




Speaking of Chinese traditional culture that there are, however, and let all I remember is the Spring Festival.

The Spring Festival is the most ceremonious traditional festival of the Chinese people, is a symbol of unity, prosperity, and on the new hope for the future of festival, how to celebrate this holiday, in one thousand years of history development, formed some relatively fixed customs and habits, there are a lot of handed down also. One of the custom is to eat dumplings. Before eat dumplings, of course, want to make dumplings. I to eat the delicious dumplings, then move to fit yourself.

Want to eat dumplings will make dumplings, the dumplings is not easy to do. And first before making dumplings. I poured some noodles in the bowl, took bowl poured some water in it. First water less, knead out surface picked it up and down off the surface of slag. Added some water, surface and stick in my hand. Ah, always add water is not appropriate, the light and so hard for you, wait to eat dumplings will have to wait until what time! Added a little dry flour, finally done. But a listen to mama said still have half an hour, really, I'm impatient. Surface well, rushed to the side, I can't wait to come up with a small piece of surface to mother make dumplings before action to face knead into a slender bar. Knead the results section of thick section thin ok rub it for a long time and finally kneaded. I suddenly thought: since dumplings as stuck in the traditional Chinese culture, it must be very delicious dumplings, but must have certain difficulty. In order to eat the delicious dumplings! Then began to cut the surface into small pieces, and then continue to roll. And the top priority, rolling skin is the most difficult thing. If the thin skin dumplings easy broken, if the skin thick dumpling stuffing cooked skin not cooked. I put a small piece of a small piece of face became a cute little persimmon according to size, and ready to roll leather. I in one hand and a small cake, in one hand and a rolling pin to roll the wrappers. Ah, like mother rolling skin good hard ah, I really can't learn in the end I like rolling pie rolling the wrappers. Although methods clumsy but the effect is good. The pack dumpling, mom gave me a my favorite pork green Chinese onion stuffing. I picked up the roll good skin beside the mother to make dumplings. Pack out after a dumplings, dumplings suddenly feel is not so difficult. Finally wrapped began to cook, I beside the pot forward to the dumplings boiled. Looked at the dumplings in the churning like pieces of white fish in the joy of the game. Dumplings are cooked! His mouth to eat dumplings the in the mind say a happy. Instantly, I think I'm close to China's traditional culture also step.

I love traditional Chinese culture!




