



(  )1.—________ is sports meet?

—It's in May.

A.Where B.What C.When

(  )2.We'll go to ________ Great Wall.

A.a B.the C./

(  )3.Mother's Day is in ________.

A.May B.June C.July

(  )4.We have ________ Easter party.

A.a B.an C.the

(  )5.I'll cook ________ my sister.

A.at B.to C.for

答案:1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.C


(   )1、当你想要询问别人的生日是什么时候时,应该如何问:

A 、When do you have breakfast?

B 、When is your birthday?

(   ) 2、打电话时说:“我是小明”。该如何说:

A、 I am Xiaoming.

B、 This is Xiaoming .

(   )3、“你最喜欢哪个季节?”如何说:

A、 Which season do you like best?

B、 What are you doing now ?

(   )4、我的生日是一月一日,用英语怎么说:

A、 My birthday is on January first.

B、 My birthday is in January first.

(   )5、“你正在做什么?”如何表达:

A、 What are you doing?

B、 What do you do ?




1. look! Chen Jie and Mike are ___________(sing)now.

2. The small bear is ________ (climb) the tree.

3. Mike is ________ (draw) picture.

4. She is ________ (do) the dishes.

5. My brother is ________ (make) kites.

二、 选择正确答案

1. Every one ____ to their teacher in the classroom.

A. are listening B. is listening C. listen

2. They are singing and ___ together at the party now.

A. dance B. danced C. dancing

3. Listen! The birds ____.

A. is singing B. are sing C. are singing

4. Look! The kite ___ in the sky.

A. fly B. flies C. is flying

5. They ____ riding a forse.

A. is B. are C. am


I like my village .There are many mountains near my village.There is a river in front of my village.The village is very beautiful in spring. The mountains come green. There are many trees and flowers.The flowers are colourful .There aremany ducks in the clean river. Many fish swim happyily in the river. But I like summer. it’snothot.It’s very cool .Do you like my village? Welcome to my village.


1、Is there a river in the village?____________________________

2、Are there many fish in the river?___________________________

3、Which season does she like best?____________________________

4、Which season is beautiful?__________________________________

5、Do you like the village?____________________________________


( )1、There are many houses on the mountain.

( )2、The summer is colorful.

( )3、It’s not hot in summer.

( )4、There are many fish in the river.

( )5、Many ducks are in river in spring. 



( ) 1. Do you like spring ? A. No. It’ windy and it often rains

( )2. Which season do you like best? B. We finish class at 11:50.

( )3. When do you finish class in the morning ? C . Autumn .

( )4. What’s your favorite season? D. I like winter best.

( )5. Why do you like summer? E. I often do homework.

( )6. What do you do on the weekend? F. I’d like to go on a picnic.

( )7. What would you like to do? G. It’s always windy and cool.

( )8. What’s the weather like in fall? H. Because I like summer vacation .


1. do , when, do ,morning , you , exercises (?)


2. take, I ,often , on , dancing, Saturdays , a, class (.)


3. you, what , do , the, on , do , weekend (?)


4 which, you ,do ,season ,best ,like (?)


5. the, is, weather, good ,pretty ,colours, and, the , are (.)



一、Read and choose.(找出不同类的单词。)

( ) 1.A.cook B. make C. delicious

( ) 2.A.when B. what C. with

( ) 3.A.third B. tenth C. three

( ) 4.A. Monday B. November C.December

( ) 5.A. and B. on C. in

二、Read and write.(请写出下列词的完整形式。)

3rd_______ 4th ________8th ________9th _______ 20th _______

三、Read and choose.(选择佳答案填空。)

( ) 1. ______ is the sports meet ?—It’s in June.

A. What   B. When   C. Where

( ) 2. My birthday is ______ December 30th.

A. on B. in C. at

( ) 3. August is the ____ month of a year.

A. seventh B. ninth C. eighth

( ) 4. Mother’s Day is on the ____Sunday in May.

A. first   B. second C. third

( ) 5. _____ is on January 1st. A. Children’s day

B. National Day   C. New Year’s   Day

( ) 6. Chen Jie will _____noodles _____ her mum.

