
  • horn

    英:[hɔ:n]   美: [hɔ:rn] 

    horn 基本解释

    1. horn in : 闯入;

    2. take a horn : 喝酒;

    horn 相关例句



    1. The young bull horned the old cow out of the herd.


    1. The driver blew / sounded his horn when an old lady with her dog stepped in front of his car.

    2. A car passed him at top speed, sounding its horn.

    3. The knife has a horn handle.

    4. The handle of this knife is made of horn.

    horn 网络解释

    1. horn的意思

    1. 喇叭:--开始特殊任务(SPECIAL MISSION)只在可以开启特殊任务的特定交通工具上才有作用;方向键←和→--切换广播频道(RADIO STATION CYCLE)在不同频道的广播节目中切换;方向键↓--喇叭(HORN)一般车辆是鸣喇叭,警车、救护车和消防车是鸣警笛;

    2. 尖角:振动用之工具,一般称之为尖角(horn),其材料为钛,有楔形或圆锥形两种,将之与欲焊接之塑件抵紧,而尖角尖必须与焊接零件之外形相同. 有些热塑性胶无法用超音波熔接法,如乙烯族类(vinyls)与各种纤维素塑料. 超音波熔接之

    horn 词典解释

    1. (汽车等的)喇叭;汽笛;警报器
    On a vehicle such as a car, the horn is the device that makes a loud noise as a signal or warning.

    e.g. He sounded the car horn.

    2. (牛、鹿等动物的)角
    The horns of an animal such as a cow or deer are the hard pointed things that grow from its head.

    e.g. A mature cow has horns.

    3. 角质
    Horn is the hard substance that the horns of animals are made of. Horn is sometimes used to make objects such as spoons, buttons, or ornaments.


    4. (铜管乐器中的)法国号,圆号
    A horn is a musical instrument of the brass family. It is a long circular metal tube, wide at one end, which you play by blowing.

    5. 号(角)(一种简单乐器,由一根金属管组成,一端宽,一端窄)
    A horn is a simple musical instrument consisting of a metal tube that is wide at one end and narrow at the other. You play it by blowing into it.

    e.g. ...a hunting horn.

    6. 角状物;喇叭形物
    A horn is a hollow curved object that is narrow at one end and wide at the other.

    e.g. ...a wind-up gramophone with a big horn.

    7. see also: shoehorn

    8. 自夸;自吹自擂
    If you blow your own horn, you boast about yourself.

    in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 blow your own trumpet

    9. 争吵;争论
    If two people lock horns, they argue about something.


    e.g. During his six years in office, Seidman has often locked horns with lawmakers.

    10. 进退维谷;左右为难
    If you are on the horns of a dilemma, you have to choose between two things, both of which are unpleasant or difficult.


    e.g. The bird is caught on the horns of a dilemma. Should it attack the predator, even though it then risks its own life? Or should it get out while the going is good?

    11. 变得谨慎行事;(尤指)紧缩开支
    If someone pulls in their horns or draws in their horns, they start behaving more cautiously than they did before, especially by spending less money.

    e.g. Customers are drawing in their horns at a time of high interest rates.

    12. to take the bull by the horns -> see bull

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