Unit 18 The necklace 教学设计方案Lesson 70投诉举报
Unit 18 The necklace 教学设计方案Lesson 70
Unit 18 The necklace 教学设计方案Lesson 70.doc
Unit 18 The necklace 教学设计方案Lesson 70Unit 18 The necklace 教学设计方案Lesson 70

Unit 18 The necklace 教学设计方案Lesson 70

Unit 18 The necklace 教学设计方案Lesson 70

教学设计方案Lesson 70

Teaching Aims1. Retell the whole story.2. Deal with language points.Step I Revision1.Check the homework exercises.2.Revise Scenes 1 and 2 of the play by asking and answering questions.Step II ListeningRead Scene 3 silently and tell whether the following sentences are true or false.1.Mathilde had changed so much in those years that her friend couldn’t recognize her the moment they met.2.Mathilde thought that she would be laughed at if she did not wear jewelry at the ball.3.The Pierres didn’t have a very good time at the ball because of the lost necklace.4.Mathilde felt very tired after they had paid back all the money they borrowed.5.Jeanne felt sorry after she heard Mathilde’s story.6. According to the text, we can see Jeanne was rich and greedy.7.After reading the passage, we can see most people will feel sorry for Mathilde.8.Having been told that the necklace she borrowed was made of glass, Mathilde must have been astonished.Keys:1-8 TTFF TFTTStep III ReadingChoose the best answer according to Lesson 69 and Lesson 70.1. Pierre Loisel was working ___________A. in a school B. in a factoryC. in a government officeD. in a store2. Why did he buy a new dress for his wife?A. Because he had a lot of moneyB. Because he and his wife received an invitation to a ball in the palaceC. Because his wife got enough moneyD. Because they wanted to go abroad.3. Whom did she borrow a necklace from?A. His boss.B. His friend.C. Her friend.D. Her classmate.4. What happened on their way home from the ball?A. They found the necklace gone.B. They found their watches gone.C. They found their key gone.D. They found their horse stolen.5.The next day Pierre and Mathilde bought ____________.A. a glass necklace to return to JeanneB. a gold necklace to return to JeanneC. a real diamond necklace to return to JeanneD. a silver necklace to return to Jeanne6. What did they do in order to pay back the debt?A. They had to move awayB. They had to work day and night.C. They had to ask others for help.D .They had to beg (讨饭) .Keys:1-6C BCA CBStep IV Language pointswithout luck: with no success; in vainday and night: for a long time every daypay back: to return what is owingStep V DiscussionThe T lets the Ss to discuss the questions, for example:The necklace Mathilde had chosen was not a real diamond necklace, but she thought it was wonderful on her and she liked it very much. What does it show?Step VI WorkbookWb Lesson 70, Exx.1-3.Do the first two questions in Ex.1 as an example: Where was Pierre Loisel working ten years ago? Why did he buy a new dress for his wife? Then get the Ss to do the exercise in pairs. Check the questions and answers with the class. Tell them to write down all the questions in the exercise book after class.Read through the passage in Ex. 2 first before filling in the blanks in pairs.Get the Ss to discuss Ex. 3 in pairs. Check the answers in class and translate the sentences into Chinese.Step VII ExerciseFill in the blanks with proper prepositions and conjunctions.Pierre Loisel used to work ______ a government office. One day he and his wife Mathilde received an invitation ______a ball ______the palace. Mathilde spent 400 francs ______ a new dress but had no more money _______jewellery. She borrowed a beautiful necklace _______ her friend Jeanne. The couple had a very good time in the palace. But ______ the ball Mathilde found the necklace missing. They borrowed money to buy a diamond necklace ______ Jeanne. The necklace that looked exactly ______ Jeanne s cost them 36,000 francs. _____ they returned the necklace, they had to work day and night ______ ten years to pay back the money they had borrowed. ______ Mathilde met Jeanne again she had changed so much ______ her friend could not recognize her. She did not know ______ then that the necklace she borrowed was not made ______ diamonds. It was worth 500 francs ______ the most.参考答案:in; to; in; on; for; from; after; for; like; After; for; When; that; until; of; atStep VIII HomeworkFinish the Workbook exercises.