




TV sets were still not popularized at that time, when the eldest brother suddenly from the town back into a black and white television, to the delight of the whole family a few around already aging father, brother and sister happily said to him: dad, you can see the favorite Beijing Opera in the future.

Father work life, feed a family on low wages, shortly after his retirement, my mother got sick leave, father didn't play CARDS to bubble tea house hobbies, all hold the radio to listen to Beijing Opera.

Eldest brother put the TV in his father's room, every day TV forecast in advance, and then the whole family together to see Beijing Opera, to be honest, I don't have any interest in Beijing Opera, the eldest brother elder sister, too, only to let father happy to do so.

Father is old, the hearing is not very good, eyes also look not clear, but he was obviously very gratified, sons and daughters of filial piety to zheng big eyes to see every time, sometimes tired, rely on the head of a bed lay a moment, all the way to the Beijing Opera played out, we are brother and sister to leave.

Five years later, the eldest brother, the elder sister has moved out of marriage home my father and I were left. I also have to do your own thing, often put the TV set, let father a person look. But gradually, I found that every time to see my father again, television or closed, or change, I asked father you don't want to see the Peking Opera? He said a vague answer: the TV shut yourself. Thought it was the TV out of the question, soon we all chipped in for his father bought a color TV, but less than a week, appeared in the same situation.

I think is not the matter of the TV set, I once again to my father to Beijing Opera, in the outhouse listened, indeed hear the sound of the father tuning, smacked then shut. I walked in, his father's panic.

I said, dad, if you don't like to see Beijing Opera, can say to me, I help you. Father with turbid eyes looked at me half a day, and nodded slightly.

Think of these five years, father always don't like to see a Beijing Opera? I asked him: dad, just when I buy a TV, you see no see clearly? Don't listen to hear? First he nodded, then shook his head again, some hard said: can't see clearly. My heart suddenly a pain and ask: why did you not say? You can't see we can put the TV set, can hear the sound up a little

Father looked at me, there is no answer, has become the eyes, the mouth cape also peep out one silk smile.

I now know how, over the past five years father always can't see the picture, also can't hear the sound, he your pretend to see, only don't want to children with kindness, and we also always thought oneself do the filial piety, and smug. So in front of the father's filial piety, pale, because filial will only in his father's lifetime, and he gives us love, is eternal, children can never be surpassed.

To give all miss lost parents and their children!

Regardless of the family, love, or friendship, although we can't do it past without regret, but at least we can do this life clear conscience!


那时电视机还不普及,当大哥突然从城里抱回一台黑白电视机时,全家人都非常欣喜,几兄妹围着已经衰老的父亲,高兴地对他说: 爸,以后您可以看最喜欢的京剧了。




五年过去了,大哥、大姐先后结婚搬了出去,家里就剩下我与父亲。我也有自己的事,常常把电视机调好台,让父亲一个人看。但渐渐地,我发觉每次再去看父亲的时候,电视机要么关了,要么换了台,我问父亲您不想看京剧了吗?他含混地回答说: 电视机自己关的。 以为是电视机出了问题,不久我们凑钱为父亲买了台彩色大电视,但不到一星期,又出现同样的情况。

我觉得不是电视机的问题了,一次我又给父亲调好京剧,在外屋听动静,果然听到父亲调台的声音,然后 啪 的一声关了。我走进去,父亲的神情有些惊慌。

我说: 爸,如果您不喜欢看京剧,可以对我说,我帮您关。 父亲睁着浑浊的眼睛看了我半天,微微点点头。

想起这五年来,父亲是不是一直不喜欢看京剧?我问他: 爸,才买电视机时,您看不看得清?听不听得见? 他先点点头,然后又摇摇头,有些吃力说: 看不清楚。 我的心突然一痛,问: 那您为什么不说呢?你看不清我们可以把电视机放近一点,听不见可以把声音开大一点埃