A. cooks ,to B. cook, for C. cooking, for

( ) 7. There are some special days _____ April.

A. in   B. on    C. at

( ) 8. There are _____ cows on the farm.

A. twelfth    B.twelve   C.second

( ) 9. When is the ______ contest?

A. sing    B. sings    C. singing

( ) 10. Today is _______ birthday.

A. my mther   B. my mother’s   C. my mothers

四、Read and write .(读一读,选择所给词的适当形式填空。)

1. When is ________ ( you) birthday?

2. My mother’s birthday is on January the _______ (two)

3.May is the __________ (five) month of a year.

4.There are ________ (twelve) months in a year.

5. Children’s Day is on ____________ .

五、 Read and write. (连词成句,注意首字母大写与标点。)

1. China’s Day is When National (?)

2. birthday is his Thursday eleventh (.)

3. for your What do will father your (?)

4. birthday Grandpa’s on June is 1st (.)

5. on My is birthday February 2nd ( .)

六、Read and choose.(对答如流)

( ) 1.When is your father’s birthday ? A.Great.

( ) 2.Happy birthday,Mum! B. It’s April 1st.

( ) 3.Let’s cook noodles together! C. It’s on November 6th.

( ) 4. What do you often do on your birthday?   D. Thank you.

( ) 5. When is April Fool’s Day? E. I usuall eat a birthday cake with my friends.

七、Read, and choose.(读短文然后判断对“T”错“F”)

Hi,I am Mike. There are five people in my family.My grandma,my father,my mother,me and my little puppy.There are three birthdays in February and two birthdays in September.My grandma’s birthday is in February.My birthday is on September 10th.It is also Teachers’ Day.My mother is a teacher.On September 10th,my mum usually buys me a big birthday cake.I often help her cook dinner.She usually cooks noodles for me.I feel happy.I love my mother very much.

( )1.There are four people in Mike’s family.

( )2.There are three birthdays in September.

( )3.Mike’s birthday is on September 10th.

( )4.Mike’s mum is a cook.

( )5.Mike’s grandma’s birthday is in February.

八、Read and write.(根据所给提示,写一篇关于你家人生日的短文。)

Hello.There are ______ people in my family,______________________ _____________________.My father’s birthday is on _______.My mother’s birthday is on ___________.My birthday is ______________. _________________________________.I love my family very much.



1.英国:   2.澳大利亚:   3.新西兰:

4.朋友:   5.我:   6.(我)是:

7.道路:   8.街道:   9.什么:

10.我的:   11.你的:   12.名字:

13.年级:   14.班级:   15.你,你们:

16.在…里面:   17.聪明的:   18:安静的:

19.漂亮的:   20.他的:   21.她的:

22.眼睛:   23.鼻子:   24.嘴:

25:…怎么样:   26:相互:   27:回家:

28:在…居住:   29.想要做…:   30:愿意做…:

二、 根据汉语完成句子:


_______ Bob. I’m eleven. I _________ ________ Britain.

2. 欢迎来到我们的班级。

_____________ ______ our class.

3. 你好,我叫周培。你叫什么名字?

Hello, I’m Zhou Pei. __________ _________ ________?


What _________ are you in ?I’m in _________ _________, _________ ________.


Oh, we are in _________ _________ grade. ________ _______ friends.


__________ do you _______?I live _______ Green Road.


_________ your house _________?It’s 23. ________ about you?


We live _______ ______ _______. Let’s ______ home together.


________ ______ that girl, Kate?


________ ________ is she?


She is ______ ________ girl. She ______ beautiful long hair and big bright eyes.


______ she ________ ________ her school work?


she _______ _________ _______ Chinese, maths and science.

三、 情景交际

1. 你想说我们在同一个班级时,应该说:( )

A. We are in the same class.   B.We are in the same grade.   C.We are in Class One.

2. 如果想问Lisa在哪个班级是,你应该问:( )

A. What grade are you in?   B.Lisa, what class are you in?

C.Are you in Class One?

3. 你想知道别人的房间号,你应问:( )

A. What is your number?   B.What’s your telephone number?

C.What’s your room number?

