people.

    e.g. Behind the facade they are just like the rest of us...
    e.g. He worked just as hard as anyone...

    19. 差不多;几乎;近乎
    You use just about to indicate that what you are talking about is so close to being the case that it can be regarded as being the case.


    e.g. There are those who believe that Nick Price is just about the best golfer in the world...
    e.g. What does she read? Just about everything...

    20. 勉强;差一点就不
    You use just about to indicate that what you are talking about is in fact the case, but only by a very small degree or amount.


    e.g. I can just about tolerate it at the moment...
    e.g. We've got just about enough time to get there.

    21. (用于表示接近于某一具体数量)几乎,差不多
    Just on is used in mentioning an almost exact number or amount.

    e.g. Eve, squinting at the clock, saw it was just on 7 a.m...
    e.g. Many were retired people, and just on a fifth were in their fifties.

    22. 对极了;正是
    Just so is used to agree with or confirm a statement that has been made.

    e.g. 'She has a large flat in Mayfair.' — 'Just so.'

    23. 严格按照要求的
    If things are just so, they are done or arranged exactly as they should be or exactly as someone wants them.


    e.g. I do her hair, and it has to be just so.

    24. (用于弱化抱怨、给出建议或理由时的语气)只不过,只是
    You use the expression it's just that when you are making a complaint, suggestion, or excuse, so that the person you are talking to will not get annoyed with you.

    e.g. I'm sorry I struck you. I didn't mean to. It's just that I was so mad...
    e.g. Your hair is all right; it's just that you need a haircut.

    25. just my luck -> see luck
    not just -> see not
    just now -> see now
    only just -> see only
    it just goes to show -> see show

    形容词用法(ADJECTIVE USE)

    1. 公正的;正当的;正义的;合理的
    If you describe a situation, action, or idea as just, you mean that it is right or acceptable according to particular moral principles, such as respect for all human beings.

    e.g. In a just society there must be a system whereby people can seek redress through the courts...
    e.g. She fought honestly for a just cause and for freedom...

    They were not treated justly in the past...
    No government can justly claim authority unless it is based on the will of the people.

    2. to get your just deserts -> see desert

    just 情景对话


    A:Where have you been?

    B:I just got back from (camp/ school/ class).

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