My friend第三册投诉举报
My friend第三册
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My friend第三册My friend第三册

My friend第三册

My friend(第三册)

Teaching class: Class 3 ,Grade 4

Teaching time: Sept ,15 , 2003Teaching Unit: Unit 1 My friends (Oxford English Book 3A)

Teaching contents: fat , thin , big ,small , tall, short .


Unit 1 My friend

Ⅰ. Language focus:1. Asking Who-questions to find out a person's identify.  e.g. Who are you?2. Using indefinite articles to mention something or someone for the first time.  e.g. I'm a girl.3. Using adjective to describe people.  e.g. I'm tall./He's short.

Ⅱ. Language skills1. Speaking  Using modelled phrases to open and maintain an interaction by providing in formation in response to factual question.  e.g. Who are you? I'm a girl .I'm short.2. Listening  Locate specific information in response to simple questions.3.Writing  Add personal ideas and information to writing when a framework is providedⅢ.Materials:1.Student's Book 3A page 152.Cassette 3A and a cassette player3.Picture Cards of  fat , thin , big ,small , tall, short .Ⅳ. Teaching ProcedureStep 1 Warm Up1.Sing an English song: The alphabet song2.Greetings  Hello! / Hi! /Good morning! /How are you?  etc.3. Ask some pairs to make dialogue  e.g. S1: Hello, I'm x x, What's your name?     S2: Hello, I'm x x     S1: How are you?     S2: I'm fine, thanks. How are you?     S1: I'm fine too, thanks.     S2: Good bye!     S1: Good bye!


Step 2 Pr-task Preparation1.Review: boy, girl .2.Introduce tall, shorta. Show a photo and point to the photo.

Ask: Who's she?

to elicit: She's Miss Chen.T: Yes, it's me. Who's she? (point to my friend)to elicit: She's my friend. I have some friends.(Write down on Bb)

b. T: Now look at the photo . I'm tall. She's short.  (Write down 'tall' 'short' on Bb)  Students repeat tall .  Draw a stick on Bb  T: Is he tall?  Ss: Yes  T: Who can draw a short man here?   (Ask a student to draw it on Bb)

T: Is he short?  Ss: Yes.  Students repeat short3.Introduce fat, thina. Draw a fat people and a thin people on Bb to illustrate fat , thinb. Students repeat fat , thin4.Introduce small , biga. T: He is fat and he is big too  (point to a fat and big boy)  Students repeat bigb. Show a big apple  T: Is it big?  Ss: Yes  T draws a big apple on Bb. Then draw a small apple on Bb  T: Is it big?  to elicit: No, it's small.Students repeat small.Step 3 While-task Procedure1.Show some pictures on Bb  e.g.. T: Who is fat? Please pick it out .  Let individual student pick out.2. Show some pictures  T:Would you say something about the picture . For example , He is young . He is tall . etc  Invite individual students to say out.3. Pla the cassette for look and say .4. Students listen and repeat.5. Encourage students to talk about themselves in terms of size and sex, using the About me model.  e.g. I'm a girl . I'm tall .I'm big etc.  Invite some students to talkStep 4 Post- task Activity1.Play a guessing game . One. student is blind folded.  The rest of class chooses a member which will describe himself / herself.  The blindfolded student make guesses . The rest of the class confirms or denies the guess with yes /no .2.Finish off workbook page 1.a. Explain : Tickb. Read 1 and 2 on page 10.c. The students complete 3 and 4.d. The students trace and write in the missing words and tick the cornet boxes.e. Students draw their pictures in the panel and complete th description .Step 5 Consolidation1.At this stage Grammar practice Book 3A page 12  could be used to practice and consolidate the  language in this section further .2. Homeworka.Copy nw words for three timesb.Read the text on page 15 for twiceⅤ . WritingUnit 1 My friendstall  short  big  small fat  thin