4. 当你想问对方名字的时候,你应说:( )

A. What’s your name?   B.What’s your number?

B. Where is your room?

四、 选择正确的答案:

1. ----- Hello, I’m Zhou Pei. What’s your name?----- _____ Patrick Green.( )

A. My name is   B. My name   C.I

2.----What class are you in ?---- _________.( )

A. I’m in class three, grade five.   B. I’m in Class three, Grade five.

C. I’m inClass Three, Grade Five.

3. Where _____ she live? ( )

A. do   B. dose   C. are

4. You and I live ________each other. ( )

A. in   B. near   C. here


1. Where is he from?(改为同义句)Where _______he _______from?

2.We are in the same grade.(改为一般疑问句)_______ you _______the same grade?

3. I live in Beijing, China.(对划线部分提问)_______ do you ________?

4. Jimmy lives in China now.(对划线部分提问) _______ _______ Jimmy live now?

5. We are in the same school.(改成一般疑问句)_______ you in the _______ school?


1. who’s (完全形式)   2. 新朋友

3. 多大 4. 擅长   5. she’s=

6. 长头发   7. 明亮的眼睛   .have(三单)

9. 十   10. 十一   11. 十二

12. country(复数)   13. child(复数)

14. come from= 翻译


1. She’s ten. (同义句)

2. She is good at her school work. (一般疑问句)

3. She’s a pretty girl. (一般疑问句)

4. She’s cute and active.(一般疑问句)

5. She’s good at Chinese, maths and science. (变否定句)


1. I’m Bob. (同义句)

2. I’m eleven. (同义句)

3. I come from Britain. (同义句)

4. I’m Yang Ming. (同义句)

5. Ben is from Berlin.(同义句)

6. Bob is from Britain.(同义句)



( ) 1. My grandparents ________teachers before .

A. were   B. are   C. was

( ) 2. Yesterday she ______ an English breakfast.

A. have  B. had   C. has

( ) 3. You _______ talk to your friends in the library .

A.can   B.are   C.can’t

( ) 4. In______ , I can play with the snow.

A. winter   B. autumn  C. summer

( ) 5. ---Is this your dress , Amy? ---No, _______is pink.

A. my   B. mine   C. me

( ) 6.--- ________is the Great Wall ? ---In Beijing .

A. How old   B. How long   C. Where

( ) 7. She ________TV on Sundays.

A. watched   B. is watching   C. watches

( ) 8. -----Will you help me? -----_____________ !

A. Of course   B. Thank you   C. Good idea

( ) 9. _________Day is on the eighth of March.

A.Women’s   B.woman   C.men

( ) 10. Mum bought new chopsticks ________ you.

A.with   B.for   C.to


1. Daming ___________( 画) a f lower on a piece of paper, and then he painted it.

2. I like reading the books , they are very ______________(有趣的)。

3. The schoolbag is ______________(轻的)。 I can carry it on my back.

4. Beijing is a very important __________(地方 ) in China.

5. I ___________(遇见)my classmates at the gate yesterday.


A. 根据问句找出相对应的答句,将序号填入题前括号内。

( )1. What did she do ?    A. I’m going to clean my car.

( )2. What are you doing?    B. Some animals .

( )3. What music does he play ?  C. We’re taking some photos.

( )4. What will we see in the zoo ?    D. She played on the beach.

( )5. What are you going to do ?    E. He plays Chinese music .


present visit send make give

I’m going to _______my cousin in America. What _______ can I take? Last year, I _______ him a book. This year, I want to _________him a different gift. Maybe you can help me to _______ a kite.


Amy: Excuse me.

Librarian: I’ll look on the computer. Sorry, we haven’t got the DVDs.

Amy: Oh good. Where are they?

Librarian: __________________

Amy: Harry Potter is my favourite.

Librarian: Your library card, please.

Amy: ___________________

Librarian: Please give the books back in two weeks.

Amy: __________________


A. 阅读短文,判断正误。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。

There are four seasons in a year. My favourite season is spring. It’s warm. There are flowers on the trees. I can see ducks in the river. I can go to the park and fly my kite. Amy loves summer. It’s hot. She can go swimming with her mother. She can wear skirts.

( )1. I love summer.

