
  • ability

    英:[əˈbɪləti]   美: [əˈbɪlɪti] 

    ability 基本解释

    ability 相关词组

    1. to the best of one's ability : 尽全力;

    ability 相关例句


    1. He is a man of great ability.

    2. She did the work to the best of her ability.

    3. We found him work more suited to his abilities.

    4. The acting abilities of both are well-known.

    ability 网络解释

    1. 才能:为此,罗杰斯教授对技能(Skill)、才能(Ability)和能力(Capability)三个概念做了区分. 他认为,技能是具体的、操作性较强的技术、技巧;而才能则是相对抽象的,伴随人的成长发展的素质,如逻辑思维能力等;能力则要求一个个体,

    ability 词典解释

    1. 能力
    Your ability to do something is the fact that you can do it.

    e.g. The public never had faith in his ability to handle the job...
    e.g. He has the ability to bring out the best in others.

    2. 才能;技能;本领
    Your ability is the quality or skill that you have which makes it possible for you to do something.


    e.g. Her drama teacher spotted her ability...
    e.g. I have confidence in the ability of the players...

    3. 尽…所能地;竭尽全力地
    If you do something to the best of your abilities or to the best of your ability, you do it as well as you can.

    e.g. I take care of them to the best of my abilities...
    e.g. They tackled them to the best of their ability.

    Do not confuse ability with capability and capacity. You often use ability to say that someone can do something well. He had remarkable ability as a musician. ...the ability to bear hardship. A person's capability is the amount of work they can do and how well they can do it. ...a job that was beyond the capability of one man. ...the director's ideas of the capability of the actor. If someone has a particular capacity, a capacity for something, or a capacity to do something, they have the qualities required to do it. Capacity is a more formal word than ability. ...their capacity for hard work. ...his capacity to see the other person's point of view.
    不要混淆 ability, capability 和 capacity。ability 常用于表示某人将某件事做好的能力:He had remarkable ability as a musician(他拥有杰出的音乐才华),the ability to bear hardship(承受苦难的能力)。capability 指某人所能完成的工作量以及所能达到的工作质量:a job that was beyond the capability of one man(个人力所不及的工作),the director's ideas of the capability of the actor(导演对于这个演员演技的看法)。capacity指做成某件事所需的素质, 用法比 ability 更加正式,例如 their capacity for hard work(他们能吃苦耐劳),his capacity to see the other person's point of view(他领会他人观点的能力)。

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