
  • ask

    英:[ɑ:sk]   美: [æsk] 

    ask 基本解释

    ask 相关词组

    1. ask for : 请求, 要求;

    2. ask after : 问候;

    3. ask for it : 自讨苦吃;

    ask 相关例句


    1. ask是什么意思

    1. You ask too high a price.

    2. ask在线翻译

    2. He asked me where Tom was.

    3. ask在线翻译

    3. I came to ask you a favor.

    4. He asked that they (should) be allowed to use a dictionary.


    1. Why do you ask?

    ask 网络解释

    1. 问:左右两半脑的功能不平衡,需要加强右脑功能开发的训练;因为,根据现代心理学的观点,联想是记忆的基础,它和机械记忆一样,同样是(记忆窍门)如上同样道理,将该词分解; 则可记成:隐者戴面具,莫(m) 问(ask)他是谁(记忆窍门)如上同样道理,

    2. ask的意思

    2. 询问:在美国,医生已成为干预大多数美国人戒烟的强有力因素, 美国国立癌症研究院(NCI)更提出了协助病人戒烟的4A计划:询 问(Ask)、劝告(Advise)、帮助(Assist)、安排(Arrange ).

    3. ask的解释

    3. 美投神:投影机大全投影机专卖 索尼(SONY)大全索尼(SONY)专卖 索尼(SONY)大全索尼(SONY)专卖 爱普生(EPSON)大全爱普生(EPSON)专卖 爱普生(EPSON)大全爱普生(EPSON)专卖 美投神(ASK)大全美投神(ASK)专卖 美投神(ASK)大全美投神(ASK

    4. ask:anomalous state of knowledge; 的知识的非常态状态

    5. ask:aggregate supply of knowledge; 知识资源总量

    6. ask:available seat kilometers; 可用座位公里

    7. ask:anomalous states of knowledge; 知识不规则状态

    ask 词典解释

    1. 问;询问
    If you ask someone something, you say something to them in the form of a question because you want to know the answer.

    e.g. 'How is Frank?' he asked...
    e.g. I asked him his name...

    2. 要求…(做…);请求…(做…)
    If you ask someone to do something, you tell them that you want them to do it.

    e.g. We had to ask him to leave...
    e.g. She said she had been asked to take two suitcases to Africa by a man called Sean.

    3. 要求(做…);请求(做…)
    If you ask to do something, you tell someone that you want to do it.

    e.g. I asked to see the Director.

    4. 索要;请求,恳求(给予)
    If you ask for something, you say that you would like it.

    e.g. I decided to go to the next house and ask for food...
    e.g. Who asked for your opinion?

    5. 求见
    If you ask for someone, you say that you would like to speak to them.

    e.g. There's a man at the gate asking for you.

    6. 请求,征求(许可、意见、谅解)
    If you ask someone's permission, opinion, or forgiveness, you try to obtain it by putting a request to them.

    e.g. Please ask permission from whoever pays the phone bill before making your call.

    7. 邀请;约请
    If you ask someone to an event or place, you invite them to go there.

    e.g. Couldn't you ask Jon to the party?...
    e.g. She asked me back to her house.

    8. 要(价);索(价)
    If someone is asking a particular price for something, they are selling it for that price.

    e.g. Mr Pantelaras was asking £6,000 for his collection.

    9. (通常用于表示对询问感到恼怒或惊讶)不要问我
    You reply 'don't ask me' when you do not know the answer to a question, usually when you are annoyed or surprised that you have been asked.

    e.g. 'She's got other things on her mind, wouldn't you think?' 'Don't ask me,' murmured Chris. 'I've never met her.'

    10. 只要开口(便可得到);唾手可得
    If something is yours for the asking, you could get it very easily if you wanted to.


    e.g. He knew the nomination was his for the asking.

    11. (强调反对)请问,真是,这还了得
    If you say 'I ask you', you are emphasizing how much you disapprove of someone or something.

    e.g. That silly old bat. I ask you, who'd she think she was?

    12. (一种正式的询问方式,表示感到困扰或心生疑虑)请问
    You can say 'may I ask' as a formal way of asking a question, which shows you are annoyed or suspicious about something.

    e.g. May I ask where you're going, sir?

    13. 依我看;我认为
    You can say 'if you ask me' to emphasize that you are stating your personal opinion.

    e.g. He was nuts, if you ask me.

    14. 自找麻烦;自讨苦吃
    If you say that someone is asking for trouble or is asking for it, you mean that they are behaving in a way that makes it very likely that they will get into trouble.


    e.g. To go ahead with the match after such clear advice had been asking for trouble.

    相关词组:ask afterask around

    ask 情景对话



    A:Let me ask you (something/ this/ a question).

    B:Sure, go ahead.

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