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There is Nothing as Good as Living i

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There is Nothing as Good as Living in the Country(住在乡下再好不过了)

   There is Nothing as Good as Living in the Country        If my parents had to sell the farm and move to the city, I would be devastated. I would hate to leave the country and go live in a crowded city.I have a great life in the country and I intend to grow old and die here.     Country living is so much healthier than city living. The air is fresh and clean. Country kids spend a lot of time outdoors and they are involved in healthy activities like horse riding, swimming and bushwalking. Our food is fresh because we get our fruit, vegetables and meat from the local area. Itdoesn't have to be put on a truck and carried hundreds of kilometers to a city market.     You are never lonely in the country. You know all your neighbors and you've usually grown up with all the kids in your school. People look after each other. They help their neighbors in times of trouble and all join together to celebrate happy events. Whenever you go to a party or a dance, you always have friends there to talk to.     In the evenings, you can enjoy peace and quiet and clear skies. You can't hear your neighbors' television because they live too far away. Best of all, you can enjoy the beauty of a star-filled sky. There is no pollution to hide the sky and no streetlights to outshine the stars.     My friends and I all agree   there is nothing like living in the country.

住在乡下再好不过了    如果我父母不得已要卖掉农场,搬到城里去住,对我来说可是个不小的打击。我不愿离开乡下而搬到拥挤不堪的城市去。我在这里生活得很好,而且打算住到老,住到死。    住在乡下要比住在城里有益于健康。这里空气清新。乡下孩子户外活动时间多。参加的活动有骑马、游泳、丛林徒步旅行等,都有利于健康。这里的食品非常新鲜,因为水果、蔬菜和肉类都产自本地,无须用卡车载运到数百公里外的城镇集市上去。    你在乡间从不会感到孤独。你认识所有的邻居,通常与学校的同学一起长大。人们相互照应。一家有难,大家相助;一家有喜事,大家共同庆祝。任何时候去参加一个聚会或舞会,你总能在那找到朋友聊天。    晚上你可以享受到平和、宁静、清澈的天空。你听不到邻居电视机的声音,因为他们住得很远。最惬意的是,你可以看到布满星星的天空,美丽无比,既没有污染遮盖天空,也没有街灯与群星争辉。    我和朋友们都认为,住在乡下再好不过了。

There is Nothing as Good as Living i
