
  • God

    God 基本解释


    God 相关例句

    1. God forbid!

    2. God damn you!

    3. He thinks himself God Almighty.

    4. God speed you!


    1. God的反义词

    1. Money is the god of the bosses.

    God 网络解释

    1. 天:在你阐述人类的心亦有上天(God)的本性时,这个故事也可以让你做一个很美的譬喻. 你可以这样对孩子说:「你看,这个大大天空紫罗兰,紫罗兰之神,是全蓝色而且向四方延伸. 现在你想像从它上面切下一小块--这就是那小小紫罗兰.

    2. 老天:虽然圣诞过了,还是祈祷下吧,老天(GOD)啊,让我找个知心的朋友吧!署名:对太阳吼日!(我是好人:lol)听说国际版的能打小日本,挺期待的!咱们也能打小鬼子!

    3. god:gallons per day; 天

    4. god:game on demand; 游艺点播

    God 词典解释

    1. 上帝;天主;真主
    The name God is given to the spirit or being who is worshipped as the creator and ruler of the world, especially by Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

    e.g. He believes in God...
    e.g. God bless you.

    2. (表示强调所说的话,或表示惊讶、恐惧或激动)啊呀,天啊,天哪(可能具冒犯意味)
    People sometimes use God in exclamations to emphasize something that they are saying, or to express surprise, fear, or excitement. This use could cause offence.

    e.g. God, how I hated him!...
    e.g. Oh my God he's shot somebody...

    In many religions, a god is one of the spirits or beings that are believed to have power over a particular part of the world or nature.


    e.g. ...Pan, the God of nature.
    e.g. ...Zeus, king of the gods.

    4. 极受尊崇的人;影响极大的人
    Someone who is admired very much by a person or group of people, and who influences them a lot, can be referred to as a god .

    e.g. To his followers he was a god.

    5. see also: act of God

    6. 愿上帝阻止这样的事情;但愿这样的事不会发生
    If you say God forbid, you are expressing your hope that something will not happen.

    e.g. If, God forbid, something goes wrong, I don't know what I would do.

    7. 上帝的恩赐;十全十美的人
    If a person thinks they are God's gift to someone or something, they think they are perfect or extremely good.


    e.g. Are men god's gift to women? Some of them think they are.

    8. (警告语)愿上帝保佑你
    You use God help you to warn someone that something unpleasant will happen to them if they do a particular thing.

    e.g. God help him if he gets in my way...
    e.g. The boss says you must wear a tie. And God help you if you don't.

    9. 愿上帝保佑…
    If you feel sorry for someone because they are in a difficult or unpleasant situation, especially if you think that nobody can help them, you can say God help them.

    e.g. 'God help them,' he said. 'They're beyond help.'

    10. 真讨厌;真烦人
    If you say God help us, you mean that you have negative feelings about the person or situation you are talking about.

    e.g. The first song is 11 minutes long, the last nearly the same, and, God help us, there's a drum solo along the way.

    11. (表示强调)只有上帝知道,天晓得
    You can say God knows ,God only knows, or God alone knows to emphasize that you do not know something.

    e.g. Gunga spoke God knows how many languages...
    e.g. God alone knows what she thinks.

    12. (表示不知道答案)天晓得
    If someone says God knows in reply to a question, they mean that they do not know the answer.


    e.g. 'Where is he now?' 'God knows.'

    13. (基督教的)牧师,神父
    The term a man of God is sometimes used to refer to Christian priests or ministers.

    e.g. I am a man of God.

    14. (用来强调生气、懊恼或吃惊)究竟什么/ 究竟为什么/究竟如何
    If someone uses such expressions as what in God's name ,why in God's name, or how in God's name, they are emphasizing how angry, annoyed, or surprised they are.

    e.g. What in God's name do you expect me to do?...
    e.g. Why in God's name did you have to tell her?

    15. 俨然一副上帝的样子;表现得无所不能
    If someone plays God, they act as if they have unlimited power and can do anything they want.

    e.g. You have no right to play God in my life!

    16. (强调愿望之强烈)老天保佑,求求上天帮忙
    You say please God to emphasize a strong hope, wish, or desire that you have.

    e.g. Please God, let him telephone me now.

    17. (表示强调)我向上帝祈祷/我真诚地希望/我向上帝发誓
    You can use God in expressions such as I hope to God, or I wish to God, or I swear to God, in order to emphasize what you are saying.

    e.g. I hope to God they are paying you well...
    e.g. I wish to God I hadn't met you.

    18. 如系天意;如一切顺利
    If you say God willing, you are saying that something will happen if all goes well.

    e.g. God willing, there will be a breakthrough.

    19. to put the fear of God into someone -> see fear
    honest to God -> see honest
    in the lap of the gods -> see lap
    for God's sake -> see sake
    thank God -> see thank

    God 单语例句

    1. Named Loki after the Norse God of Mischief, the infant primate has been raised by hand after his mother died soon after birth.

    2. He was later regarded as a sea god by the people in Fujian and Taiwan.

    3. Legend has it that the evil river god was offended when the canal opened after the first engineer worked on it for 333 days.

    4. Dozens of officials and tribal leaders gathered under a white canopy, speaking from a podium to the crowd who broke into frequent " God is great " chant.

    5. It was decorated with a fanciful carved dragon carrot figure, the golden totem of the " son of God ".

    6. He believes Michelangelo was equating God's gift of a soul for Adam with the divine gift of intelligence for mankind.

    7. Wilt Chamberlain and Michael Jordan, who Chinese fans called the " God " are the others.

    8. She never wavered in the conviction that God in Jesus Christ directly commissioned her ministry.

    9. His church is an offshoot of mainstream Mormonism that believes polygamy brings exaltation in Heaven, and followers see Jeffs as God's earthly spokesman.

    10. He's colloquially referred to as Hong Kong's third " god of song ", after Jacky Cheung.

    God 情景对话



    A:She wants to start a family.

    B:She is pregnant. /She is expecting.


    B:What did she have? /What is she expecting?


    A:She told me that she decided not to have it tested. Only God knows.

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