
  • imply

    英:[ɪmˈplaɪ]   美: [ɪmˈplaɪ] 

    imply 基本解释


    及物/不及物动词暗示; 意味; 隐含; 说明,表明

    imply 相关例句


    1. imply的意思

    1. Rights imply duties.

    2. Her silence implied consent.

    3. Silence sometimes implies consent.

    imply 网络解释

    1. imply

    1. 蕴涵:因为他认为任何科学陈述从来不能由观察陈述中演绎出来,或者由观察陈述经过简单的逻辑连词,如否定(not)、析取(or)、合取(and)、蕴涵(imply)等表达出来. 所以狭隘的可证实性判准会把科学所特有的东西裁决出局,但是又松垮垮地驱逐不走占星术.

    2. imply的意思

    2. 意味着:fast_cleanup=Fasle意味着(imply)verify_cleanup=True. 超时(timeout)被用于计算请求的对话中哪些到达了超时,以用于调用filesession_cleanup. 如果对话对象没有相同的超时,或者手动设定了特定(particular)对话的超时,

    3. 隐含:可见,为了实现这些功能,CDC肯定会变得很大,就不能称其为K虚拟机了,因此,我们通常称用于CDC的虚拟机为 CVM,这里的 C代表 compact、connected、consumer;判断一个Permissioin对象的权限,是否隐含(imply)在另一个Permissioin对

    4. 暗示:sharply#锐利地 | imply#暗示 | infer#推知

    imply 词典解释

    1. 暗指;暗示
    If you imply that something is the case, you say something which indicates that it is the case in an indirect way.

    e.g. 'Are you implying that I have something to do with those attacks?' she asked coldly...
    e.g. She felt undermined by the implied criticism.

    2. 含有…的意思;意味着
    If an event or situation implies that something is the case, it makes you think it likely that it is the case.

    e.g. Exports in June rose 1.5%, implying that the economy was stronger than many investors had realized...
    6 月份出口上升 1.5%,表明经济比许多投资者所认为的更要坚挺。
    e.g. A 'frontier-free' Europe implies a greatly increased market for all economic operators.

    Do not confuse imply and infer. If you imply that something is the case, you suggest that it is the case without actually saying so. Rose's barrister implied that he had married her for her money. If you infer that something is the case, you decide that it must be the case because of what you know, but without actually being told. From this simple statement I could infer a lot about his wife. Note that some English speakers use infer with the same meaning as imply, but this is considered incorrect by careful speakers.
    不要混淆 imply 和 infer。imply 指不加以明说, 但通过暗示表明某事为事实:Rose's barrister implied that he had married her for her money (罗丝的律师暗示他当初娶她是为了她的钱财)。infer 表示在没有被明确告知的情况下, 根据已知信息推断某事是事实:From this simple statement I could infer a lot about his wife (从这一简单的陈述中我能推断出关于他妻子的很多情况)。注意:某些英语使用者把 infer 与 imply 等同使用, 但讲究字句的英语使用者认为这种用法不妥。

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