
  • die

    英:[daɪ]   美: [daɪ] 

    die 基本解释

    动词deceasepass awayperishgoexpire


    die 反义词


    die 相关词组

    1. die out : 消失, 灭绝;

    2. die down : 枯萎, 凋谢;

    3. die away : 熄灭, 平息, 消失;

    4. die off : 相继死去直至死光, 消亡, 逐个死亡;

    5. upon the die : 在危急存亡的关头;

    同义词: expiregoperish

    die 相关例句


    1. He died a hero's death.

    1. After the excitement of the audience died down, the speaker restarted his speech.


    1. The day is dying in the west.

    2. die是什么意思

    2. The engine died.

    3. He died in battle.

    4. His love for science will never die.

    die 网络解释

    1. 模具:则打样时,将板子套在事先按客户要求尺寸做好的模板(Template)上,再以手动铣床,沿Template外型旋切而得. 若是大量,则须委外制作模具(Die)以冲床冲型之. 这些都是早期单面或简单双面板通常使用的成型方式.

    2. 冲模:ITC(美国国际贸易委员会)在2002年10月28日的公告中指出,目前全球刀具(tool)、冲模(die)、工业型模(Industrial mold)市场(下简称TDM市场)竞争日益激烈,这不仅会给美国带来种种新的挑战和潜在严重威胁,也同样会影响到其它国家.

    3. die什么意思

    3. 死亡:这主要有三个原因:首先,正如莫里斯的评论所暗示的,大多数极少主义作品的尺寸都几乎与人的身体等大. 在这里,托尼.史密斯(Tony Smith)对于他的六英尺高的立方体作品<<死亡>>(Die)(1962)的提问的回答,非常具有启发性:

    4. die:distribute inference engine; 分布式推理机

    die 词典解释

    1. 死;死亡;(植物)枯死,凋谢
    When people, animals, and plants die, they stop living.

    e.g. A year later my dog died...
    e.g. Sadly, both he and my mother died of cancer...

    2. 临死;垂死;奄奄一息
    If a person, animal, or plant is dying, they are so ill or so badly injured that they will not live very much longer.

    e.g. The elm trees are all dying...
    e.g. Every working day I treat people who are dying from lung diseases caused by smoking.

    3. 以…的方式死亡
    If someone dies a violent, unnatural, or painful death, they die in a violent, unnatural, or painful way.

    e.g. He watched helplessly as his mother died an agonizing death...
    e.g. I'm no expert, but I don't think Tracy died a natural death.

    4. (机器或设备)完全停止运行
    If a machine or device dies, it stops completely, especially after a period of working more and more slowly or inefficiently.

    e.g. Then suddenly, the engine coughed, spluttered and died.

    5. (火或光)熄灭
    If a fire or light dies, it stops burning or shining.

    e.g. Her cigarette glowed brightly, then died.

    6. (感情或表情)完全消失
    If an emotion or facial expression dies, it disappears completely, usually after a period of gradually becoming weaker and less noticeable.

    e.g. My love for you will never die...
    e.g. Kathryn looked down at the floor and the smile died on her lips.

    7. (渴、饿、闷或好奇)得要命;…得要死
    You can say that you are dying of thirst, hunger, boredom, or curiosity to emphasize that you are very thirsty, hungry, bored, or curious.

    e.g. Order me a pot of tea, I'm dying of thirst.

    8. 很想要;非常渴望
    You can say that you are dying for something or are dying to do something to emphasize that you very much want to have it or do it.

    e.g. I'm dying for a breath of fresh air...
    e.g. She was dying to talk to Frank.

    9. (用于强调震惊、不安、窘迫或好笑等)我差点要死/(如果发生某事)我会死的
    You can use die in expressions such as 'I almost died' or 'I'd die if anything happened' where you are emphasizing your feelings about a situation, for example to say that it is very shocking, upsetting, embarrassing, or amusing.

    e.g. I nearly died when I learned where I was ending up...
    e.g. I nearly died of shame...

    10. 模具;冲模;压模
    A die is a specially shaped or patterned block of metal which is used to press or cut other metal into a particular shape.

    11. see also: dying

    12. 事已定局;木已成舟
    You can say that the die is cast to draw attention to the importance of an event or decision which is going to affect your future and which cannot be changed or avoided.

    e.g. It was too late and too urgent to turn back. The die was cast.

    13. (习惯或观念)难以改掉,很难摆脱
    If you say that habits or attitudes die hard, you mean that they take a very long time to disappear or change, so that it may not be possible to get rid of them completely.

    e.g. Old habits die hard...
    e.g. Such prejudices die hard.

    相关词组:die awaydie backdie downdie out

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