
  • expect

    英:[ɪkˈspekt]   美: [ɪkˈspɛkt] 

    expect 基本解释

    及物动词期望; 预料; 要求; 认为(某事)会发生

    不及物动词期待; 预期; 怀胎; 怀孕

    expect 同义词

    动词hopeanticipatethinklook forawaitsuppose

    expect 反义词


    expect 相关词组

    1. be expecting : [计] 期望;

    同义词: anticipateawaithopesupposethink

    expect 相关例句


    1. I expect you are right.

    2. He expected to finish the work by March.

    3. The professor expected respect from his students.

    4. I expect he'll pass the examination.

    expect 网络解释


    1. 预期:一般而言,人们预期(expect)到自己的财产因州的立法而受到影响. 然而,与受影响较多的非不动产不同,就土地来说,州委员会一方认为其已经附带了一种默示性的限制,即可能出现经济上有价值的利用完全受到否定的情形,

    2. expect什么意思

    2. 预计:Aggies最明显的变化是从希望(hope)更好转变到预计(expect)更好. 这种态度的转变也延伸到了局外人了. 他的后仰、不旋转球(knuckleball)和左手跳投是对手的噩梦. 去年主场对阵第六名的Texas时,Law用一计压哨三分帮助球队取胜,

    expect 词典解释

    1. 预期;预料;期待
    If you expect something to happen, you believe that it will happen.

    e.g. ...a council workman who expects to lose his job in the next few weeks...
    e.g. They no longer expect corporate profits to improve...

    2. 盼望;期待;等待
    If you are expecting something or someone, you believe that they will be delivered to you or come to you soon, often because this has been arranged earlier.

    e.g. I am expecting several important letters but nothing has arrived...
    e.g. I wasn't expecting a visitor...

    3. 要求;认为应当得到;指望
    If you expect something, or expect a person to do something, you believe that it is your right to have that thing, or the person's duty to do it for you.


    e.g. He wasn't expecting our hospitality...
    e.g. I do expect to have some time to myself in the evenings...

    4. 指望;期望
    If you tell someone not to expect something, you mean that the thing is unlikely to happen as they have planned or imagined, and they should not hope that it will.

    e.g. Don't expect an instant cure...
    e.g. You cannot expect to like all the people you will work with...

    5. 怀孕
    If you say that a woman is expecting a baby, or that she is expecting, you mean that she is pregnant.


    e.g. She was expecting another baby...
    e.g. I hear Dawn's expecting again.

    6. 我认为;我猜想
    You say 'I expect' to suggest that a statement is probably correct, or a natural consequence of the present situation, although you have no definite knowledge.

    e.g. I expect you can guess what follows...
    e.g. I expect you're tired...

    7. 你还想指望什么;那有什么大惊小怪的
    You can say 'What can you expect?' or 'What do you expect?' to emphasize that there is nothing surprising about a situation or a person's behaviour, especially if you find this disappointing.

    e.g. It tastes artificial, but at that price what can you expect?...
    e.g. If a guy hunts and owns guns, what do you expect?

    Do not confuse expect, wait for, and look forward to. When you are expecting someone or something, you think that the person or thing is going to arrive or that the thing is going to happen. I sent a postcard so they were expecting me... We are expecting rain.When you wait for someone or something, you stay in the same place until the person arrives or the thing happens. Whisky was served while we waited for him... We got off the plane and waited for our luggage. When you look forward to something that is going to happen, you feel happy because you think you will enjoy it. I'll bet you're looking forward to your holidays... I always looked forward to seeing her.
    不要混淆expect,wait for和look forward to。expect表示认为某人或某物即将到达,或某事即将发生:I sent a postcard so they were expecting me(我寄了张明信片,这样他们就会知道我要来),We were expecting rain(我们预计会下雨)。wait for表示在原地等某人到达或者某事发生:Whisky was served while we waited for him(我们等他的时候,威士忌端上来了),We got off the plane and waited for our luggage(我们下了飞机,等着领取行李)。look forward to表示期盼某事发生,因为会从中获取乐趣:I'll bet you're looking forward to your holidays(我敢肯定你在盼望着假期到来),I always looked forward to seeing her (我一直盼望见到她)。

    expect 情景对话


    A:We’ll call you.

    B:Ok, should I expect to hear from you by (next Friday/ the end of the week/ the 15th)?

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