( )2. Amy’s favourite season is spring.

( )3. It’s hot in summer.

( )4. Amy can go swimming in winter.

( )5. I can fly my kite in the park in spring.

B. 阅读短文,选择佳答案。

Ben is in Grade Three. He has a lot of hobbies. He likes playing basketball best. But he dislikes doing homework after school. And his teacher always finds a lot of mistakes in his homework.

Last Tuesday his math teacher Miss Black looked at Ben’s homework and saw that he got all his answers right. She was very surprised. The next morning before math class, Miss Black asked Tom to her office and said to him, “You got all your homework right this time. Who helped you? Did your parents help you?”

Ben’s parents often help him with his homework, but this time they didn’t help Ben because they weren’t at home. Ben answered, “ No, Miss Black. My mum and dad were very busy last night, so I did my homework by myself. ”

( )1. What is Ben’s favourite sport?

A. Basketball.   B. Football.   C. Baseball.

( )2. Does Ben usually do his homework by himself ?

A. Yes, he does.   B. No, he doesn’t.   C. I don’t know.

( )3. Why did Miss Black ask Ben to come to her office?

A. Because Ben got all his homework right.   B. Because Ben was naughty.   C. Because Ben got all his homework wrong.

( )4. Who often helps Ben with his homework?

A. Ben’s classmates.   B. Ben’s friends.   C. Ben’s mother and father.

( )5. What’s the meaning of the word “ dislike”?

A. 喜爱   B.不喜欢   C. 渴望




1. Where did you go?

2. When did you go there?

3. How did you go there?

4. What did you do (eat/drink/ see /visit…)?

5. How did you feel?








Liu Tao: Hi, Mike. Nice to see you.

Mike: Nice to see you, too. Liu Tao.

Liu Tao: What day is it today?

Mike: It’s Thursday. What lessons do you have in this morning?

Liu Tao: We have Maths, Chinese, Art, and Science.

Mike: Oh, I like PE very much. But we don’t have PEtoday.

Liu Tao: We have PE and Computer Studies this afternoon.

Mike: Great! Do you like PE?

Liu Tao: No, I don’t. I like English very much. Tomorrow we will have an English lesson in the morning.

Mike:It’s time for class. Let’s go!


( )1. Liu Tao has PE in the afternoon.

( )2. Liu Tao has six lessons today.

( )3. Liu Taodoesn’tlike English.

( )4. Liu Tao will have English lesson on Friday morning.


( )1.Look at ___________ numbers.

A. these. B. this C. that

( )2. We have five _______________ a week.

A. English lesson. B. Englishes lessons C. English lessons

( )3.Open your_________ and _______ “Ah”.

A. mouth, say. B. mouse, say C. mouth, speak

( )4. --What’s 531 ________200? --It’s 731.

A. pluses. B. minus C. plus

( )5. Take___________medicine and have________rest.

A. some, a lot . B. some, a lot of C. any, a lot

( )6. --________ that in the basket? --A basketball

A. Where’s. B. Whose C. What’s

( )7. --What lessons ______ Mary have in the morning?

--She ________ two English lessons and two Chinese lessons.

A. does, has. B. do, have C. does, have

( )8. __________ any medicine near the cup?

A.There are. B. Are there C. Is there


Hi,I'm Li Ming.I'm from Qingdao.I like summer best!It's sunny and hot in summer.I can swim in the sea with my friends every day.I can eat ice cream,too.In summer,the sky is blue.The trees are very green.But my mother doesn't like summer.She thinks summer is too hot for her.She likes spring best.She often plants trees and flowers.

(  )1.Li Ming likes ________ best.

A.spring B.summer C.winter

(  )2.Li Ming can ________ with his friends every day in summer.

A.swim B.eat C.drink

(  )3.In summer,the sky is ________ and the trees are ________.

A.green;blue B.blue;golden C.blue;green

(  )4.Li Ming's mother's favourite season is ________.

A.spring B.summer C.winter

(  )5.Li Ming's mother often ________ in spring.

A.plants trees and flowers  B.eats ice cream  C.Swims



(  ) 1. —________ —Yes, there is.

(  ) 2. — Where is the mountain?  —________

(  ) 3. —________ —There are many plants and a lake.

(  ) 4. —________ —No, there aren't.

(  ) 5. —How many students are there in the classroom? —_______

A. It's near a river.

B. There are twelve.

C. Is there a lake near your village?

D. Are there any apples in your bag?

E. What's in the nature park? 









7.are not (缩写形式)___________





1.have English class__________


3.collect leaves _____________


5.climb mountains____________

6.采摘树叶 _______________

7.eat breakfast______________


9.over there ______________




1. 一个书包   2. 一个胶带  3. 一本书

4. 一把钥匙   5. 一个闹钟   6. 一只手表

7. 一个男孩   8. 一个女孩   9. 一个男人

10. 一点钟   11. 二点十分   12. 三点零二分

13. seven o’clock   14. go to school   15. all right

16. have lunch   17. go home   18. watch TV

19. get up   20. go to bed   21. come in

22. come here   23. have a look   24. look at

25. nine o six   26. four twelve   27. your friend

28. my aunt   29. his uncle   30. her brother

31. a family photo   32. I think   33. I see

34. this computer   35. that stapler   36. on the TV

37. in the pencil box   38. on the desk   39. in your book

40. in English   41. excuse me   42. thank you

43. toy train   44. pencil sharpener   45. five storybooks

46. a nice telephone   47. here you are   48. two cameras

49. eleven radios   50. family members  



1.He__________backamonthago. (come)

2.Mymotheroftentellsme__________inbed. (notread)

3.Imusttakeitbackthedayaftertomorrow.Youcanonly__________itfor24hours. (keep)

4.Whyhaveyoukeptme__________hereforsolongatime? (wait)

5.Pleasecometoourmeetingifyou__________freetomorrow. (be)

6.She__________totheGreatWallseveraltimes. (go)

7.Inhisletter,hesaidthathe__________usverymuch. (miss)

8.Thefilm__________fornearlyfifteenminuteswhenIgottothecinema. (be)

9.Hesaidhebecame__________inphysics. (interest)

10.Thisfilmisworth__________. (see)







Amy:Mum,look at the monkeys.They are eating bananas.

Mum:Yes.They’re hungry.Look at the bears.

Amy:Are they sleeping?

Mum:No,they are fighting.Do you see the baby elephant?

Amy:No.What is it doing?

Mum:It’s drinking water with it's trunk(象鼻)

Amy:How cute it is!

(  )1.The monkeys are eating apples.

(  )2.The bears are fighting.

(  )3.Amy sees the baby elephant.

(  )4.The baby elephant is drinking water.

(  )5.The elephant drink water with it strunk.



1. ---What time is it? ---It’s a qu_ _ t_ _ past six.

2. This year the farmers have a good h_ rv_ _t.

3. When do you have your br_ _kf _ _t?

4. Do you have m_ si_ on Tuesday?

5. ---What day is it today? ---It’s _ed _sday.

B. 根据句意,将下列句中划线部分的词语译成英文

6. 我们星期六和星期天没有课。We ___ ___ ___ on Saturday and Sunday.

7. 快点!我们赶不上火车了。 Hurry! We’ll___ ___ ___ .

8. 他们打算要远足。 They are going to ___ ___ ___ .

9. ---我们去滑冰好吗?---好主意。---___ ___ go skating? ---That’s a good idea.

10.今天天气很好,我们要去野餐。It’s fine today. We want to __ __ __ __.



( ) 1.Is this your dress ?           A.Tom wants to wear my coat.

( ) 2.Are they on the line ?         B.Yes, it’s mine.

( ) 3.Whose t-shirt is it ?         C.It’s Lingling’s.

( ) 4.Is this her bag ?            D.Yes, they are.

( ) 5.What’s the matter ?         E.No, it isn’t. It’s his.

( ) 6.What are you doing ?        F.She went to London.

( ) 7.Did you play football yesterday ?    G.I’m reading a book.

( ) 8.Where did Sam do ?          H.We saw some big mountains.

( ) 9.What did you see ?           I.Yes, she did.

( ) 10.Did she listen to the radio yesterday ?     J.No, we didn’t.